FINN [4]

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finn watching you leave for a mission

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finn watching you leave for a mission.

you had always fancied finn from the first moment he stepped foot on the resistance base. you didn't condemn his humble beginnings and you thought it was noble of him to rebel against the first order, proving that it didn't matter how seemingly insignificant you were, anyone could look evil in the eye and hold their ground. finn was living proof that there was a chance to end the first order's tyranny and it gave you hope. something you were sorely lacking in other areas of your life. you had seen the way finn looked at rey. you tried not to be jealous, she had saved his life on illum after all, it'd be strange if they didn't have some sort of connection after that. additionally, her sensitivity to the force made her so unique and amazing that you knew you'd never have a chance. you were a mere shadow compared to her. finn never even noticed the glances you stole around him, not when he was so busy chasing after rey. it hurt to see him so oblivious to your feelings and it took everything in you not to shout every time you saw him. but it wasn't his fault you couldn't control who you liked.. so you found it easiest to just pretend your silly little crush didn't exist. you learned to tamper your excitement when you caught his eye in the corridors or when you accidentally grazed his elbow in the dining hall. you learned to calm your heartbeat when he greeted you before meetings or when he complimented you after training sessions. but despite your best efforts, when you were alone at night, lying in bed with only your thoughts for company, you mourned for what finn could never be to you. the next morning was your first mission as a reconnoiter for the resistance and you wouldn't be able to return for several months. it was of vital importance that you gather intel to use against the first order and there was no room for error. so you did what you had to and shut down emotionally, not looking at anyone as you strode purposefully towards your aircraft, not willing to risk your mental stability by looking around for him, not willing to risk getting lost in those deep brown eyes. no, no. you shook your head, nailing yourself to the present and climbed carefully into the x-wing, leaving all thoughts of finn behind. but all he could think of was you.


"be careful, (y/n). i don't want to lose you too."

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