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qui-gon not taking you seriously

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qui-gon not taking you seriously.

qui-gon had forbidden you to join him on his new mission, frustrating you greatly because this mission was even more dangerous than usual. you knew his tendency to disregard even the most basic safety precautions and not wanting to lose him to something as silly as forgetting a seat belt or something else equally ridiculous, you secretly followed him to the planet of naboo with the help of the cloaking device you had installed on your ship. sneaking after him, you were aware that qui-gon could sense you but he did nothing to stop you as you crept after him. a couple moments of silence before you finally lost your nerve and confronted him about his obvious mistake of leaving you behind. he hesitated, only for a couple moments before waving you away and resuming his pace in the middle of your rant. you felt your blood begin to race in repressed aggravation and rather than inflict harm upon the older jedi, you cauterized a nearby tree with your lightsaber. unfortunately, your excessive damage to the giant plant caused it to tip over and crash loudly to the ground, alerting all nearby enemies to your prescence. qui-gon turned on the spot, observing the smouldering tree.


"did you do that?"

"you'd better listen to me, jinn, or you're next!"


a/n : this imagine was actually the first one i wrote for this book so i apologize if the quality isn't as good. i edited it to the best of my abilities.

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