Talks By The Campfire

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Usopp let out a shriek when you jumped on the boat and it rocked a bit “ YOU’RE ALIVE!” he yelled in tears “ Yea….WAIT WHY DO YOU SOUND SURPRISED!?” you barked tagging his nose and tagging it “ Wait ( Y/n)-swan you’re injured!” said Sanji and you plopped down “ Yea, he did some damage on me.” you sighed taking out a cigarette which the chef was quick to light “ And on your face.” said the sniper and you titled your head to the side “ He didn’t hit my face.” you replied and the sniper took out a pocket mirror.

There was a line on your face, like a crack “ Is that glowing?” you wondered pocking it “ Don’t do that! It might crack more!” scolded the long nosed boy, a soft ‘ ting’ was heard and you both yelled as the crack grew “ Don’t worry about this…..well you do have to worry. This is another result about using your powers too much, like the paralysis that will hit you in some time.” said Aida and you blinked at her “ Will my face fall off?!” you asked her worriedly “ Not exactly?” she wondered “ What! You don’t know!? How can you not know!?” you asked her “ I was not much of a fighter.” she admitted and you cursed. The trio looked at you slightly concerned “ I’m sure she’s hit her head.” mumbled Usopp “ Maybe she’s just hungry.” said Luffy “ I CAN HEAR YOU!” you yelled.

Slowly the boat moved from the forest to a field “ Where are we now?” asked the captain “ This is the place of our next trial. There will be more priests so be careful.” warned Sanji and you narrowed your eyes “ Kinda morbid decor.” you mumbled poking a skull “ YOU THINK!?” yelled the sniper and you shushed him “ Something is coming.” you said and that’s when a skull cracked “ HERE IT COMES!” cried the long nosed boy.

A group of Sky people flew above you, one of them span around and you immediately recognised him “ YOU’RE THE ASSHOLE THAT THREW ME OFF THE SHIP! WHAT’S WITH THAT HANDSOME FACE!?PUT THE MASK BACK ON SO I CAN HIT YOU PROPERLY!” you yelled catching the man off guard, he stumbled on a vine crashing on a tree. The Strawhat crew looked at you and the Sandorians looked at their comrade “ Wyper……you got complimented by the Diver.” commented one of them, with a red face the man stood up “ This does not matter now! If you try to do anything weird on this island, I’ll treat you like Enel and eliminate you.” he spat glaring at the pirate crew and avoiding your gaze “ YOU BASTARD WHAT DID YOU SAY!? COME FIGH-NHGHGH” you cut off the elastic boy by pulling his cheek “ Leave them be.” you said leaving the cheek to snap back to it’s place.

The warriors left and your boat continued to float, you sighed threw your nose, you were feeling tired, in fact exhausted and even though you were trying you could not turn your powers off, maybe you could get some sleep, just a quick nap. Luffy moved to the floor of the boat so that Sanji could lay you down “ Will she be alright?” wondered Usopp “ She’ll be fine, she’s strong.” backed up Luffy and the sniper sighed “ Still no matter how strong you are you will get worn out, her eyes haven’t turned to normal in a while.” he pointed out. The cook let out some smoke from his mouth “ Chopper is going to fix those wounds up…..and I’m gonna be on high guard from now on.” he mumbled gritting his teeth at the memory of you not only guarding him but taking your enemy by yourself.

Soft patting on your cheeks was what woke you up “ Chopper?” you asked and the reindeer smiled “ I’m so happy that you woke up. Your injuries weren’t something serious but your body is seriously fatigued.” he said as you sat up and watched the crew around the fire “ This island is actually the golden city that the Saruyama was trying to find.”said Usopp “ Shandora.” you said and the crew turned to look at you “ The name of the city. My guess is that it got flung up by a huge Knock Up Stream, the Skypeians probably wanted the land and the gold so a war broke out with the original residences. The guys we saw before.” you said and Nami nodded “ What about the mantra thing?” asked the swordsman “ That’s what they call Haki here.” you said and they all titled their heads to the side “ Haki?” they asked and you sighed “ Too tired to explain.” you said laying back down.

