Exploration In The Sky

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The next morning you felt pretty awkward, especially being on the same team as the black haired woman, you didn’t even look at her but you could feel her gaze on you “ Are your wounds ok?” asked Chopper  “ They sting a bit but I will be fine. I had a great doctor.” you said and the small animal smiled “ Don’t praise me like that you idiot. It doesn’t make me happy at all.” he giggled and you chuckled at his antics. The captain had found a stick and dragged it along with him as he walked around, like he was on a stroll “ I was worried that the forest would be a very dangerous place, but now I think it is nothing to worry about.” admitted the doctor “ Oh Chopper you’re brave today.” praised Luffy making his crew mate laugh.

” It’s a little depressing actually, nothing came at us when we went into the forest yesterday. Didn’t meet a priest either.” complained Zoro sounding disappointed “ Wasn’t that big of a deal, his stupid powers were annoying. Like a jack in the box but with orbs.” you said and the man shrugged “ What a strange group. Do they really want something to come at them?” wondered Robin and you stopped “ Guess they’re getting what they asked for.” you said looking at the huge serpent blocking the way in front of you.

You took a good look at the animal ‘ Nope, no way talking to it.’ you thought seeing its feral eyes ‘ Something has pissed it off bad. So he won’t listen.’  you thought hands going to your swords “ IT’S A SNAKE RUN!” yelled the captain “ You sound awfully happy about this!” you said sweatdropping at the boy’s carefree attitude. The animal attacked and you all jumped out of the way, he bit the trunk of a tree which was influenced in a purple substance and soon started to melt “ Shit. Maybe if I just knock it out.” you mumbled aiming at it as it went after the others “ DON’T HURT HIM!” yelled Aida blocking your view “ WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!? DON’T HURT THIS! DON’T HURT THAT! WHAT AM I-“ the Strawhats screamed your name as the snake’s fangs wrapped around the tree you were sitting.

Slowly sliding down the small gap you landed on the ground and gave the group a small thumbs up before sprinting away. All of you dodged in different directions and in the end got separated. You looked around “ Damnit…..they are too far for me to find them.” you grumbled and just started walking “ Meh! It’s Diver-dono!” said a voice and you turned around to see around 10 men resembling goats “ Damn…..are they like sacrificial lambs? Is that what am I supposed to be getting?” you wondered as they bowed down to you “ Let us escort you to Lord Enel.” they said and you clicked your tongue “ Don’t wanna.” you said and the one leading the group looked at you in surprise “ Excuse me?” he asked like he couldn’t believe his ears “ I don’t wanna go.” you repeated and they narrowed their eyes at you “ We ask for your forgiveness but we will have to take you by force!” they yelled charging at you “ What a waste of time.” you scoffed.

As the fight escalated, meaning you sending each one of the goat people flying further and further away, you reached a group of Shandorians “ Oh crap….Emmmmm this isn’t what it looks like?” you mumbled as the woman holding the injured man along with four others stared at you, the men cheered “ The Diver has come to help us! The true God will kick the tyrant out of his high pedal tool.” they cheered. The woman grabbed your hands “ I NEED YOUR HELP! I NEED TO FIND WYPER AND WARN HIM!” she cried out and you nodded “ Shouldn’t we take this guy to safety first?” you asked and the other Shandorian’s shook their head “ We’ll take care of him .” they assured and you motioned at the woman to get on your back “Hope on…” “ Laki.” she introduced herself.

” What does that guy look like?” you asked her “ Long hair, reddish brown, has a tattoo on his right arm, carries a bazooka.” she described him “ Wait…..THAT’S THE GUY THAT THREW ME OFF THE SHIP!” you yelled and the woman seemed to panic “ He only did it because he didn’t want to harm you with the Blue Sea people.” she explained and you huffed  “ What ever.” you mumbled running threw the forrest, you stopped seeing a huge vine extending up to the sky “ He’s up there. I can’t climb with you because of my injuries but I can throw you up the first level and after climbing up throw you up again.” you offered and she shook her head pointing at her waver shoes “ I can reach the top just fine. Thank you truly.” she said and began climbing up .

