Leaving The City In The Sky

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They blinked, you blinked, they blinked again, you did the same “ Are we going to do this for a long time?” you asked the trio as they bursted into tears “ SHE’S UP!” they cried and you yelled in discomfort as the captain wrapped his arms around you “ ( Y/N)~SWAN I’M SO HAPPY THAT YOU’RE OK!” cried the chef going to follow his captain only to get punched by Nami “ OI LET HER BE!” she yelled and Chopper came to you “ How are you feeling? Do you remember what happened? When you came back you were awake but you couldn’t see clearly or hear, your limbs also weren’t working.” cried the reindeer and you grimaced “ I can hear you just fine, my limbs do feel numb and my vision is a bit blurry.” you sighed and the doctor nodded.

” It’s nighttime already.” sighed Usopp as you all sat together in the ruins “ What now?”  wondered Zoro “ Back to the ship?” asked Nami and the captain frowned “ Nami how can you say that?!” he asked sounding almost offended “ Usopp how can see say that?” he asked and the sniper nodded “ She’s inhuman.” sighed Usopp “ WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?” yelled Nami and you smiled “ Of course you would want to do that again.” you said in understanding.

As the fire was lit and the crew started singing the residents of the sky island came to see what the commotion was about “ OI COME HERE IT’S A PARTY!!” cheered the captain and with a little hesitation at first people started joining, some brought food, some brought alcohol and some started playing music. You drank alone near the tent in case you began not feeling well again “ Care to join me?” you asked the teary eyed warrior offering him a cup, Wyper sat next to you “ You did good. Calagar, Nolland and Aida heard the bell loud and clear.” you said and took the cigarette the man was about to put in his mouth “ So now that the flame of Shandora has been lit up again what are you planning to do?” you asked him “ Protect it.” he answered and you nodded “ That’s a nice answer. I would like to hear the sound of the bell again.” you answered and the man looked at you “ I will ring it for you when you come again.” he said and you chuckled “ Hhaha you’re so certain of my return.” you laughed. A stretched hand was offered to you “ OI ( Y/N) LET’S DANCE!” yelled the captain “ Sure!” you called grabbing his hand.

By morning everyone had fallen asleep, Aisa let out a shriek as she entered the tent and quickly run out " What are you doing Aisa?" asked Kamakiri as she bumped into him " Is Wyper awake? The chief is looking for The Diver." he said and the little girl blocked his way " You can't go in there! Absolutely cannot!" she said and the man titled his head to the side " Did you do something again? Move aside." he scolded her and entered the tent.

The man froze in place, mouth hanging agap as you put on your clothes ( pin.it/6tvh6yg) and Wyper was fixing his bandages, the red haired warrior was quick to throw the sheet over you " WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST COMING IN HERE LIKE THAT!?" he yelled holding you covered " Ah SORRY!"apologised Kamakiri and exited.

Wyper sighed " They're unbelievable. " he huffed softening his hold on you but not letting go “ It was a bit embarrassing.” you said and the man moved away “ You know you can sleep more if you would like.” he said scratching his cheek “ I have to go, those guys are my ride home. Or are you looking for excuses to keep me here longer?” you asked and chuckled seeing the male turn away “ I’ll come back, you said you’ll ring the bell for me.” you said giving him a peck on the cheek and walking out.

As you returned back the Strawhats passed you “ Where are you all going!” you yelled at them “ WE’RE RUNNING AWAY!” called out Luffy and you paled seeing him stretch his arm towards you “ Wait! Not this again!” you yelled as the boy pulled you to the group “ YOU CAN LAND IN MY ARMS TO EASE YOUR FALL ( Y/N)-SWAN!” yelled Sanji opening his arms only for you to be caught by a bunch of hands that disappeared into petals “ Thanks.” you mumbled running along with the crew.

” So care to explain why we had to run away like that?” you huffed and the crew emptied the shacks they had been carrying “ GOLD!” cheered the captain and your eyes shined “ GOLD GOLD, GOLD!” he cheered along with the sniper “ WE’RE RICH! WHAT SHOULD WE BUY!?HOW ABOUT A GIANT STATUE!?” wondered Luffy “ IDIOT THAT’S A WASTE! LET’S BUY CANONS!” said Usopp as the cook twirled towards Nami’s direction “ Miss Nami may I please buy a refrigerator with a lock?” he asked “ Me too, me too, I want to buy medical books!” said Chopper jumping up and down “ I want rum.” said Zoro and you chuckled at the commotion “ Shouldn’t you fix your ship first? Poor Merry looks like she’ll break down.” you said “ OH YOU’RE RIGHT!” voiced both captain and sniper in complete shock.

