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kylo feeling guilty for yelling at you

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kylo feeling guilty for yelling at you.

after a long day of work, all you wanted to do was go home and relax with your husband, ben. you didn't call him that though; he preferred kylo but you believed the former name suited him better. he had forbidden you to say it anyway yet later that night, you couldn't help but call for ben in the darkness when you awoke to him thrashing beside you in the bed. the sheets were tangled around his long legs and sweat glistened on his bare chest as he continued to twist and jerk; his breathing became more rapid and his breaths came out in quick puffs. you reached over to him, placing one hand on his arm and shaking it, trying to wake him up. when that did nothing, you quickly sat up, wide awake, knocking the blankets off the bed and faced him. grabbing his shoulders, this time with both hands, you shook him again, harder. you knew he was having a nightmare and it could be difficult to wake him from the intense dreams, sometimes because he wouldn't want to leave them. you cried out, continuing to call his name until he suddenly woke, eyes snapping open as he hurled himself out of the bed, startling you so much that you jerked backwards and knocked your head against the headboard. an unholy rage filled him as he screamed at you to never call him ben again and you cowered in the bed with nothing to protect yourself from his fury. his anger quickly melted as he finally came to his senses and his dark eyes softened as they landed on you, shaking off his dream.


"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, (y/n). it won't happen again."

"you always say that, ben, and it always does."

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