A Blast From The Past

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Nami knocked on the door “ We reached land, those idiots run off, can you go and look for them before they get us into trouble?” she asked and you nodded tying the sash around your waist “ Sure. I have been wanting to touch solid ground for a while.” you said following her out “ It’s so….plain.” you mumbled seeing the vast amount of grass “ There is literally nothing there.” you said to the navigator “ I know but with these guys you never know.” she said and you nodded “ I get your point.” you said getting off the ship.

It wasn’t hard to find them, you just had to follow the yells and you found the duo of Usopp and Luffy fighting a bamboo tree “ What are you doing exactly?” you asked titling your head to the side “ I’M NOT GOING TO LOSE TO A STUPID BAMBOO!” yelled the captain punching the plant and breaking it “ DON’T DESTROY NATURE SO FOOLISHLY!” you yelled hitting the boy and sending him threw a few bamboos “ Way to set an example.” said the sniper and looked the other way whistling when you send him a glare.

You felt something coming closer and closer and stepped to the side,a cloud of smoke appeared from the collision “ Is that…” mumbled Luffy as the smoke cleared “ The genie that appears when you break the bamboo!?” yelled the boy and you smacked his head “ IT’S OBVIOUSLY AN OLD MAN!” you yelled. Chopper joined you “ Long time no see….long time no see. Are you well?” asked the old man “ Huh? Do we know you?” asked Usopp “ I don’t know him.” said Luffy “ I don’t either.” you said “ Ah…No wonder I don’t recognise your faces.” nodded the old man “ WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?” yelled the sniper.

“ I’m Tonjit. Firstly I must thank you for getting me down from that stilt.” said the old man whipping his nose “ Oh darn so you’re not the genie that appears when you break the bamboo. Hey, why were you on top of the stilt?” asked the captain “ Truth is, I have always been a fan of stilts and I thought I could use the bamboo on this island to make the world’s tallest stilt.” he admitted “ Are you stupid old man?” asked the black haired boy “ That’s rich coming from you.” you snickered “ I was stuck there. For 10 long years.” admitted Tonjit “ YOU ARE SUPER STUPID!” yelled Luffy is shock “ TEN YEARS!? YOU WERE ON TOP OF THAT STILT FOR 10 YEARS!?” yelled Usopp.

The old man took you to his tent and explained the geography of this island drawing out the conclusion that he was left behind “ So if they switch islands every three years it will take around 30 years for them to come back. It will take you at least 20 years to see. your people again. Do you even have that much time?” you asked “ DON’T BE RUDE TO THE ELDERLY!” scholded you Usopp. Tonjit decided to proceed the conversation “ Hmmm, if I had a hooorse I can cross an island every year, so it will only take me five years to reach them.” he said and proceeded to praise the animal “ Can’t you just sail there?” asked the captain “ We have no navigation skills and the log pose won’t work because it’s one island in the first place.:” he explained. 

Chopper spoke up “ Ah! Are hooorses the same thing as horses?” asked the doctor “ That’s right, there is a horse here.” said the captain and you all went out, a tall white horse was waiting outside the tent, tears filled the old man’s eyes “ Sherry! You have been waiting for me here?” he asked and the horse nodded leaning down to nuzzle his cheek. You chuckled as Tonjit and Sherry rode around “ You really like animals huh?” noted Usopp and you nodded “ Yea, but I hate bugs.” you said sticking your tongue out “ There is one on your leg.” pointed the sniper and you shrieked jumping up and swatting your cloths. Hearing him chuckle you turned to glare at him “ Why you!” you grumbled.

A gunshot was fired and you watched in horror as Sherry cried out in pain and fell to the ground, Chopper run to her “ HEY ARE YOU TWO ALRIGHT ?” asked Usopp running to them “ WAS SHE SHOT? I HEARD A GUNSHOT!” yelled Chopper. Your eyes darken and you turned around “ HEY DON’T TOUCH IT! I SHOT IT THAT HORSE IS MINE!” yelled an obnoxious voice as three people came out of a bush “ WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?” yelled Luffy in rage “ Who am I? HE ACTUALLY DOESN’T RECOGNISE MY FACE?” spat the weird looking guy “ I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR FACE! BUT I WILL KICK YOUR ASS AND SEND YOU FLYING!” spat the captain “ Let me help you with that.” you spat clenching your fist.