Hearing the sound of a motor you turned to the side “ Oh Conis!” you called seeing the girl with her father riding next to the ship “ EVERYONE PLEASE LOOK AT THE FRONT WE’RE ALMOST AT THE EXIT!” called the girl “ Aww, we’re leaving already?” whined Luffy “ Yea I’m feeling a little bit nostalgic already.” mumbled Sanji “ Yes time to say goodbye to the White Sea.” said Zoro “ Feels like we’re about to wake up from a dream.” you. said looking at the cloudy waves taking the ship to the exit.

Given instructions you moved all the gold inside and put away the sails, you heard a frantic cry and the bird that you had brought with you crashed on the captain “ DON’T FORGET ME HERE!” translated the doctor “ Ah yea we brought him with us.” said Nami and then looked at her post “ All right Captain. It looks like the post has locked on the next island.” she announced “ Ok, this is the start of a brand new adventure. ALRIGHT CREW!  LET’S GO BAKC TO THE BLUE SEA!” he cheered “ I’m not part of your crew.” you said and Nami waved you off “ There is no point in arguing with him, especially about that.” she said and gave you a coy smile.

” EVERYONE BE CAREFULLY, YOU’RE ABOUT TO FALL!” called Coni’s and you looked at the ginger next to you “ Did she just say fall?” you asked her and she nodded fearfully and then the ship dropped, all of you let out screams of terror as you held on for dear life. Suddenly a giant octopus appeared, Zoro went to cut it but as you were all floating in the air you crushed at the deck of the Merry “ LOOK THIS IS SO COOL!” cheered the captain “ It’s like an air ballon…Octoballoon!” you said “ This is fun!” laughed Chopper.

You had a bit of a rocky landing “ Is everyone ok?” asked Usopp as you shook the sea water off you, you looked up in the sky ‘ Aida….I wonder if there are more of us trapped like her.’ you thought and sighed “ I wonder if we’ll ever go back.” wondered Chopper “ Maybe you’ll go there when you die, or somewhere close.” teased Zoro “ You really think we’ll go to heaven Zoro?” asked Usopp “ No chance.” you said “ WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS!” yelled the sniper at you.

“ Hmmm…” you hummed gaze moving from the creatures to the captain who had a similar expression on, then back to the creatures “ Are they your cousins?” you asked him “ LIKE HELL THEY ARE!” he yelled at you “ THE SEA MONKEYS! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!” screamed Nami “ Why, they look rather harmless.” you said turning to look back at them. The animals had raised a giant wave and were running after you “ Oh….that’s why.” you mumbled getting into position  “ EMERGENCY EMERGENCY! ANOTHER SHIP AT 12 O’CLOCK!” announced the sniper “ Enemies?” you asked taking a look “ What is it?” asked the captain “ Those guys have nothing! No sails, no flag!” you said taking another look “ And they are mopping around. The crew tried to warn them about the Sea Monkeys but they argued about what to do “ These guys lack discipline.” noted Luffy “ They were say that they were going to rob us.“ said Sanji “ Let them drown.” you huffed “ That’s the spirit!” cheered Nami giving you a thumbs up “ Don’t be a negative influence on her!” scolded the sniper.

It was over, you could finally calm down “ I’m bored.” you huffed “ Seeing that your senses are still weakened from Skypia I believe you should rest. “ said the doctor “ My vision is slightly blurred and my sense of touch is numb, like my skin is swollen.” you said and the reindeer nodded “Go rest!” he instructed and you laughed going into the girls room to take a bath. You relaxed in the warm water ‘ I wonder how Ace is doing.’ you thought eyes going to the red bead bracelet he had given you ‘ I want to see them but at the same time….I don’t….want to leave.’ you thought diving completely under the water ‘ What should I do Oyaji?’ you wondered even though you knew you wouldn’t receive an answer.

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