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cassian finding out you've been taken

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cassian finding out you've been taken.

cassian felt like he had been punched in the gut. multiple times. by a wookiee. he couldn't breathe for a long moment, looking away from the officer who had brought him the news. the officer watched with concern, afraid of him doing something rash, either to himself or the others around him. cassian blinked rapidly, trying to straighten out his emotions, deciphering which ones were vital and which ones needed to be blocked out so he could get his thoughts back on track. but it was difficult. he had always felt strongly when it came to you and the overwhelming guilt and fear threatened to tear him apart. k-2 placed a cold metal hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off, dropping his face in his hands. it was his fault. his brain tried to convince him he wasn't to blame, told him that you had known the risks and accepted them. but his heart knew otherwise. he had been the one to convince you to go. had been the one to convince mon mothma you were the perfect candidate to complete the mission. he should've listened to you when you came to him with your apprehensions, concerned with your abilities when it came to hacking imperial codes. but all he had done was grab your face in his hands, look you in the eyes, and usher your worries away. he had reassured you everything was going to be fine. except now it wasn't. his encouragements had been all for naught and now you had been caught by the imperials. it was his fault. but he was going to be the one to fix it.


"andor, where are you going?"

"to find (y/n)."

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