Warming My Heart

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" You have grown stronger." said Vista as the opposing pirate crew surrendered their weapons " Not strong enough to take on the bird." you replied and the man sweatdroped " It's been months, Doflamingo has a special talent on getting on people's nerves." said the man patting your shoulder " So whose division are you going to be on?" he asked as you placed your swords back " I already told you I don't care about that stuff, after all it's a division not a suitor. I left it up to Oyaji, his talking about it with Marco."  you replied " They don't see it like it." he mumbled throwing a look to Ace and Izo. You were gone before he could ask anything, taking a back of cigarettes from the pocket of a captured pirate " FOSSA!" you called tossing him the pack while he tossed you another.

Whitebeard let out a humm " Ace is her age so there's a chance that she won't listen to him, they both can act immature when provocked. Izo, his too soft on her most of the time fearing that she might get hurt, he doesn't realize her true strength and that won't help her grow. So how about it Marco, will you take her in your division?" he asked and the blond man smiled " Of course Oyaji." he said and the older man raised an eyebrow "  You little rascal, don't go and break a young woman's heart." he said making Marco jump a bit " N-no that's....eemmm." Whitebeard laughed " You can't hide it from me. Go now I need to rest." said the older man.

" That's unfair! Shouldn't you have let her pick?" asked Ace as you, him and Marco stared at the fishing net " Oyaji decided on it and she said she was fine with it. Right, ( Y/n)-yoi?" said the blond and you nodded " Yea, but I'm glad I didn't end up with a hot head for a commander." you said shooting the black haired boy a teasing smirk " I ain't a hot head." he denied " Until he decided to join he fought Oyaji 100 times-yoi." said Marco with his own smirk " OI! YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL HER THAT!" barked Ace " A hundred!" you said surprised and the blond nodded " And every time he would get tossed around.-yoi" he continued " Well obviously. Man what were you thinking you're like ....the size of his shoe." you said and the boy's face flushed up in anger " You two...." he groaned.

You saw the net move around and you alerted the other two, before you could it a giant monster emerged from the sea " WE CAUGHT A SEA KING!" yelled both male's activating their powers " NO!" you yelled standing on top of the railing " ( Y/n) get away from it! Sea Kings can be dangerous!" said Marco " And they can make one hell of a feast." said Ace  and Marco nodded " No! We're not eating it. It's too cute!" you said hugging the Sea Kings snout who nuzzled closer to your chest irking the two males by sending them a narrow eyed smirk " No it's not. It's not cute at all!" said Marco " No cute animal looks other people like that!" yelled Ace. You patted the Sea Kings head " Hey hey Ki-chan can you gather us some fish? Please fill the whole net." you said stroking it's head " YOU ALREADY NAMED IT!?" yelled the males in disbelief, the Sea King dove back in the water " That's just wasting food." said Ace as more of the crew gathered around. In just a few seconds the Sea King emerged from the sea again, the net on his teeth full of fish " IT LISTENED!" yelled the whole crew in shock.

More time passed at the sea and you became even stronger, you learned new things and met more people, well the last one was probably thanks to Ace who kept concurring enemy pirate after enemy pirate and putting them under Whitebeard's allience. You place a glass of water in front of him " You're sitting alone again." you said taking a seat next to him at the back of the ship " Shouldn't you have offered me alcohol? Ah I forgot, you can't really handle it." he said teasingly and you smiled a bit " We're celebrating one of your achievements in there you know. Shouldn't you be in there?" you asked and the boy stared at the lighten room where music, singing and laughter could be heard from inside " Or do you feel like you don't deserve to be there?" you asked and his head shot towards your direction with eyes wide " I'm not planning to have an emotional talk or anything but,  you know you don't have to prove anything to anybody." you said getting up ready to head back inside.

Ace grabbed your hand " If....If Gol D Roger had a kid and he was on this ship.....What would you do?" he asked and it was silent for a few seconds " Who the hell is that?" you asked " Eh?!" asked the boy confused " You know Gol D Roger, the enemy of the world, the pirate king!" he said and you titled your head to the side " I have no idea who that is." you said and the boy face palmed with his free hand " So I guess that's your biological dad." you said and he flinched " Ace to me your Ace. I don't care if you're the son of the Pirate King or whoever else, I don't know what that man did and I could hardly care. The actions of the parents shouldn't burden their children." you said and you felt his grip tighten on you " Do you believe that I deserve to live. I mean the world hates me-" " Fuck them and fuck you too." you said and the boy blinked at you in surprise " I don't see anybody that hates you here, Oyaji, Marco, Thatch and all the others care deeply about you and respect you! If they hated you don't you think Oyaji would have killed you when he had the chance?" you said voice rising " And I also care for you too, you're a person that I really like so don't say shit like that. You don't deserve to live? If you don't then who does?" you said and let out a yelp when he grabbed you by the arms " C-can you say that again?" he asked coming close to your face " I....I really ca-r&re about you." you mumbled and the boy pulled you into a hug.

Feeling him shake you gave him a pat on his bare back " Dummy." you said softly and he pulled back " Hey, can you promise if I do something that you won't get mad?" he asked avoiding your eyes " After hearing you say such stupid things I don't think I can get more mad." you said with a chuckle " Good." he mumbled one of his hands cupping your cheek while the other went to your back and pushed you closer to him. Just as he was leaning in the door burst open and out came a very drunk Thatch " HEY! WHAT ARE THE TWO OF YOU DOING OUT HERE!? THE PARTY IS FOR US YOU KNOW?!" yelled the man, you had managed to push yourself off Ace just in time " You should come inside, it is quiet lively." said Izo coming out as well. 

Thatch smirked " Or are you trying to seduce our little missy here?" he asked and Ace let out a nervous chuckle " What are you saying man?!" he asked laughing a bit and pulling the man inside with him, Izo gave you a look " Aren't you coming?" he asked and he noticed that you tensed up " After the smoke." you said placing a cigarette in your mouth ' Her cheeks are flushed.' he thought seeing the pink tint on your skin but decided to blame it on the chilly air instead.

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