On The Sea Train

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 “ This dirty warehouse, was once the main building of the ship building company Tom’s Workers.” said Lucci looking around and picking a photo frame “ Tom, Iceburg and Catty Flam. So this room of fond memories for the three that toiled diligently here, is you alleged secret base. How cute.”. he mocked “ SHUT UP AND GET THE HELL OUT! THE BLUE PRINTS AREN’T HERE!” yelled the cyborg “ Kalifa.” ordered Lucci and the woman tied Franky up with a spiked whip, you let your blade drop holding it from the chain. A finger was touching your neck “ You move and we kill those two women.” threatened Lucci as you heard the two girl groan in pain “ What will it be?” he asked and you glared at him before letting your blades drop.

You gritted your teeth as Lucci went to Franky and pulled out a Den-Den Mushi ‘Fuck it.’ you thought grabbing your words, you shot at the agents and wrapped a chain around Franky, swiping Usopp and the girls with the other one throwing them in the water “ YOU!” yelled Kaku, before he could say or do anything else you kicked him in the face, flipping your sword you aimed at the guy named Blueno, the barrage of needles was swatted away by Kalifa’s whip who had, in the meantime, pull out the group from the water. You avoided Lucci’s blunt hit and Kaku’s attack swatting the long nosed man away with the back of your blade.

Lucci smirked as you stumbled, eyes flickering back to ( e/c) for a few seconds, you sensed Blueno behind you but it was just a second too late before the man wrapped an arm around your neck and another around your waist keeping you bound. You struggled trying to free yourself it the man’s body was hard as steal “ You should have just stay put.” said Lucci with a sigh “ You were going to come with us either way right? Why make it so difficult?” he asked “ I won’t let you hurt innocent people. I know it is your duty to hunt pirates but don’t you feel any shame trying to assassinate the man you had been working years with! Where is you royalty!” you accused glaring at the man “ The assassination was all Nico Robin, we just old her to retrieve the blue prints. In return of this and her surrender to the World Government we would leave the Straw Hat crew be.” he explained and your eyes widen “ Quiet unexpected from a woman like her won’t you say?” he asked with a smirk.

The drug and fatigue finally caught up to you, Holly Drive got deactivated “ Damnit.” you cursed feeling numb, Lucci took you in his arms as Blueno picked up the other two men. You could feel the cold wind and the rain against your skin, you could hear Usopp screaming at the agents, a coat was thrown over you, an attempt from Lucci to keep you dry.

Opening your eyes, you found yourself laying on a soft seat, getting up you looked outside, the raging waves hitting the train you had boarded, you looked around, you were alone, your weapons gone ‘ I’m going to Matias and yet….I feel trapped. Robin is straight up committing suicide. The others….are they ok? They have Usopp here as well.’ you thought gritting your teeth and covering your face. You jumped up when you heard the door in front of  you open “ I see you’re up, that’s good. “ said Lucci sitting next to you “ We got intruders in the train. Guessing the pirates are trying to get Nico Robin and…you.” he said and you tried to hold back the hope in your eyes so you turned your head to the side.

” Are you mad at me?” he asked “ I did not sleep with you to make you lower your guard, what I said and did was genuine.” he said and you turned to meet his eye only to see Usopp outside, wearing a mask and walking at the side of the train. The long nosed man spotted you and smiled before spotting the Cp9 agent and yelping in fright. Before Lucci could turn around you took his face in your hands and pulled him close to you, he was not reluctant to kiss you back, pulling you against him. Opening an eye you confirmed that Usopp was gone and you pulled back.

Lucci looked down at you and then at the door in the front “ You’re tempting me….But not here, not now.” he said getting up “ I’ll come get you once we arrive.” he said leaving you alone, you sighed and rubbed your face in frustration ‘ I need to get my swords.’ you thought looking at the door ‘ The question is how. I can’t just go in there-‘ your thoughts were cut off when the door behind you came crushing to the door in front of you “ SANJI!” you yelled n delight running to the man and wrapping your hands around his waist “ ( Y/N)~SWAN~” he cheered melting in your arms.

Not a minute after the roof came crushing down Franky kicking a guy towards the cart the CP9 agents “ So these are the people that kidnapped you and Robin-chan.” noted the blond as the agents looked at your direction. You spotted your swords as Lucci spoke with the guy Franky had kicked “ Just give me a sec I’ll kill him.” said the guy “ You’re supposed to capture Franky alive, but you let your emotions get the best of you. Forget it, you have three seconds to run.” he spat and the agent looked at his coworker in panic as he counted down “ Run away? From who?” he asked and received his answer, a finger piercing threw him “ Kalifa on the report put: The new guy was too weak, he was worthless.” he instructed and the woman nodded.

