In Dock 1

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“ Is this really the guy that the train lady told us about?” asked Luffy as you continued to scold the man for neglecting his duties “ His not exactly a model mayor.” noted Usopp “ ILL MANARED BRATS!” yells the secretary sending a storm of kicks towards them “ HOW DARE YOU SPEAK WITH SUCH DISRESPECT TO THE WORLDS BEST SHIP MAKER!” she yells angrily and you look at the purple haired man concerened since his face had started to swell “ Ah, sorry I lost my cool. But please understand Iceburg-san is the hero of this city.” said Kalifa collecting herself “ Beating the hero up sure is a weird way to show your respect.” you said and when the secretary gave you a weird look you pointed at the bruised up mayor “ Please don’t make Kailua mad, when she’s angry all hell breaks loose.” mumbled the purple haired man.

After ripping the letter Kokoro gave you the man agreed to fix The Merry “ Anyway, Kaku already went to take a look so we’ll have to wait for him to get back. Since I’m bored I’ll show you around the place.” said Iceburg picking his nose “ Yay! LET’S GO CHECK THE SHIPYYARD!” cheered Luffy “ Don’t stray too far.” you said holding the boy from the back of his shirt. Hearing Usopp cry out you turned around, a group of weird looking guys had taken the suitcases with the money and your Yagara. You pushed the sniper to the side and took out your blades throwing one of them towards the thieves, only for it to drop in the water “ The chain was too short.” you mumbled “ WHY DIDN’T YOU SHOOT THEM!” yelled Nami “ It…bypassed my mind.” you mumbled cheeks red.

A man dropped from a bridge getting rid of the robbers “ Phew, he’s one of the carpenters here right?” asked Usopp and the mayor nodded “ Yes he is.” he answered “ Hey thank you! That money is ours by the way.” said Usopp and the man continued sailing “ You should really stop announcing that we carry money around.” you said.

Thankfully another carpenter jumped on the boat and dragged the blond back to you, by the ear “ HEY HEY STOP THAT! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? I SAID I WON’T RUN AWAY ANYMORE. LET GO OF MY EAR! I’LL REMEMBER THIS LUCCI!” he yelled “ You tried to take other people’s money to pay of your dept! You’re shameless!” said the pigeon on Lucci’s shoulder. You had stopped hearing the group talking, focusing on the black haired man whose gaze was burning right threw your skull even when the pigeon spoke to Iceburg the carpenter was looking at you.

Paulie handed a briefcase to Luffy while Lucci held the other one to you “ Um, thanks.” you mumbled and gave him a stare as he held your hand ‘ This guy……he makes me feel unseat.’ you thought sweatdropping “ You’re the owner right? I won’t ask for much just 10%” said Paulie. Lucci sighed threw his nose before smacking Paulie with the hammer “ Sorry customer, this punk owes a lot of money so he’s desperate.” spoke the pigeon. The blond used his ropes to tie Lucci’s hand and pull him up before smacking him to the ground “HEY ISN’T THIS GOING OVERBOARD!” yelled Nami as you waited for the dust to clear off “ Don’t worry he’s fine.” you mumbled, as the dust cleared you saw that Lucci had stopped his fall using his hand, his fingers digging threw the pavement.

” Your captain sure is strange.” said the pigeon as Luffy was trying to convince Paulie that it was an evil mastermind “ He isn’t my captain. I…” you paused smiling slightly at the boy’s paranoid expression “ I’m just hitching a ride.” you replied. Feeling your gaze Luffy turned to look at you “ How embarrassing, we made a fool of ourselves. I’m Hatori Rob Lucci’s pigeon and this is Rob Lucci. Nice to meet you.” said the pigeon “ Eh, now it’s  talking like a normal person.” pointed out Nami “ I GET IT NOW! HE’S A VENTRILOQUIST!” she yelled and pointed at the man “ That’s quiet impressive! You must have practiced really hard!” you said softly petting the pigeon “ EH THAT’S COOL! SO YOU WERE THE ONE THAT SAID ALL THOSE THINGS!?” yelled Luffy “ THAT’S GREAT I DIDN’T EVEN SUSPECT!” gashed Usopp.

