In The Island Of Justice

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Sanji  explained what had happened with Robin as Paulie drew a map “ I have been here before for railroad maintenance, I drew this based on what I could remember.” he said and a plan was made “ YEA I GOT IT!” said Luffy and you watched as he climbed out ‘ He’s going to charge forward again.’ you thought and sighed “ Hey people come and look at the sky behind Enies Lobby.” said Kokoro and you picked your head out the window “ Holy shit…” you mumbled seeing the large gate “ That’s the Gate of Justice. Those doors never open completely. It only opens a little bit to let criminals threw. On the other side there is a windless area, like the calm belt were Sea Kings roam, it’s impossible to sail with a normal ship. I don’t know how they do it but only the Marines know how to pass it. So it’s as the pirate girl said, if you wanna rescue the folks that have been arrested you have to do it before they reach that gate.” explained the old woman.

“ LET’S STICK TO THE PLAN, WE’LL GO FIRST!” yelled Zanbai and you sweatdropped ‘ It might be a little late for that.’ you thought seeing Luffy completely gone “ Where is Luffy?” asked Chopper and you pointed behind your back “ He went ahead.” you answered pointing outside at the boy sitting on a fence “ WHAT’S HIS PROBLEM!? HE JUST LEFT ON HIS OWN!” barked Paulie and you patted his back “ It’s not you, he does this all the time.” you said “ I’m going after him.” you said dismissing Nami who was just about to ask you to do exactly that.

Climbing out you took out one of your blades and swang it “ Oh? ( Y/n) you’re coming with?” asked the boy and chuckled, you paled as a rubbery arm wrapped around you and you were pulled forward, as he pulled you along the boy jumped higher. You finally landed on the top of a building “ I wanna throw up.” you grumbled “ We just have to go straight until we reach Robin right?” he asked and you nodded “ When you simplify it, yea.” you said and your eyes narrowed, deflecting some bullets. 

The boy had jumped down and you jumped after him, seeing you fall the boy inlarged his body and soften your fall “ ATTACK!” yelled the commanding Marine, the two of you punched and sliced threw the Marines trying to reach the gate “ Excuse me, please let me threw.” said Luffy “ EVEN IF YOU ASK NICELY NO MEANS NO!” yelled a Marine. Luffy wrapped himself around the soldier “ Gomu Gomu No, Mikata Robo.” he said using the Marine as a meka, you covered your mouth trying to not chuckle as the boy punched the Marines away “ THAT’S ENOUGH! YOU LEFT YOUR BACK RIGHT OPEN!” yelled two Marines raising their sword.

You smirked as their eyes widen “ I got his back.” you announced and cut the two down as Luffy fought his way up the gate, the soldiers pointed their weapons at you “ Looks like he just left you for dead! Surrender now!” announced one and you huffed “ He’s not as foolish as you, to think that I will go down from you sorry lot.” you spat. Most of the soldiers fell to the ground while the ones still standing braced themselves “ Ah yea, Oyaji said that if you have a strong will it won’t work on you.” you mumbled and shrugged “ Meh, no matter.” you said wrapping two with the chain of your blade and spinning them around crashing them on the rest of their comrades.

Hearing the commotion from both sides you put your swords back “ Time to be sneaky.” you mumbled to yourself going threw a smaller door next to the giant gate, you froze seeing a pair of giants sleeping soundly ‘ Quietly, quietly now.’ you thought tip toying a few steps before sprinting out of the room. You closed the door behind you and sighed seeing the sun “ I see you caught up to us.” said Lucci looking at you, behind him the rest of the agents and the two captors “ Shit.” you mumbled.

Blueno was the first to attack you “ You’re in the way.” you spat wrapping the chain around him and slamming him on the ground and then throwing him away to a wall. You made the next move, going for Kalifa you shot at her, using her whip she moved Franky in front f her using him as shield from the bullets, a harsh kick landed on your back and you gritted your teeth turning around. A shadow loomed over you “ Enough of this stupid cat and mouth chase.” said Lucci now bearing the appearance of a humanoid leopard, you froze remembering Kaido’s Zoan user soldiers “ Easy there kitty.” you said.

You fired two needles at the man but they were swatted away, you didn’t dare to brake eye contact. Feeling Kalifa’s whip you leaned your head back avoiding it, Lucci grabbed your body with his large claw and slammed you against a wall holding you there, your eyes shinned gold and you wrapped your legs around the claw before flipping the Zoan user away. Kaku started throwing attack after attack at you ‘ There are too many of them damnit!’ you thought gritting your teeth and flipping away from Kalifa’s lash “ You could have just come with us, we’re on the same side.” huffed Kaku “ I’m not on the same side as people who commite genocide and then torment the survivors for….you know…surviving.” you huffed.

“ You do not understand the danger this woman is to the world!” spat Lucci circling his tail around your body and growing you back, in mid air Kalifa’s whip grabbed your blades and took your weapon away. You landed on your feet “ Shit…” you thought coating your ands and legs in Haki “ We have no time to waste.” said the man aiming both his clenched fists at you “ Rokuogan!” he said. It felt like you had just been hit with an Impact Dial, you fell to your knees trying to find your breath and keep your senses “ That power of yours.” said Lucci turning back to normal “ If you had full control over it, it would be troublesome.” he said pulling you up and turning you around.

He slammed you on the wall and started tying your hands, you smashed your head back against his nose, spinning around your kicked his head only for the man to grab your leg and use you back. He tied your legs as well, you cursed and wiggled around as the man tossed you over his shoulder “ You’re quiet the stubborn one.” sweat dropped Kaku “ ZIP IT YOU PINOCHIO WANNABE! LONG NOSE 2.0!” you said and the man looked at you in disbelief “ If I hadn’t have to use Holy Drive when you poisoned me I would have showed you!” you barked “ Stop being a shore loser.” said Lucci and you drove your knee to his face again “ SHUT UP YOU FURRY!” you yelled. The other two captives looked at you in disbelief “ Is that a different person?” asked Franky and the woman shook her head “ Surprisingly no.” she said with a sad soft smile.


Smaller chapter but there is more coming soon

Also! If you have any theories or questions let me know. I really like answering and conversing with you.

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