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obi wan when you suggest aggressive negotiations

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obi wan when you suggest aggressive negotiations.

everyone knew that you hated council meetings. they were long, tedious, and boring and you absolutely loathed the way the other jedi talked about the war as if it were something personal to them. in your opinion, if the jedi were to truly be peace keepers, they would actively be trying to find solutions that didn't involve battles every other day and they would be arranging diplomatic meetings between members of the republic and the separatists. instead, the jedi stood as generals at the front of a clone army, commanding troops and compromising all hope of the war ending soon. so it was with agitation and frustration that you sat through the council meeting as they discussed the separatist's latest attack on an outer rim system. according to master koth's intel, it wasn't a system vital to the republic's war efforts but the separatists were getting desperate and attempting to enlist every system to their cause. the attack had been a show of force to coerce every independent planet into signing a treaty with the separatists or risk being overrun and destroyed by their endless waves of battle droids. after some discussion, half the council was split on sending jedi to aid the system while the other half thought it best to reserve their limited numbers for more important operations. your blood began to race in your veins at the thought of leaving the helpless outer rim system to the mercy of count dooku and you immediately jumped to your feet, drawing the attention of the council and your closest friend, obi-wan kenobi. the two of you had been on countless missions together and you trusted each other with your lives but that didn't mean you always agreed with each other's tactics. in fact, you hadn't spoken to obi-wan in quite a few days after an argument on mandalore had turned fatal and many civilians were lost in the crossfire. the incident wasn't obi's fault but your frustration at not being able to sense the terrorist attack because you were too busy quarreling with him caused you to lash out irrationally. in all reality, you blamed no one but yourself and you felt that maybe in coming to this outer rim system's defense, it would help with the guilt eating away at you each night.


"i suggest we send a battalion of troops right away. it will show the separatists that they cannot scare us into submission."

"(y/n)? what's come over you?"

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