Out Of The Birdcage

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Then News Coos dropped the new issues of the paper. On the front a photo of the newly wed couple, the title reading " The King of Dressrosa has finally found his Queen".

Curshes and crashes were heard from.inside King's room, nobody dared to disturb his fit of rage. Queen chuckled behind his hand reading the article out loud right outside of King's room " In an atmosphere filled with love and laughter the young couple exchange its vows of eternal love and- EEEEEHHHHH!" screamed the round man as the door flew open and crashed to the wall. King ripped the newspaper from his crewmates grasp and set it ablaze, glaring at the image of the Shichibukai as it turned to ash.

" Thank you." said Shanks to the bird tossing it a coin, his cheerful smile got whipped from his face once he saw the title and image on the front page " Hey Cap. Is there anything interesting on the news?" asked Lucky Rue but received no answer " Shanks?" asked Ben seeing his captains shadowed face. The red haired man clenched the pages making them crumble as he stared at you gloomy face in one of the photos" I think we should head towards Dressrossa." he said " So. Kaido lied and Donflamingo has her." stated Ahote and his captain nodded.

The door to Whitebeard's room flew open, Deuce panted " Deuce what are you doing? We're in the middle of an examination-yoi!" scolded Marco as the blue haired male tried to catch his breath. With a shaky hand he handed the newspaper to the blond, whose eyes widen in shock.

Outside there was a commotion going on " Calm down Ace! We don't know if it's safe to just show up there!" yelled Izo holding the flame user by the shoulders " Safe?! Safe!? Are you planning to leave her to defend herself just like that?!" yelled the black haired male " We don't know if it's safe for HER!" yelled Thatch " You know how unpredictable Donflamingo is. We don't know how he'll react if he even suspects that we're going to rescue her." said the cook and Ace gritted his teeth.

" Marco. Let me see." he said extending his hand to take the newspaper, the first division commander handed it to him. Whitebeard's eyes narrowed " Marco." he called gaining the blonds reaction " Yes?" he asked "Connect the Den-den Mushi to Donflamingo's, keep calling until he answers. In the meantime, we set sail for Dressrosa." said the Yonko and Marco nodded rushing out of the room.

Matias stared at the newspaper " The fuck is this shit?" he spat staring at the photo of you and the Shichibukai kissing " THE HELL IS THAT PINK CHICKEN THINK HE'S DOING!?" he yelled making the crew flinch " Please captain Matias calm down! There is nothing we can do about this." said a pink haired boy with glasses " There is a lot we ca-" " Matias. Your friend will be coming here in a couple days. If the girl is being held against her

You tied the sash around your waist " I still can't understand why you're wearing that ragged thing."  mumble Donflamingo as you got ready "It looks ugly. We should throw it away." he grumbled arms wrapping themselves around your waist " You even dare to think of that again I'm going to bite your dick off." you said giving him a glare and the man chuckled " Sure,sure." he said one of his hands travelling up only to get smacked " Not now." you said fixing the buttons of your shirt " Then later?" he asked with a cheeky smirk making your face flush red " YOU'RE UNBELIVABLE!" you yelled.

It was a great relief entering a ship agai and an even greater relief was the fact that you were allowed to carry your swords, you stared at the sea with shining eyes, a small smile on your face as Crocodile stared at you from the port " Didn't have you for a man that would eye a married woman like that." said Donflamingo making the scar faced man frown " I didn't hold any expectations from you so it didn't come as a surprise when you threatend a girl into marrying you." he replied smoke escaping from his mouth. Crocodile turned to walk away " Just get on the ship-" he stopped when Donflamingo placed a threatening grip on his shoulder " You think of doing anything funny and I swear you will regret it." threatened the blond man making Crocodile scoff.