” These are the agents of justice? They’re more evil than us.” mumbled Sanji “ What are you….Forget it, judging by the way you opened the door I already know what type of people you are.” he said and Sanji gave a blunt apology “ If you came here for Nico Robin leave, her problem is beyond your understanding.” explained the black haired man and went on to announce the plans the World Government had for her enraging the cook.

Before a fight could break out, the door at the front bursted open, Robin being held back by Usopp who was thrown towards you “ It seems like words are meaningless to you.” spat the woman and Lucci laughed at the cooks shocked expression “ FRANKY CUT THE THORD CART LOOSE!” screamed Usopp “ WHY?” asked the cyborg “ TO RUN AWAY!” answered the sniper throwing a smoke bomb on the floor and grabbing Robin “ AWSOME!” yelled the duo “ RUN!” barked the sniper. A large hand picked you up “ WHERE ARE YOU TOUCHING!?” you yelled smacking the cyborgs head.

The distance between the two carts grew but not for long before Kalifa wrapped her whip around the cart “ I’ve got them, Blueno.” she instructed and the man pulled the cart back causing you to fly forward “ That smockscreen was a lame idea.” he said holding the carts together “ Don’t kill the Straw Hat pirates and bring her Highness back.” commanded Lucci and you gritted your teeth “ Do not FUCKING CALL ME THAT! I REFUSE ANY BOND BETWEEN ME AND THAT MAN!” you yelled and smashed your heel on Blueno’s side, the man opened his mouth in pain spiting out saliva and loosing his hold on your cart.

” You better meet up with the others.” you told Sanji, the blond called out your name as you jumped meeting Kaku’s kick half way, you grabbed the man’s leg and put it on a hold “ Any of you moves I’m snapping his leg to pieces.” you spat glaring directly at Lucci “ You won’t.” groaned Kaku unable to free himself “ No matter your wishes we cannot allow Nico Robin and Franky escape. The rest are free to go.” said Lucci and you put more pressure on Kaku’s leg making him cry out in pain.

Another scream of pain was heard and you turned around to see Robin knocking out Usopp, hand wrapped around, Franky pulled you back as he jumped forward “ You! WHY!” you cried out flying threw the cart “ I GOT A PLAN SO DON’T WORRY ABOUT ME! K sweet cheeks?” he said throwing you your swords. You landed a cart away, running to the StrawHats as Blueno closed the gate he had opened “ ARE YOU OK?” you asked the two “ We’re ok. ( Y/n)-swan what about you?” asked the cook “ I’m good. The drug has worn off, I could move properly.” you said and looked at the sniper “ Usop-“ “ I’m Sogeking my fair lady.” said the masked male and you made a face “ Just go along with it.” dismissed Sanji.

At the distance you noticed coming your way “ Huh? What are these guys doing here?” you asked seeing the Franky Family riding on two huge Yagaras “ They’re our allies. Hey over here!” called Sanji. You boarded the Yagaras the twin girls hugging you “ We’re so happy you’re ok Big Sister.” they said and you raised an eyebrow “ Big sister?” you asked titling your head to the side “ Where is Aniki?” asked a member of the Family and Sanji explained what had happened “ So he sacrificed himself to save you?” asked the man turning to you “ Yea….kinda.” you mumbled feeling guilty “ DON’T WORRY BIG SIS! WE’LL GET HIM AND NICO ROBIN AS WELL! STRAWHAT IS RIGHT BEHIND US!” they yelled.

Rubbery arms wrapped around you and you shrieked as the boy pulled you in the train “ ( Y/N)!” the crew cheered “ Sanji told us they drugged you! Are you ok? Let me have a look!” fussed Chopper “ Next time you disappear like that again I’m going to fine you!” growled Nami and you turned to Zoro who looked away “ Don’t run around alone next time.” he huffed and you chuckled.

Luffy tagged on your arm “ You won’t leave again alright!?” he asked and you looked from him to the crew and back to him “ I won’t. I promise I won’t leave again.” you said smiling at the captain who grinned from ear to ear ‘ I’m sorry Oyaji but we won’t see each other yet.’ you thought.

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