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qui-gon when you defend him in front of the council

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qui-gon when you defend him in front of the council.

it was impossible to miss the look on qui-gon's face when you spoke up in the council room. he had warned you against interfering but you couldn't help it. having been close since your padawan years together, you decided to finally take a page out of his book and not listen to orders. besides, it wasn't like he was in charge of you any more than you were in charge of him. you were each other's closest companions but you were both stubborn as mules and once your mind was made up, there was no changing it. several council members turned to stare incredulously at you but you refused to back down. the incident on teth was not qui-gon's fault and you weren't going to sit idly by and watch him take the fall for a people and government who refused to support themselves. yes, it was hard to ignore the hardened gaze of master windu but after everything qui-gon had done for you over the years, including securing you a seat on the council after he had declined the offer himself, you couldn't bear not coming to his defense. while your outburst was clearly out of line, especially as the newest council member, master yoda took it to heart and dismissed the concerns levied against qui-gon. later, when the council was dismissed, you wasted no time racing to qui-gon's chambers and knocking eagerly against the door. when it finally slid open however, the grimace on his face was not a welcoming sight.


"why did you do that, (y/n)? i warned you to pick your battles and you should not be openly defying the council on my behalf. don't make them your adversary as i have done."

"because i care about you, qui-gon, and i won't stand for anyone questioning your honor when all you have done your entire life is help people. including me."

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