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anakin when you surprise him at home

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anakin when you surprise him at home.

stepping back and studying your work with an artist's view, you concluded that it still wasn't good enough. still. with a frustrated sigh, you resumed your toils, removing, adding, and rearranging with painstaking detail, intent on pure perfection and nothing less. noticing a minuscule tear in the seams of the cloth covering the table, you ripped it off before bunching it into a ball, throwing it into a waste basket on your way to the hall closet. digging around the various items, you stuck your tongue out, a habit you had when you were concentrating hard. glimpsing a maroon corner, you gripped it carefully before wrenching it out with a quick flick, waving it in the air to rid it of wrinkles. striding back towards the table, you smoothed the blood colored cloth across the surface, ensuring every corner was just the right height from the floor. as you did so, you were finally able to remember for who you were actually doing all the decorating for. your boyfriend was due home soon and you wanted it to be perfect. you had been planning this date for several months, being extra cautious when he was around so you wouldn't accidentally spoil the secret. there was no particular reason for it, no anniversary or birthday but you had heard on some planets, people would celebrate love on this day. it had sounded like something pretty special so you decided to give it a shot. a smile painted itself on your lips as you imagined his reactions, hoping that he would love it as much as you did. standing, you admired the final project, nodding with satisfaction and spinning on your heel, ready to retrieve the dinner you had made but anakin was already there, blocking the doorway with his body, his grin brightening the room.


"(y/n), you shouldn't have."

"i know. but i wanted to."


a/n : this was supposed to be a valentine's day special. 🤡

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