Parting Roads

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You let Nami take the reins of the Yaga as you looked around “ FOUND HIM!” you yelled spotting the sniper in the middle of a crowd, before the girl could turn the boat you jumped from boat to boat then to the bridges and down the pavement “ Move!” you said shoving the crowd aside “ USOPP!” you yelled gritting your teeth at the boy’s state “ Can you hear me?” you asked and the sniper groaned “ USOPP! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT GET LOST!” yelled Nami trying to get the crowd away “ ARE YOU OK? DID THE FRANKY FAMILY DO THIS TO YOU?” she asked and you saw tears gathering in his eyes “ Yes, I’m sorry….I’m so useless…..The money they took it…..Nami….I’M SORRY EVERYONE!” he cried out and you felt your heart clench “ We were finally …able to fix….the Merry….Yet I lost the….money.” he sobbed as he continued to cry and apologise” It’s ok Usopp. We’ll definitely get our money back.” said the ginger and you softly passed Usopp to her “ Can you take him to Chopper?” you asked her and she nodded “ ( Y/n), you-“ “ I’ll be fine. I’m gonna take care of it.” you said, before she could argue you run off. 

It wasn’t hard to find the Franky House not only from the size of the building and the sing at the front but your could hear those crooks laughing and partying. The door went flying “ What a dump.” you spat lighting up a cigarette and entering “ You fucking bitch! Who are you!” yelled one of them while some of his pals groaned under the door “ Me? Just a bitch.” you said “ HEY ISN’T THAT THE LITTLE ROYAL WITH THE STRAW HAT?” asked another one “ Did you come here because we roughed up the long nose-“ his armour got sliced to pieces, and he fell to the ground.

You rolled your eyes as they fired canons at you, aiming  the handles of your swords you fired back “ WHAT THE HELL IS THAT WOMAN!?” yelled another member “ What are you doing attack!” yelled another one “ You move another inch and I’m breaking his neck.” you said holding one of the members by the head “ Look! If you’re here about the money our boss, Franky, has already taken them and went shopping. I also have no idea where he might be.” said the guy you guessed was the second in command “ NOW EAT THIS FRANKY FAMILY’S SPEACIAL ATTACK: ANYTHING GOES SHOT CANON!” they yelled and you blinked as a bunch of random things got fired at you “ You’re all ridiculous.” you spat.

Using your Haki you knocked all of them out except the second in command “ I was planing on beating every single one of you up but you’re really not worth it and you fucking stink. So I’m gonna plump you to the ground, make sure that your boss is bearly able to recognise you so he can come looking for me.” you said grabbing him by the hair “ And I’ll rip him limp to limp.” you spat putting out your cigarette and then smashing your knee against his face. As you exited you didn’t turn around to see your handiwork, you already know that there was almost nothing left “ You’re kinda late.” you said at the group “ Are you injured? Did your powers hurt you?” asked Chopper and you shook your head “ I’m fine I didn’t use them. “ you said putting a cigarette in your mouth “ I have some things to do so I’ll see you back at the Merry.” you mumbled and thanked Sanji for lighting it up for you.

Returning to Dock 1 Lucci was the first one to approach you “ Did you find your crewmate?” he asked threw Hatori “ Their….Yea, I think I might have made a mistake by lashing out like that but I can’t stand seeing a frie- someone that has cared for me like that.” you said and sighed “ Is Iceburg still here? I would like to ask him about a lawyer.” you said and Lucci nodded pointing behind him “ Thank you.” you mumbled and tried not to look back as you continued to feel his eyes on you.

” That is quiet unfortunate.” said the purple haired man after you informed him of what had happened “ Franky won’t let this slide. He will come looking for you.” he said and you shrugged “ That was what I wanted.” you said and the man sighed “ Young people are so hot blooded. You shouldn’t charge into fights with people you do not know, still if you need our help we will lend it to you.” he said and you softly smiled at him “ Thank you but do not worry, I can take care of myself.” you said. Iceburg looked at his watch “ I would escort you but I have a meeting to attend to.” he said “ Didn’t you cancel everything just this morning?” you asked him “ Indeed but duo to the engorgement of a quiet charming woman I ended up leaving my schedule as it was.” he said and you chuckled.

You sighed threw your nose, the bickering behind you was beginning to get on your nerves “ STOP ARGUING!” you barked at the two older men behind you “ If I knew you were going to fight all the way to the office I would have declined your offer to guide me there!” you said and Paulie huffed “ With the way you’re dressed so shamelessly of course you need someone with you.” he said “ This isn’t why we’re escorting her you idiot.” answered Hatori ( Lucci ) and the two started bickering again. Leaving them be you started following the map Kalifa had given you, realising that you kept walking the two men stopped and quickly followed after you.

The smile on your face was the exact opposite of the lawyers who had to send your divorce papers to Donflamingo “ He should have them on his hands by next week. And my head a couple days after.” he mumbled the last part “ Thank you so much!” you said hugging the lawyer and skipping outside “ Well you look happy.” noted Paulie and you nodded “ Now I’m free to find Matias.” you said and the blond raised an eyebrow “ He’s like my brother, he’s a captain in the Marines. A good kid, kinda loosed tongued though.” you said and the man nodded “ So you’re really not with the Straw Hats?” he asked and you hesitated “ No, no I’m not.” you said.

After thinking about it you had decided to not return to the Merry, it felt like if you went to say goodbye you would end up staying, Paulie had left to return to Dock 1 for somethings that he had left unfinished, Lucci had stayed with you “ What are you planning to do now? It’s about to turn dark.” he asked always threw Hatori  “ I need to find a room for a while….get a few clothes of my own and then find a way to contact Matias.” you said “ You can sleep in my room for the night.” said a deep voice and you looked at the man wide eyed, he smirked seeing the rosy colour your cheeks had taken “ It’s common courtesy.” he said and you shook your head to snap yourself back “ To invite a woman you just met to sleep in your room?” you asked him and he chuckled “ Iceburg-san has declared you an honoured guest and you picked a fight with Franky so see this as a way of keeping you safe.” he said and it was your turn to chuckle “ Very well then, I leave myself in your care.” you said and Lucci stood up offering you his hand.


Hello everyone, thank you so much for reading. The chapter was supposed to be bigger and out yesterday but I got busy with drawing and decided to create a proper Ko-Fi page and shop. 

I will have to admit that I am a simp for the Water 7 men, it is in my top favourite arcs. ( Also I have been wondering if I should add the smut chapters of the moments that have happened in the story. Is that something that you would like?)

If you wish to take a look at my art and support me I will be leaving links to my socials and Ko-fi down bellow thank you all very much

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