Letting out a sigh you started doing the same, reaching the first cloud you scanned the area, you saw a man dropping down, you made eye contact and he gave you a wink before disappearing threw the cloud " Wait a second...... WAS THE FREAKING EMINEM??" you yelled in shock and Aida looked at you questionably " Who?" she asked " EMINEM! YOU KNOW THE RAP GOD!" you explained but the woman seemed clueless " Guess we're from different time periods." you sighed and she nodded.

” Finally made it!” you cheered and taking a look around, your eyes widen seeing the woman on the ground “ LAKI!” you yelled running to her “ LAKI! CAN YOU HEAR ME?” you asked and clenched your teeth ‘ She’s alive but….’ you placed back down and looked ahead “ Ah…..my mood is becoming worse by the second.” you mumbled seeing Chopper injured inside a cloud cage. You walked ahead Wyper and Zoro were. fighting one of the priests along with a couple of goat people, cutting a way in the fighting stopped “ Took you long enough.” breathed out the swordsman and you could see he was bearing a couple of injuries “ HAH! FOOLISH BLUE SEA PERSON! THE DIVER ISN’T HERE TO HELP YOU!” mocked one of the goat people “ YOU AND THE SHANDORIAN ARE DEAD!” said the other and they jumped at them “ WATCH AS YOUR DEATHS AMUSE THE-“ “ Will you shut it?” you spat activating your Haki knocking the attackers out “ That mantra….” mumbled Wyper and Zoro looked at you a bit unsure.

You placed looked for your cigarettes but couldn’t find the pack “ Ugh, this doesn’t help. Hey you baldy.” you called at the priest who titled his head to the side “ You’ll be the second one I kill.” you spat as the man rose up “ So you were the one that killed Satori? God or not I cannot allow you to simply take my life with out a fight!” he said and with an order his giant dog started running at you “ It won’t be much of a fight.” you spat charging ahead “ WAIT THE DOG CAN ALSO FIGHT!” yelled Zoro to warn you. Just as you were a step away from the animal you halted “ SIT!” you yelled and the dog obeyed with out a second thought “Good. Paw. Shake.” you said as the three men looked at you flabbergasted “ Now nap and don’t wake up until I say so.” you said and the dog began snoozing.

The priest tried calling out to it but the animal simply continued sleeping “ That won’t work at cause I told him to ignore you.” you said and the man gritted his teeth “ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?” he yelled angrily “ Nothin, I’m just good with animals.” you said and he pointed his weapon at you “ -I HOPE YOU’RE THAT GOOD AT FIGHTING!” he said and the cloud blade shot forward, the man started sweating as you avoided the manoeuvring blade “ Non of you are that good. You just use chip tricks.” you said running forward. The blade shifted into a wall, a sad attempt of a shield, pulling out your sword you cut it in half and with a flicker of your blade a line started forming across the man’s torso. With a cry of pain he fell on his back “ Do all of you wear tacky ass glasses?” you wondered flicking the pair of sunglasses off his head.

’ She dealt with him so fast’ thought Wyper looking at his fallen enemies “ Hey your eyes!” pointed out Zoro and you grabbed his googles to look at you reflection “ They are flickering like messed up lightbulbs.”he said and you glared at him, it was true you weren’t feeling so good “ Aida?” you asked and looked at the spirit who seemed to slowly fade “ I think we’re closer to home, I’m…..not going to be here for long. I can hear my fait whispering to me. Your powered have been activated for a long time, you have surpassed your limit so once I’m gone, or even a little earlier they will shut down.” she said and you nodded ‘ I can feel a big fight coming up. Let’s hope I won’t get screwed over.’ you thought and let out a yell when the floor began to shake.

” Shit!” you thought remembering the woman laying unconscious a little further away along with Chopper, you run for them grabbing the little animal and the woman before rolling away at the edge of the huge vine. You watched with widen eyes as a bolt of lighting pierced threw the cloud “ ZORO!” you called running at the falling debris. You clenched your teeth looking from the hole on the ground to the two injured “ AH DAMNIT!” you cursed using the sash to tie Chopper on your chest and the woman on your back “ Let’s hope their not dead by the time I get down there.” you said jumping down.

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