Nami pulled your cheeks “ Give a proper explanation!” she argued and you shook her off “ Planning on staying or not I have some business here.” you said looking at Aida who smiled at you “ Gold huh? I’ve been waiting for an adventure like this!” cheered the captain “ Yup, if you’re interested makes things easier.” smiled Nami “ Oi, oi Luffy did you forget the raider’s warning?” asked Usopp sweating “ The God will be angry.” mumbled Chopper “ Hehehe, sounds interesting.” chuckled Robin “ With treasure up for grabs pirates can’t stay silent.” declared Sanji “ With plenty of enemies this is a game of survival.” smirked Zoro. Luffy jumped up “ YOOOOOSSSHHHH IT’S DECIDED!!!! WE’LL GO AND FIND GOLD!” he cheered.

After repeating all the information that Aida had told you to Nami you got to planning “ It’s getting late, if we don’t put out the fire we will give away our position to the enemy.” said Robin making the captain scoff “ Stupid, did you hear that Usopp? She wan’t us to put out the fire.” said the captain like he had heard the most stupid thing in his life “ Don’t say it like that Luffy, Robin has been living a dark life up until now so she might not know.” stated the sniper making the woman look at them puzzled and then proceeded to get into an argument with the navigator about attracting wild animals and monster but the pire was already made by the cook and swordsman.

The fire did attract beasts, white wolves but somehow they ended up dancing with Luffy “ You have picked a strange boy to guide.” said Aida and you scoffed “ I’m not guiding anyone except Oyaji. This brat… nothin.” you said and the spirit shook her head “ Saying that while smiling from ear to ear is not very convincing.”she teased and you turned to glare at her only to meet gazes with Robin “ Are you enjoying this party your Highness?” she asked and you gritted your teeth “ I told you to not call me that! I’m not royalty!” you spat “ Since you’re married to-“ “ I DIDN’T HAVE A CHOICE!” you yelled and thankfully the singing was loud enough to cover your outburst “ I didn’t have…..a choice.” you said head dropping “ Did Crocodile tell you how I got these?” you asked motioning to your scarred arms and she shook her head “ Donflamingo put explosive cuffs in my hands.” you said and the woman could see that you had started to tremble a bit “ If I moved a certain distance away they would go off and on an escape attempt they did just that. Crocodile saved me from dying.” you said and felt your eyes getting teary.

You got up “ I need to walk around a bit.” you mumbled, the woman tried to call out to you but your silhouette was already disappearing behind the trees, you laid against a trunk and slowly slid down “ I’m sorry.” said Aida and you shook your head “ You didn’t do anything.” you said and the spirit placed a hand on your shoulder “ I know what it means to be imprisoned and waiting for death.” she said and you shook your head “ He didn’t want to kill me, there were some private moments that he could actually be…caring. I think that’s what makes me feel even more sick.” you said and sighed “ So, what do you want from the city?” you asked her and Aida sat down next to you and smiled “ The golden bell.” she said and you made a grimace “ Isn’t that like huge?” you asked her and she nodded “ Yes but I don’t want you to take it somewhere. I want to hear it ring again. They made a promise in the past…..I’m sure even in the heavens or their next life they will be able to hear it.” she said and you felt yourself going at ease “ Well if that’s what it takes for you to stop haunting me.” you teased “ I’M NOT HAUNTING YOU!” she yelled and you chuckled.

” What the hell is wrong with everyone today, one says that is going to take a piss the other will go for a walk and they both end up falling asleep in the middle of the forest.” grumbled Zoro picking you up, he stopped his movement feeling you stir and waited to see if you would wake up. Seeing no movement he continued his way back to the put out campfire and softly placed you on your blanket, he stared at you for a bit, his hand tracing over the scars on your hands. He was sitting near a tree when you were talking with the archaeologist but since he found the situation awkward he decided to pretend to be asleep “ You should stick around with us.” he mumbled “ So if that guys shows up I can cut him up.” he mumbled and frowned a bit before going to his place under a tree. Aida looked at you and then at the swordsman giggling a bit at the gesture.

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