FINN [3]

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finn getting excited at a theme park

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finn getting excited at a theme park.

a/n : this is a modern au.

with an excited skip in your step, you grabbed the hand of your now seven month boyfriend and dragged him towards the front gate of the theme park. you had been looking forward to this visit for several years as the new addition to the park had finally opened yesterday. of course it was going to be jam packed but you didn't care; finn was sweet enough to buy fast passes. actually, he was already going above and beyond as the role of doting boyfriend seeing as he hated large overcrowded places but he knew how much this meant to you. in order to make it up to him, you made a direct beeline towards one of the new attractions, an intergalactic themed ride complete with state of the art surround sound and interactive mounted guns. finn loved space and he loved shooting things so you figured this would be perfect. approaching the attraction, he began to slow, excuses forming on his lips as to why he should definitely not be caught entering a children's ride. you glared at him, annoyed by the fact he thought the park was only for kids but you also remembered that he was putting himself out there just for you. instead you reached for his hand once again, clutching it tightly to you and giving him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster. and just like that, he was putty in your hands. laughing, you towed him towards the entrance, his face a mask of abject regret. however, as you knew he would, he was immediately invested wholeheartedly in the ride, his eyes lighting up with amazement and delight.


"woo, got another one! did you see that (y/n)?"

"yes i did, keep it up baby!"

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