Baby5 was going to tag along with you while the rest of the family stayed behind to keep an eye on Dressrossa.The woman was talking still hang up on the fact that she had caught the flowers " But please next time someone proposes don't scare them away." she said and you sighed " I told you that man was only trying to take advantage of you. Maybe I should have thrown him out the window instead of out the castle." you said lighting a ciggaret and the woman pouted " Geez you and the Young Master always drive people that need my help away." she said and you groaned. No matter how many times you explained it to her she just wouldn't get it, or didn't want to, so you just settled on driving the people that wanted to take advantage of her away.

The ship had left Dressrosa behind for a couple of hours now and you patiently waited for the ring of the den-den Mushi that Law had passed you. Baby5 and you sat at the back of the ship, Donflamingo was inside one of the cabins talking Shichibukai matters. You felt the den-den Mushi vibrate in your breast pocket and you carefully sat on the railing ' They are just below. All I need to do is to wait for them to come out.' you thought a small smile making it's way on your face.

" Captain everything is ready." said a white polar bear " I'm still not sure about this. Isn't this kinda of a big risk?" asked a man wearing a green hat that covered his eyes " Get ready-" " Wait Captain! Somethings wrong!" screeched the polar bear and suddenly the submarine was rocket " IT'S A SEAKING!" yelled another crew member.

A shadow loomed over you and you turned around " Watch out!" called Baby5 arms transforming in to a firearm. You raised your hands up " It's alright. Theres noyhing to worry about." you said patting it's snout " See it's all good." you said as the woman stared at you in shock " Still you should- ( Y/N)-SAN!" she screamed when the Seaking pushed you in the water and dove after you. Baby5 run to the railing screaming your name again before she run to alert Donflamingo.

You managed to hold your breath just in time, looking left and right you noticed the Seaking moving around, the worry that it might want to eat you melting away once it softly nudged you.with it's snout ' You want to play.' you realised but the beaping coming from your hands reminded you that you had to hurry and get back on the ship. You pushed the creature away and began swimming up only for it to push you even further down with its tail, giving it a glare you closed your eyes. Once you opened them again their usual (e/c) was replaced with gold. You dodged snouts and tails as you swam up, meanwhile the crew of the submarine was watching you swim around in complete terror while on the ship Donflamingo was about to throw someone in the water.

Once you reached the surface you gasped for air and looked towards the ship " Doffy!" you called glad that the beeping of the cuffs had stopped, as Donflamingo was about to speak the Seaking came out of the water, mouth wide open. Eyes widen in shock and screams of terror were heard as the creature swallowed you whole " IT ATE HER!" screamed Law's crew as the young pirate gritted his teeth. Attacks were send in the water where the shadow of the creature was spotted but they had no effect.

Inside the Seakings mouth you held yourself from one of his teeth, you cursed as the beeping of the cuffs grew louder and faster " Lets just hope that I won't get blown to pieces." you said covering yourself and weapons in Haki. The explosion got set off, the creature spat you out and gave you a disappointed look as smoke kept coming out of its mouth. You opened your mouth to let out a scream of pain, as blood oozed out of your arms, but you quickly closed it feeling water entering.
You began swimming up fighting the pained  screams that were ready to rip out of your throat with every motion your arms made, the salt burned your wounds and you could hardly keep your eyes open. Coughing and gasping for air you saw that they were sending a group of marines down in the water, your den-den Mushi was long gone so you could not contact Law, just when you were about to give up you remembered Crocodile's words from two days ago.

Taking a deap breath and gathering all the energy you had left, you dove underwater once again and began swimming. After a few agonizing minutes you reached the ship and spotted the man passing by the window of his cabin. Covering your burned and bloodied arms with Haki and began climbing, thankfully the window has big enough for you you crouch into it.

" Crocodile." you breathed gaining the man's attention, his cigar almost dropped from his mouth when he saw you. The grip you had on the window slowly began to slip and your body started to fall back as your eyes closed. Thankfully the black haired man caught you, pulling you against his body, staining his suit with blood and salt water.

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