” I AM THE GREAT CAPTAIN FOXY-“ you sent him flying before he could finish his sentence “ BOSS!” screamed the other two as you walked towards Foxy “ TI-TI-IT” he shattered as you took slow threatening steps towards him “ Ti-ti-ti what? Speak properly you fucking clown?” you spat mocking him “ STRAWHAT LUFFY! THE FOXY PIRATES ARE CHALLENGING YOU TO A DAVY BACK FIGHT!” he yelled crawling away from you and raising three coins to Luffy “ WHAT DAFFY BARK FIGHT? IF YOU WANT A FIGHT I ACCEPT!” yelled the captain. 

Usopp came running at you “ LUFFY DON’T ACCEPT!” yelled the sniper “ Feh Feh Feh! IT’S TOO LATE FOOL! I HEARD IT LOUD AND CLEAR,STRAWHAT LUFFY ACCEPTED THE CHALLENGE!” laughed Foxy “ Yes boss I heard him as well!” confirmed the woman with him “ Unless you’re not a man and want to go back on your word.” he provoked making your eyebrow twitch “ OF COURSE NOT!” yelled Luffy causing the sniper to smack his head “ IDIOT! DON’T FALL FOR HIS TRAP!” he yelled.

But what was done was done Luffy had officially accepted when he fired the gun, in the blink of an eye the empty plain had transformed into a faire “ I want one.” you said buying a treat  “ ALRIGHT SCAMS BE QUIET! I WILL NOW EXPLAIN THE RULES!“ announced Porch and the two captains agreed with the rules “ Are you interested in anyone in particular?” asked Porch and Foxy chuckled “ A monkey, a swordsman, a cook, a sniper, a navigator, a doctor, an archaeologist….” he looked at you and you raised your finger “ I’ll stop you right there. I am not part of their crew.” you said and the captain laughed “ Nice try! And in what crew are you part of!?” he mocked and you smirked untying your sash.

Foxy’s crew stared at you wide eyed or more precisely your tattoo “ So? Wanna challenge my captain as well?” you asked with a smile the shivering man “ BOSS IT COULD BE A FAKE!” yelled Porch and you turned to her “ Even if it was fake, though there is no one foolish enough to use Oyaji’s name like that, it appears dear that you haven’t done your research properly.” you said and the woman gulped. One of Foxy’s crew mates shrieked “ I knew I recognised her from somewhere! Though she appears a little more lively….SHE’S THE QUEEN OF DRESSROSA! DONFLAMINGO’S WIFE!” he shrieked and you clicked your tongue “ I seriously need to file for a divorce.” you spat.

Nami glared at you “ Are you having fun?” she spat as you sat in a huge sofa, a table in front of you filled with anything you could think of and a couple women on your side “ Very.” you replied leaning to the side so one of the girls could light the cigarette in your mouth “ AT LEAST TRY TO HELP US OUT IN SOME WAY!” she. yelled irritated “ i’ll be cheering you on~” you sang making the ginger glare at you harder and the cook to swoon “ What are you going to do if they lose?” asked a blond on your side and you chuckled blowing out the smoke “ They won’t. No matter how many dirty tricks your captain has up his sleeve they are going to win, bet the little monkey will even have you cheering for him.” you said smiling making the woman look at you weirdly “ How come you’re so sure?” she asked and you chuckled “ Because no matter how weird and goofy they may appear, these guys…are super cool.” you said looking at them smiling.

You had decided to return back, take some treats and medicine to the old man and Sherry, you hummed to yourself as you entered the tent “ Hey old man I brought the-“ everything dropped from your hands as you stared wide eyed at the man laying down on the floor “ Ara ara, I wasn’t expecting to see you here, young lady.”


Hello everyone, sorry for not updating for such a long time. 

Things haven’t been going so well, I recently got my wallet stollen leaving me unable to pay my rent and my oldest cats treatment, I lost her two days ago. My mother has been in a lot of pain and unable to properly move around because we can’t find her medication. I also have to give away one of my dogs because I can no longer take care of him because I lack the time and money. 

I’m trying to raise money to pay my rent and get threw the month so if I disappear again I ask for your understanding.

Thank you.

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