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luke after you save his life

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luke after you save his life.

you snuck as quietly as you could behind rebel leader, luke skywalker. on the forest moon of endor, you, luke, and a few other rebels were assigned a mission to destroy the bunker that was projecting a shield around the death star, over 200 kilometers in the air. as you snuck closer and closer to the base, stormtroopers began to appear more often, causing you to become even more cautious as you watched every step so as to avoid any loud, crunching leaves or twigs. unfortunately, luke wasn't having it. he had a time frame to stick to and now you were just slowing down the whole group. he gestured wildly for you to hurry up with which you replied to with a not so polite comment hissing through your clenched jaw. once you caught up, luke began to criticize your overly cautious behavior and soon a full blown argument was under way. your raised voices attracted the attention of a couple nearby stormtroopers; they emerged behind luke and you screeched a warning, tackling him to the ground just as they began to fire, nearly hitting luke in the back. the other rebels quickly took care of the stormtroopers while you two slowly climbed to your feet. he shed his helmet as he complained about the bruise that was going to form on his elbow from being hurled off his feet.


"you didn't have to tackle me, (y/n), i could've handled that."

"sure you could've, pretty boy."

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