A Shot And It's Over

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" I'M GOING OUT!" you called from the door " MAKE SURE YOU PICK UP BREAD FROM THE STORE ON YOUR WAY BACK!" called your mother and you nodded, closing the door behind you you made a face as you stepped on the bills left at the front of your apartment ' For fucks sake.' you thought pushing them inside threw the gap at the bottom of the door.

Cold air greeted you and you zipped your jacket up " Heading out?" asked someone from behind you and you smiled seeing the younger kid " Yep. Wanna join me?" you asked and he nodded. Taking a cigarette out of his pocket he lit it up " How's university?" he asked and you shrugged taking the nicotine stick from his lips " So so. How's school going?" you asked and the boy avoided your gaze " Matías...." you said eyes narrowing " I may have skipped a couple days." he mumbled and you blew the smoke out of your mouth in frustration " What where we discussing last time?" you asked taking another drag " That it's already too hard to send both me and my sister to school and I should focus on studying or dad will make me work at the store." he mumbled lowering his head " But you see Michael's dad was looking for a delivery boy-" " Work after school hours if you're going to work." you cut the boy off giving him a stern look but your expression softened seeing him sad " How about I tutor you on what you have missed?" you asked and the boy smiled at you " But. But, once Monday comes you're going back to school." you said and he nodded.

Entering the store you waved at the man at the counter and he nodded in greeting " Give me two packs and...Matías go grab some bread and whatever you need." you said hand digging in your pocket for the money " Ok." mumbled the boy going threw the aisles. You had small talk with the owner " Hey, I was wondering if you're free next week?" he asked and you nodded " My daughter is about to give birth and I want someone to keep an eye on the store." he said " Sure but I'll have to come after classes." you said and the man nodded " Such a good student, get good grades and help your mother out." he said and you gave him a forced smiled.

Suddenly the door flew open " HANDS ON THE AIR!" yelled a man voice trembling, the owner looked at you and you nodded slowly raising your hands up as the robber advanced towards you " PUT EVERYTHING IN HERE! MOVE IT!" he yelled at the owner and then pointed the gun at you " And no funny business from you girlie." he hissed. Matías hearing the commotion peered from behind a self, he moved slowly grabbing a big package of something and sneaking up to the robber. Your eyes widen seeing what the boy was about to do, the robber turned around just when the boy rose up the container, you heard the gun click " MATÍAS!" you screamed pushing him out of the way as shots were fired.

The thief cursed and made a run for it as the boy held you in his arms, your breathing was heavy hands holding on your injuries ' When did the lights become so bright? Is that wind?' you thought as Matías kept yelling at you to hold on to him, you felt his grip loosen and his attempts to grab onto you like you were slipping away.











The White Beard pirates had seen many strange things out in the sea but a pool of light and an injured person coming out of it was a first. Marco was the first to move, mostly duo to the instinct of being a doctor ' This is bad.' he thought seeing the blood and moving the fabric to look at your injuries. He turned his head towards his captain, the older man gave a nod " Go give him a hand." he said to two of his nurses who nodded and rushed after the ship's doctor.

It was a hard procedure, mostly because you needed blood but the male could not find your type, after a long time of using his power on you he managed to find it ' How strange.' he thought removing the bullets. He was done, the wound wouldn't close soon and you probably wouldn't wake up for a while but he had managed to save your life. Once he got out the rest of the crew circled him and kept asking him questions " Hey! HEY! The girl is alive but she hasn't woken up! I don't know anything-yoi!" he said and looked at the older man. Whitebeard took a sip from his drink " Once the girl is up I believe she'll be able to answer all of our questions. But for now don't try to bother her."  he said and his crew yelled in agreement.

Matías was hardly shoved into a cell " LET ME OUT OF HERE!" he yelled " LET ME OUT DAMNIT! WHERE IS ( Y/N)?! WHERE IS MY FRIEND?!" he yelled only for the door to be shut in his face. The boy hit his head on the wooden floor " Damnit! What the hell is going on?" he spat in frustration and confusion.

A few hours later the boy found himself sitting across from a freakishly tall man with as he would say " A bright ass " red dress-shirt with a ridiculous Hawaiian print shirt underneath, you would probably tell him to keep calm in this situation and that's what he tried to do " So you say that you and your friend were in a store and then a thief attacked." said the man and the boy nodded " You tried to sneak up on him and he fired his gun at you." said the man and the boy nodded again " Then your friend jumped in front of you taking the hit and as you say quote on quote ' A weird looking bright thing suddenly appeared and sucked as both in as we were in some weird ass sci-fi movie!'" he said and Matías groaned " Yes! Yes! And yes! I told you more than twenty times already!" he groaned and the tall man didn't give any reaction other than an annoyed snort " Do you think that the thief might have been a devil fruit user?" asked the man and the boy looked at him weirdly just like when he had walked in " A what?" he asked " I see....take him back." he said and the boy started yelling in protest.

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