Found You

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Nami took a look at the two men blocking their way, one of the guys was wearing a pair of headphones  and the other a muzzle " We weren't looking for anybody right Nami?" said Usopp raising his hands up on defense causing the paper to slip out of his grip and land in front of the headphones wearing man " Eh? Whose Nami? What a crazy guy you are." said the ginger haired girl " You don't know this guy?" asked the muzzle guy and Nami shook her head " First time seeing him." said Nami and the two men nodded " Ah sorry then, you're free to go." said the muzzle  one and they both stepped aside, letting her go. The ginger thanked them and passed them, bumping slightly into one of them because of their massive size, a paper slipped from her pocket and one of them picked it up seeing the drawing " YOU LIAR! WHY ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL WOMEN LIARS!" screamed the muzzle one as Nami let out a scream, the men pulled out two air pumps and blasted them towards the two pirates, with a scream Nami and Usopp jumped away. Nami started running with the muzzle man running after her. 

Usopp looked from the man chasing the girl to the one that was left with him before sprinting past him as well " WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING!?" yelled the headphones wearing man " AWAY FROM YOU!" yelled back Usopp. The enemy clicked his tongue before aiming at the long nosed pirate, Usopp shrieked as the blast of wind blew a hole to the spot he once were. He pulled out his slingshot and aimed " Kayaku Boshi!" called the boy firing the gunpowder, the enemy aimed his air pump at him and send a gust of wind forward sending the attack back to the sniper who shrieked at the explosion " YOU SHOULD GIVE UP AND JUST DIE!" said the headphones wearing guy " IF YOU TRY TO RUN OR HIDE I WILL ALWAYS FIND YOU! I CAN HEAR EVERYTHING!" said the headphones wearing man. 

Usopp stood up " Since it has come to this I have to get serious." said the sniper making his enemy tense up as he reach behind his back " USOPP NOISE!" yelled the long nosed boy pulling out a blackboard and dragging his nails across it making his enemy scream and cover his ears dropping his weapon " STOP! STOP IT!" yelled the enemy and Usopp did, walking in front of his enemy he let the board to the ground " YOU! YOU KIND SOUL- AAAAAHHHH" the enemy yelled as the tanned skined male pulled another board and started dragging his nails across them. His enemy rolled around holding while holding his headphones, his eyes turned white and he fainted " YOSH! I WON!" cheered Usopp, he cleared himself and collected himself " What I meant. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR MESSING WITH ME! CAPTAIN USOPP!" he said but his enemy could not hear him.

The ginger was backed against a corner, she gritted her teeth and pulled her weapon as the man with the muzzle stood in front of her " Fine..." she grumbled as the man reached behind his head to undo his muzzle  " I ate the Inu Inu fruit: Model Pitbull. My teeth will rip you to shreds, this muzzle made from sea prison stone is the only from keeping me going berserk and -" he stopped as he pulled the strap and the muzzle remained around his mouth " Crap...stupid thing." he grumbled pulling it again, a lock at the back of the muzzle jingled. Nami smirked as she pulled out her weapon " So you're a dog huh." she said locking each part of her weapon into place, her shadow loomed over the man " THEN SIT!" she yelled bringing her weapon to his crotch making him howl in pain and drop to the ground " Good boy." said Nami with a small smile.

" VIVI! ARE YOU OK?" yelled Chopper examining the princess " Yes, I'm alright." she groaned and her eyes widen seeing the glasses wearing men " Finally we catch you Miss Wednesday? Or should we call you princess Vivi now?" said one of them with glasses that when he spoke the words he said passed threw the lenses, the one next to him nodded " Oi you asshole! I asked how dare you hit a lady!" spat Sanji one of his kicks aimed at the enemy, the glasses wearing man span to the side " When it comes to an enemy it does not matter if they are man or woman, you just aim and hit." he replied making the chef glare at him " Guess I'll have to teach you some manners." spat Sanji. 

Chopper sweated as the silent man stared at him before falling on all fours and transforming " HUH!" yelled the doctor as antlers grew from the man's head and he slowly transformed in to a reindeer. Chopper changed to his stared at the Zoan user " I will be dealing with you." said the Zoan " YOU CAN TALK?! NO YOU CAN'T! You speak like an animal!" said the reindeer " Maybe just like your devil fruit but in reverse?" asked Vivi confused. The Zoan user said nothing and charged directly to the princess, Chopper got in between them and grabbed his enemies antlers while transforming to his human form " Vivi-chan since their main target is you, you should go. Luffy should be near the Sunny." said Sanji landing a kick on his enemy only to realize that it had been blocked by a huge air pump. Vivi nodded before rushing out of the restaurant from the back door.

