There's An Okama In The Water

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" Nope, no way. Not me." said Luffy while looking away face pouting ' He's obviously lying.' you thought sweat dropping " Oi, why are you looking away? Look straight into my eyes. Now let me ask you. How is it that the rations for 9 that I had saved to get us to Alabasta, suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night?" asked the blond cook as he grabbed his captain's face trying to make him to look at him  " Huh? There is something on your face." said Sanji " CRAP LEFTOVERS!" yelled Luffy covering his face " IT WAS YOU!" yelled the cook kicking the captain away, you turned to look at the two other members of the crew along with the princess's pet silently ate while fishing. You felt a deadly aura behind you making you shiver, when you turned around you saw the navigator, her fist slowly raising " Those idiots." she spat delivering her wrath upon the three victims ' Scary.' you thought.

" Huh? So Crocodile is considered Alabasta's hero?" asked Nami as you all sat around Vivi, Zoro sleeping in the middle of your little circle " Basically Shichibukai are pirates working for the World Goverment. Be it pirates driving away other pirates for treasure or Marines driving away pirates in the name of justice the people's gratitude is the same. After all their town's attackers have been driven away." explained the princess " Most of the Shichibukai are rather popular with their people, Donflamingo is the king of a country, the same goes for the Snake Empress, Jinbe is also extremely well respected among fishmen. About the other two, Moria and Mihawk I know that they are more feared than respected. It's always good to be popular with the masses." you said " I get it, so the people wouldn't even dream that their hero is trying to take control over the country " SO I JUST NEED TO KICK HIS ASS RIGHT? LOOK OUT CROCODILE!" said Luffy making you sigh " Yes, first we will stop the rebellion. After we drive Baraquoe Works out my country will be saved." sighed the princess.

Vivi gave you an explanation of how the organization's system works " SO I JUST HAVE TO KICK HIS ASS!" yelled Luffy again " JUST SAY THAT YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND!" you yelled back at him  " Then that mean..." started the navigator getting your attention " If the take over of the country is Baroque Works's final plan...That the officer agents-" " Yes." cut her off the princess " Should all be together." she finished her sentence " SO IT JUST HAVE-" " ENOUGH OF THAT!" you yelled smacking the captain in the head and sending him faceplanting to the deck " ( Y/n)!" said Chopper surprised and you turned to look at him " You can move your hands!" said the doctor and you looked from him to your palm " I CAN MOVE MY HANDS!" you yelled in surprise.

You turned to the rest of the crew " Please tell me you have my swords." you said and Usopp nodded " Yea we do." he said and you smiled at him " Great, give them." you said and the boy sweatdroped " Well you see...." he mumbled making you raise an eyebrow, smile still present " Usopp. My swords." you said making the long nosed boy gulp. All color drained from your face seeing your blades on a mat on the floor, their hilts opened and the mechanism of the gun completely taken apart, the sniper hid behind a door as a dark aura surrounded you " I'm sorry I was just curious on how it worked!" he whimpered in fear. You slowly turned to him " You better fix it or I'm feeding you to the Seakings." you threatened him eyes turning gold " YES MAM!" he screamed getting on his knees in front of the mat.

' How can I still get surprised?' you thought sweat dropping as an Okama was hanging from Kaoru that the captain and sniper had decided to use as bait " WE CAUGHT AN OKAMA!" yelled the duo " Oh No! How did I get stuck in this giat DUUUUUUUUCK!" yelled the Okama as his grip slipped and he fell in the water. The three of you looked down " He's not coming back up." you said as some bubbled appeared " He's not. " nodded Usopp as the bubbles disappeared " Not. " said Luffy and you sighed before jumping in the water.

The Okama bowed his head " Thank you, you're all swanderful people." he said sitting back up as Chopper put cream on your burned arms and replaced your bandages with dry ones " My life has been saved by pirates that I do not even know. I will never forget this. May I have a warm cup of soup? " he asked." NO! WE'RE HUNGRY TOO!" yelled the crew. Luffy chuckled " Hehehe. So you can't swim either." said the captain "Yes. I ate a Devil Fruit." nodded the Okama " Really, what kind?!" asked Usopp and the stranger sighed " Well since I'm waiting for my ship to turn back I might as well put on a show." he said getting up " THIS IS MY POWER!" he yelled smacking Luffy in the face and sending him flying back.

Everyone grew tense and ready to attack their gazes stuck on their fallen captain while yours was stuck on the Okama " Waaaaaiiiit. Waiiiitt. I told you this was my show!" said the Okama wearing the face of Luffy. You backed away a bit as the Okama turned back to normal " Well it's not necessarily to punch you for it to work." said the Okama gently touching your faces ' Then why did you send him flying?' you thought " If I touch your face." he said turning into Usopp " With my right hand." he said turning into Zoro " I can imitate anyone. " he said this time as Chopper ' Don't make that expression with my baby's face.' you thought " Just like this. And your bodies too. " he said turning into Nami and opening his robe, displaying the navigators body to everyone and in exchange receiving a hard hit on the head.

" Do more! Do more!" begged the trio of Luffy, Chopper and Usopp " I can even copy scars and tattoos." said the Okama turing into you and displaying the tattoo " WWWWHHHHAAAATTTT!?" yelled the Okama in shock " WHITE BEARD PIARTES!? THIS IS A FAKE RIGHT?" he yelled looking at you and then chuckled " Of course it has to be a joke. " he said making you frown " Why does everybody think that?" you mumbled as the Okama inspected the scared arms he had copied and made a face of disgust " How distasteful, you poor thing." he mumbled " Can you do any more faces?" you asked wanting to change the subject " Yea do more. Do more! Do more! " cheered the trio.

After showing a variety of faces, some of which you recognised as Donflamingo's business partners, he stopped. " So how did you like my super special talent? I usually never show this to people."  he said as he started to fool around with the others " Someone kill them." mumbled the navigator " With pleasure." you grumbled and nudged her " Maybe there won't be a need." you said pointing at the approaching ship " Hey there is a ship approaching. " announced the navigator.

The Okama jumped on top of the railing " Oh my! Is it time to go already?!" while the trio whined " Do not be sad my babies! Separation is inevitable! Never forget me! Lenght of time means nothing to true friendship! " said the Okama as he turned around and gave a teary eyed smile and a thumbs up " We'll see you again! " called the crew as the Okama jumped on his ship " Let's go lovelies." he said as his crew saluted him  YES SIR! BON CLAY MR. 2!" they yelled.

" THAT WAS MR. 2!?" you all yelled eyes glued at the ship that was growing further and further away " You have to be shitting me. Didn't you recognize him? " you asked the princess who fell to her knees  I have never seen Mr. 2 or the Mr. 1 pair before. I have only heard rumors about him. That his a huge Okama. That he speaks like an Okama and that he wears a swan coat with the words ' Okama Way' on the back. " she said with tears in her eyes " How dense can you be? "  you breathed out and was ready to schold her but stopped when you saw her distressed expression " One of the faces he showed was my father's. " said Vivi " We let a dangerous guy get away. " said Usopp nervously " Yes but it's not that bad. We actually are quiet lucky." you said making the crew look at you " I get what you're saying." said Zoro with a nod " Now we can get countermeasures. " he said with a smirk 

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