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poe scoping you out, his new competition

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poe scoping you out, his new competition.

being one of the few female pilots in the resistance, it was always much more difficult to get people to take you seriously as an aviator. so it was no surprise you were one of the first people to volunteer for the next flight mission. after being hooked up to a headset in order to keep in contact with the other pilots, you were circling a small first order base, firing away at the controls of your favorite x-wing. suddenly, a half dozen tie fighters emerged from the hangar, their guns drawn, ready to blast you from the sky. pulling back, you executed a complete 180, flying back the direction you had came, ignoring the screaming voices through the headset that were telling you not to retreat. little did they know, that was the opposite of what you were doing. with a sudden jerk, you maneuvered your aircraft straight up into the sky before plunging downwards again on the unsuspecting tie fighter pilots. you swiftly pressed down on the enemy, triggering your gun and taking out at least half of them. down below on the surface, another pilot had just pulled out his binoculars to follow your aerobatic moves more closely, surprised when he discovered you were female. grinning as you heard cheers echo through your ears, a new voice tuned in with loud static.


"you're a girl?"

"damn right i'm a girl. time to start taking lessons from the professionals, mister. . . ?"

"dameron. poe dameron. the best pilot in the resistence."

"we'll see about that."

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