" Gomu Gomu No: Pistol!" yelled Luffy throwing a punch at the trio, the men jumped away " Like a punch like that would-" the minions words got cut off by a bonny tail slamming him on the gut and sending him flying " OH! You have a tail?! So cool!" said Luffy as Leilani swung her bonny tail from left to right " I can alter any part of my body and replace it with the part of any other animal I wish as well as enhance it." said the girl proudly, golden eyes shinning " OOOHHH! WHAT OTHER ANIMALS CAN YOU DO?" asked Luffy with stars in his eyes " I can just do this, it's a kinkajou tail." said the girl " Boo, lame." said Luffy folding his arms and pouting while looking the other way " YOU CAN JUST STRETCH!" yelled the girl irritated " HUH! Did you not see how strong my punch was?" he asked as Leilani mimicked his expression " No, since it did not even hit." she mocked. The two still standing men glared at them " It's like we're do not even exist." spat one of the lower minions " ENOUGH OF THIS CHILDISH BICKERING!" screamed the main minion, he pulled out an air pump and send a strong gust of wind sending the two flying " Let's go find them. AND YOU GET UP!" he yelled as they began to walk deeper in to the forest. 

You stared at the lanky figure that happily hummed while playing with the water on the ground " He's here, he's here. The boy that will shake the world. We found the path.~" it sang again and again rhythmically moving it's head from side to side. It snapped around making you jumped and your were sure you could hear it speak but some other noise was covering its voice up. You grew irritated as it continued to talk but you could not hear a word.

Zoro once again found himself outside the house, this time Granny was outside in the small yard peaking up some wild herbs " Yo old lady, do you happen to have some booze here?" he asked and after giving him a questionable look the woman nodded " Yes, there is some. I'm sure they haven't drank it all. Come inside." she said taking her basket and going in, the green haired man following her. Granny looked around the kitchen before reaching into a cabinet and pulling out a bottle of wine, Zoro went to take it but the woman pulled it back " I will give it to you only if after you do me a favor." she said making the swordsman frown but nod " After you have your drink I want you to check on my granddaughter. She lives near here, it's actually just a straight line from our place to here." she said and the swordsman nodded " Sure. Doesn't sound that hard." he said. 

" IT'S TO DAMN LOUD!" you yelled waking up and huffing, if it weren't for your arms being paralyzed you would have rubbed the sleep off your eyes, instead you shook your head. A distant scream made you turn your head towards the window of your room, the yells grew louder and louder and you narrowed your eyes seeing something in the distance " What the hell is-" before you could finish your sentence the two collided on you. 

Luffy looked left and right " Huh that didn't hurt as much as I thought it would." he said " Yea, you would think that crashing in a bunch of furniture would hurt more." said the little girl and they both laughed "That's because you crashed on me." you groaned beneath them, the two turned to look down " SISTER!" yelled the little girl, stars appearing in her eyes " Oh so you're the queen lady." said Luffy " Yea but now....GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" you yelled making them both jump away. The door to your room burst open, having heard the crash Granny and Zoro rushed upstairs " Oi Zoro! Look we found her." said Luffy pulling you up " Found who? We were looking for someone?" asked the green haired male " GRANNY!" yelled Leilani jumping on the elderly woman and hugging her tightly " Oh you silly child, what have you been up to this time?" asked Granny and her eyes widen for a split second seeing the boy with the Straw-hat.

" Oh what a sweet reunion. It sickens me." said another voice, the minion and his men stood at the hallway " Care to explain the hell is going on?" you asked him and the man scoffed " Shut the hell up. We've been playing heads or tails with our lives because of you. If we hadn't forced the old woman to come here you would be dead by now." he spat and you glared at him " They brought you here by force?" you asked the woman who nodded " Hey, green haired. Can you step to the side?" you asked Zoro who shrugged and side stepped " Why? What is a disabled bitch like you gonna do-" the man fell back hitting the ground with a loud thud, his minions looked at you  with widen eyes before running away " That's what I thought." you huffed.

Feeling an intense gaze you turned to Luffy whose eyes shined ' Ah, too bright.' you thought " So cool! Now that we found you we can head back right? I'm getting hungry." he said wrapping a streached  arm around all of you and pulling you tightly against him " I hope Sanji has made some meat." he said and your eyes widen as his other arm streched and disappeared  in the forest " WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING/ LUFFY DON'T!" you and Zoro yelled. But it was too late, the rubber boy pulled himself forward making your screams echo threw the forest.

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