We're Here

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" This is simply unfair." mumble Thatch tears running down his face as you were surrounded by women in the bar " I'll have to agree with you." said Izo with a sight as a blond woman wrapped herself around your arm and kept asking you questions " They completely forgot about us." said Deuce shaking his head and taking a sip from his drink " Doesn't she usually get frustrated when it comes to things like these?" asked Izo as you chuckled at something that the waitress said, the girl flushed pink as you shot her a wink " DOES THIS LOOK FRUSTRATED TO YOU!?" yelled Thatch and Ace as you kissed the girls hand. The two men went to the first division commander who had been silent all this time " Oi captain do something about this." said Ace tagging his shirt " Yea, she's hoarding all the women. Aren't you supposed to keep your men under control?" asked Thatch doing the same thing, Marco let out a sight " If it makes her lighten up let her be." he said giving you a look and walking away " Geez what's with that? " mumbled Thatch.

You excused yourself from the ladies causing them to let out a whine " I'll be back after a smoke." you said pointing at the balcony. Letting yourself drop to the ground you put the cigarette in your mouth " Need a light?" asked Ace his little finger catching fire " Thanks." you mumbled, you didn't look at each other eye to eye " Didn't have you for the lady killer type." he said and you chuckled " They're just being nice." you said smoke escaping your lips " Should I be that nice as well?" he asked sitting down next to you, arms touching. You felt his eyes on you " Geez, you and your jokes! " you said giving the boy a small shove " I'm not." he said taking your hand and making you face him " I'm not joking!" he said staring at you straight in the eye " You can say whatever you want after this! You can even hit me but I got to say this now or else I feel like I won't have the chance to say it at all!" he said placing both of his hands on your shoulders " The truth is.... The..." his face turned red a couple shades brighter than your own " THE TRUTH IS THAT I-"" OYAJI IS LOOKING FOR YOU!" screamed both Marco and Izo one half hanging from the window and the other had threw the door open.

The two men were panting heavily" You should go. " said Izo straightening himself up " Yea, his waiting fo you in his room-you." said Marco and you nodded leaving the three alone. Ace gave the two a glare " So I guess I have to worry about you too? " he asked with irritation but no malice in his voice " I apologize for jumping in like this but I have realized that I harbor feelings for her, so I cannot let you confess." said Izo looking at the freckled boy, the two turned to look at the blond who stared at the opposite direction, they moved to the opposite side and he changed his line of vision again.

Thatch chuckled a bit from a window at the second loor " They're acting like children. I mean Ace is still young but the other two...." said Kingdew " And there I thought he would finally confess." sighted Vista " Still I think Marco has more of a chance." said Jozu making the others look at him " I mean he saved her life, always takes care of her and they spend most of their time together." he explained " Hey Izo had his chances too! They always train together and when one has to be on watch the other usually accompanies the other." said Rakuyo and a small dispute broke " As long as they're happy I don't really care who she'll chose." said the cook making them stop " Now that you mention it, hasn't ( Y/n) seemed down for a while now? " wondered Namur " It's probably because she lost that fight. You know how she gets." said Jiru dismissively " Still why did Oyaji call her? Does it have to do with what happened with that woman? " wondered Haruta. Thatch got up and went towards the door" I'm gonna go and check since you're all so curious. " he said waving his hand " YOU'RE GOING BECAUSE YOU'RE THE MOST CURIOUS ONE OF ALL!" yelled his crewmates.

" Are you awake Oyaji? " you asked lightly knocking on the door an peeking inside " Yes, come in. " said the man and you felt like his tone had changed a bit. Whitebeard was sitting on a sofa, IVs and other machines surrounding him, he patted a sit next to him " One of the boys said that something has been troubling you." he said as you sat down and let out an awkward laugh " What no?! Nothing 's bothering me." you said with a closed eyed  smile. Hearing him sight you looked up at him, he looked sad " Burdens such as these.... You shouldn't carry them alone. " he said placing your journal in front of you ' Ah crap.' you thought as the captain opened a page

My name is ( Y/n) ##_€&-'/-&'/   ( L/n) and currently I am dead. At least back home or the place I used to call a home, after getting shot I was somehow transfered here, there are more people like me. 

A woman named Luda that we met on an island told me some things but I refuse to accept that I will forget everything so this is a small record. 

I'm 20 years old. 

I used to live 4€45&€bjgij€-/&_-:  


                     &-'*-/' _(:'/(bfth:-! ::(:' _

I am the child of &-&:(&:! & _(





I have a friend named Matias who I am searching for. 

You hid your face with your hands " Oyaji.... I can't remember anything. My parents. The school I went too. The friends I had there. Did I have any siblings?" you mumbled and the man heard you sniffle, he rubbed your back in a comforting manner " Is anybody missing me? And if they are, aren't I terrible person for forgetting everyone? It feels like I have a dark spot in me that keeps growing and growing. What if I forget the people here as well. I'm scared." you sobbed still hiding behind your hands " From what I know you cannot return back. You may forget the past but we, your family can fill that spot. I'm sure that your loved ones would rather have you move on than torturing yourself like that. It's hard and it hurts but eventually you'll have to come in terms with it. " said  Whitebeard placing his arm around you " You can cry. Your old man is here for you. " he said.

Thatch stared at the door wide eyed, he had eavesdropped the conversation an hearing you cry like that made his heart ache. He was about to leave just when you stepped out, he took a moment to look at you, eyes red from crying and filled with a type of sadness that he knew he couldn't understand. He was quick to pull you in a hug " I heard everything, I knew I shouldn't have but I did. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't notice sooner but damnit why didn't you talk to us? It's fine. I'm here." he said as your grip clenched around him and he felt your body shake " We're here." he mumbled patting your hair.

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