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qui-gon being embarrassed after you kiss him

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qui-gon being embarrassed after you kiss him.

releasing a high pitched screech, your feet pounding against the hard concrete, you ran as fast as you could, shoving your way through the crowd. it was difficult as no one seemed to want to move even though they were doing nothing but standing around and chatting as they waited for the bars to clear. you squeezed your way through a clutter of strange aliens, all who glared at you and shouted curse words in another language at your retreating form. you glanced back, only once, and panic flared in your stomach when you saw the man still following you, the crowds parting easily for him once they glimpsed the dangerous looking darksaber hanging proudly at his hip. you couldn't see his face as a helmet hid his identity but you knew rage was concealed in his focused even steps, coming closer and closer. again, you shouted for help as you attempted to get away but none came. of course. this was a system in the outer rim and on top of that, you were in a city known far and wide for its criminal activity. no one would care what happened to you. you stumbled and the man quickened his pace, eager to get his revenge on you for ruining the illegal weapon deal he had been about to make. he was almost upon you and when you tripped, fear making you clumsy, he stood above you, his darksaber raised, the black blade glinting in the harsh glare of casinos and bars. you glowered up at him, resolving to at least hold his gaze. a green light appeared in the corner of your vision and before you could blink, the man was howling in pain as he clutched the stump of his arm. you glanced down, nearly vomiting at the sight but your attention was drawn upward again as another man materialized out of nowhere. he was dressed in brown robes and a bright green blade hummed in his grasp as he mumbled something to the masked man who turned and ran in the other direction. extinguishing his weapon, he turned to you, extending his hand to help you up. without thinking, you not only jumped to your feet but also pounced upon the strange man, relief making you giddy. you planted a quick, fierce kiss on his cheek, brushing your lips against his scruffy beard.


"are you okay?"

"i am now, thanks to you."

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