A Lively Bunch

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Ace opened the door just a tiny bit and peered inside ' Still not up.' he thought with a sight " What are you doing here-yoi?" said Marco placing his hand on the younger boy's shoulder, Ace let out a shriek and jumped back  " I already told you guys, once she wakes up we can ask her anything but for now let her be. I wouldn't hide it if she woke up-yoi." said the blond and Ace rubbed the back of his head " I know just curious." he said with a chuckle and the blond walked him out.

Marco rubbed his tired eyes looking at the papers " You aren't waking up and pops.... isn't getting any better." he mumbled, he heard the door open and he got ready to scold Ace again but his eyes widen " I'm sorry but......can you tell me where... the hell I am?" you asked holding yourself from the doorframe, your legs were shaking and you were holding on your injured side. The male shot up " WAIT YOU SHOULDN'T BE STANDING YET-YOI!" he said gently taking hold of you " Come lay down-yoi" he said as he sat you on the bed, you shook your head " No I'm fine, I'm fine. Where am I? Where is Matías?" you said and the man handed you a glass of water " You are currently abroad our ship, I'm the doctor. You suddenly appeared, just you-yoi." said the man and you made a weird face.

Once checking up on you he explained everything the best he could " I'm sorry it's just that everything sounds so bizarre." you said running a hand threw your hair " It's understandable from what you told me. Stay here I'm gonna talk to pops-yoi." he said getting up and walking out of the room. You stared at the door before gripping the sheets ' WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING OOOOONNNN?!' you screamed in your head ' PORTALS? PIRATES? DIDN'T I DIE?' you thought in panic ' AND MATÍAS!!!! WHERE THE HELL IS MATÍAS?' you thought taking your phone from the table, the device did not work.

You blinked once then twice ' Yea, I'm not hallucinating.' you thought seeing the giant man, you rubbed your eyes for good measure " Damn you're huge." you said looking up at him trying to meet his eyes, you quickly covered your mouth " Shit! I meant to say thank you for not letting me die! That just slipped out." you said and the man laughed ' His laugh is funny.' you thought smiling awkwardly and trying to keep your own laugh in. Whitebeard leaned down and you managed to take a better look at his face " You're a funny one kid and the air around you is quiet interesting. Until you fully recover you can stay here and then you can choose what to do." he said smiling down at you " Thank you very much. For taking care of me." you said smiling back at him.

Questions, questions and more questions were thrown at you by the cre members, after Marco announced that Whitebeard decided that you will be staying they welcomed you with open arms ' Some of them look freaking weird.' you thought with a sweatdrop but didn't comment on anything not wanting to be rude. You received a smack on the back and a plate was placed in front of you " You must have been starving, you were out cold for a couple of days." said a brown haired male " Name's Thatch. I'm the cook here." he said pushing someone and sitting next to you, looking down at your plate you felt your mouth open and your eyes shinning " Looks tasty huh? Go on have a bite." he said and without needing to be told twice you did just that. 

The man laughed as you proceed to devour the rest of the food " You got quiet the appetite don'cha? Zehahaha." laughed a black haired man " Can you blame her Teach. Sleeping beauty here has been out of it for almost a week." said another black haired male sitting on your other side " Name's Ace." he said giving you a smile and his hand " ( Y/n)." you replied taking it and giving it a shake " So ( Y/n) that shiny thing you got with you." asked Ace pointing at your dead phone " A that's a smartphone." you said pressing the button in hopes it will open, the device  let out a strange sound before smoke came out of it " Ah it's completely dead...." you mumbled taking off the case a few items spilling out.

Ace pick up  something while Thatch peered over your shoulder " Money?" asked the freckled male picking up a bill " Yea, oh I was looking for that!" you said picking up a coupon " Though it won't be that useful here." you said and the man next to you laughed " Oh is that you and your friend? Matías right?" he asked picking up a small polaroid " Yea." you replied your mood suddenly dropping " Hey now, I'm sure we will find him. Pop's knows a lot of people." said the chef and you nodded " It's just that he tends to get into trouble. That little brat." you said staring at the photo with a sad smile. The two men placed their arms over your shoulder " Oi you should try to liven up a bit." said Ace " His right, I mean you did make it out alive." said the cook and they Shaked you back and forth while trying to cheer you up.

" Hey! I told you to be careful. The fact that she's up doesn't mean that she has recovered-yoi." said Marco with a serious look " Don't worry doc I'm in top shape." you said giving him a smile " As usual you worry to much about you patients Marco." said a kimono wearing man " How can you say that Izo? You saw the state she was in-yoi." said the doctor " But as you can see she seems alright now. Letting loose a bit won't do her any harm." said Izo giving you a light pat on the shoulder.

Suddenly red liquid started coming out of your mouth  and your head dropped to the table " Izo....YOU MURDERER!" yelled Ace jumping on his feet " ME! I JUST TOUCHED HER SHOULDER!" yelled the older man " DOESN'T MATTER! MOVE!" yelled Marco kneeling to your side. A bottle was raised in front of his face " It was juice." you said turning to face him " WHAT KIND OF JOKE IS THAT YOU BRAT?!" yelled both smacking you on the head " DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY TO BE CAREFUL WITH HER?!" yelled their cremates.

Matías gritted his teeth while running ' How....' he thought turning to a corner ' HOW EXACTLY DID I BECOME THIS GIANTS ERRAND BOY!' he yelled in his head stopping in front of the giant door of the ship. The boy collected himself  and knocked " Come in." came the deep voice, Matías entered " ADMIRAL AKAINU THERE HAS BEEN A REPORT DIRECTED TO YOU!" he said saluting and offering an envelope to the man. The admiral took it and the young boy stood there completely still ' Running around all day, wearing this ridiculous uniform. The only reason that I do this is to find ( Y/n)! I just got to get stronger fast....so wherever you are please wait for me.' he thought as he got dismissed and walked out of the room with a determine look in his eyes.

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