Head First Into The Battlefield

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They were out but water was flooding the room and soon you found yourselves having to swim away, you saw Smoker  sinking down and got ready to swim after him but Zoro passed you and caught him, you directed your attention to the captain of the crew and pulled him out of the water " Well that brings back memories." you mumbled as the boy coughed out water " IT'S SMOKER! ZORO WHY DID YOU SAVE THE ENEMY!?" asked Nami as the Marine coughed out water " Shut up, I didn't want to. Not like I give a damn if he dies." spat the swordsman. You hit the rubber boy's chest and you cursed when he spat out water like a fountain in your face " WHERE IS CROCODILE!?" he yelled jumping up " FULL SPEED TO ALUBARNA!" yelled the long nosed sniper.

Luffy noticed Smoker inspecting him " AAAGGGH! IT'S SMOKIE! YOU WANT A OF ME TOO?" asked the captain " Smokie?" you asked looking at the Marine and chuckling making his cheeks taint a light pink " Go." he said with a sigh " Just this time....I'll look the other way." he said and stared at Luffy " Next time we meet consider your life forfeit, Straw-hat Luffy." he said. The yell of the Marines taking note of your presence sent you in alert, the crew made a run for it " I don't think I hate you anymore Smokie. Shishishishi." said Luffy  with a small laugh making the Marine Captain turn red " NEXT TIME I WON'T LET YOU GO! GET LOST ALREADY!" yelled Smoker taking a swing at Luffy.

The young captain run away " Thank you for this. You really are a good man." you said, his face had turned a new shade if red, you were sure the man was about to have a stroke " I still have a lot of questions for you, queen of Dressrosa ,Miss Donquixote." he said and you made a displeased face " Don't  call me that. I will be happy to answer your questions once the whole thing is over. For now goodbye, Smokie." you said and laughed at the face the man made once he heard the nickname.

" ( Y/N) OVER HERE!" called Luffy on top of a giant crab ' Way to keep a low profile.' you thought sweatdroping, you jumped on top of the animal and landed next to the cook making him fawn over you. The crab started to run with incredible speed but you didn't get far before a hooked arm grabbed the princess " VIVI!" you all called, Luffy jumped to her direction taking hold of her and throwing the blue haired girl back on the crab, being the one to get dragged away instead " GO ON AHEAD! I'LL BE FINE BY MYSELF! MAKE SURE TO GET VIVI TO THE PALACE!" he yelled. You got ready to jump after him but Zoro stopped you by placing a hand in front of you " Chopper keep this crab heading to Alubarna!" he said and you gritted your teeth " Are you out of your mind?! You're just gonna leave him like this?" you asked pushing the green haired's hand away " He's got it, he said so." said the swordsman calmly, the rest of the crew comforted Vivi who was sharing your worries.

" DO YOU EVEN REALISE YOU'RE UP AGAINST A SHUCHIBUKAI? WITH AN OBVIOUS ADVANTAGE IN POWER? THERE IS NO WATER AROUND AND HE HAS NO HAKI! HOW DO YOU EXCPECT HIM TO WIN?!" you yelled, you received smiles from the crew " When he puts he's mind into something, Luffy can find pretty strange ways to accomplice it." said Nami ' Ah, I recognize that look.' you thought calming down, fists unclenching ' That's how we look when we talk about Oyaji, because we have complete faith in him.' you thought with a sight " LUFFY! WE'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU IN ALUBARNA!" yelled the princess receiving an alright from the captain.

The ride was quiet uneventful, you got a glimpse at the handle of your blades and then you remembered what the sniper had done " You." you spat turning his way, the long nosed male stopped his storytelling and slowly turned to your direction " WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABIES!?" you yelled one of your blades against his neck " I'M SORRY! I TRIED TO IMPROVE THEM! IT'S NOT MY FAULT IN THE FIRST PLACE! I GAVE YOU THE INSTRUCTIONS! EEEEEEEEKKK IT IS! IT IS MY FAULT!" he yelled in fear, you yelped when someone pulled your ear " Enough with you." said Nami pulling you away from Usopp " If you keep this up you will end up owing me 15.000 belly." she said making you turn pale " 15.000?" you mumbled in disbelief at the number and the woman nodded " And what makes you think that I would give it to you?" you huffed and flinched at her smirk and dark stare " Oh but you will." she said and chuckled. You put your weapons away and sat at the far corner of the crab not wanting to provoke the greedy navigator any further.

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