From behind you the blond carpenter laughed “ That guy never talks directly, he’s a freak!” he said whipping a tear from his eyes “ WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!?” he yelled at you and Nami “ YOU’RE SO SHAMLESS SHOWING YOUR LEGS LIKE THAT! THIS IS AN ALL-MALE FACTORY ARE YOU MOCKING US!?” he yelled, the fact that your legs were showing was so upsetting that he had to be held back by Lucci “ Hehehe, he’s the real freak.” chuckled Luffy “ Mnm…these people might be slightly crazy but in carpentry, they’re part of the 5 chief mechanics in this dock. Kanu is one too.” explained Iceburg.

Entering the 1st dock Iceburg was greeted by everyone “ He sure is popular.” you pointed out and Kalifa nodded “ Of course! In this town one’s skill is everything. Since long ago the island has been specialising in carpentry and there were 7 competing shipyards. Then Iceburg-san came and amazed everyone with his genius techniques and united the 7 shipyards. His love for carpentry has remained the same after he became a leader, so the workers respect him more. The only thing that carpenters respect is skill. They won’t bow to any pirates or political powers. That is the way in the carpenters world.” said the woman with a smile, you gave her quick quiet claps “ You sure have a way with words!” you praised her “ Thank you your highness.” she said and your smile dropped “ Please don’t call me that.” you said.

You sighed as Luffy tried to recruit the mayor of the town to his crew “ Pay him no mind, he does this on every island we step foot on.” you said trying to calm down Paulie and Kalifa “ Leave the man alone. He has responsibilities here.” you said tagging the boy’s ear. Kaku landed near your group “ Oh the person from before. Have you seen our ship?” asked the navigator and the long nosed man nodded, as Nami called Luffy over you turned to call Usopp “ Where is Usopp?” you asked looking around “ Dunno. Oh he left the money here so never mind.” said the ginger handing you a suitcase. As they talked you weighted the suitcase in your hands ‘ It’s light. Super light.’ you thought.

Just as you were about to alert Nami about the possibility of her money missing Kaku dropped the bomb that they couldn’t fix the Merry “ YOU CAN’T FIX THE MERRY!? WHY?” yelled the captain “ Aren’t you the best carpenters in the world? If it’s money that you want we have it all right here!” he said grabbing the suitcases and lining them up in front of the carpenters “ That’s not the problem, the ship cannot be repaired no matter how much money you have. It’s already a miracle that you sailed here safely with this ship.” explained Kaku “ What do you mean? What’s wrong with the Going Merry?” asked Nami. 

It was saddening hearing that you had to abandon the Merry and Luffy was not having it “ OUR SHIP IS THE GOING MERRY! IF YOU FIX IT, IT WILL DEFINATLY KEEP GOING! I DON’T BELIEVE YOU! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW STRONG OUR SHIP IS!” he lashed out “ Then you can just sit on that ship and sink with it. Little punk, you call yourself a captain?” questioned Iceburg coldly “ Luffy I understand you view Merry as part of your crew but moving forward you will have to let go of some things.” you said and the boy looked at the ground “ Please reconsider, this is a catalog including from second hand ships to brand new editions.” said Kalifa handing Nami a booklet.

A man with said and a stand of hair standing up from his head informed Iceburg that government officials had come “ Hey you two! Hide they’re from the government.” said Paulie to the two pirates and Luffy pulled you along with them “ Why are you hiding? Aren’t you a princess or something?” asked the blond “ Queen and….I was actually planing to find a lawyer to help me send over divorce papers.” you said “ I see, I’m sure Iceburg-san knows someone.” said the blond while you could feel Lucci staring at you.

Nami let out a scream “ WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING! SHAMELESS GIRL WHY ARE YOU SITTING LIKE THAT!?” yelled Paulie  “ 200 MILLION BELLY! GONE! IF YOU LOOK CLOSELY THESE SUITCASES AREN’T EVEN OURS!” she yelled “ Hey don’t scream!” said Hatori “ Hey Kaku weren’t you just with the Franky family? I was sure I saw your long nose.” said Lulu “ Wait, where?” you asked as the two pirates were freaking out, Luffy dashed off to find Usopp “ Where is their hideout?” you asked Paulie “ The scrapyard, go from where you docked your ship then go northeast. You’ll see the ‘ Franky House’” he said and you nodded “ Nami.” you called at the girl “ Coming.” she said running after you.


Hello everyone, I apologise for taking so long to update. I have been very busy with personal things. Thank you for your support, next chap will come soon.

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