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It has been around 2 days since you returned to Water-7, your crew was staying at a lodge and recovering from any injuries you had sustained “ Iceburg, Iceburg…you need to get up.” you said at the man next to you who was fake sleeping “ I know you’re awake.” you said and sighed before getting up “ Well, guess I take a bath alone.” you said and the man rose up “ I’m up!” he announced as you put on one of his robes “ What are you going to do from now on?” he asked testing the water the bathtub was filling with “ I want to see everything with Luffy threw, I believe I was brought in this world to help him achieve his dream.” you said taking Iceburg’s hand and sitting across from him in the bathtub. 

You relaxed in the hot water “ I was hoping you’d stay here.” he mumbled and you smiled “ Foolish I know.” he sighed and you shook your head “ You’re a kind man Iceburg, smart and capable and good looking to boot. Both of us have things we want to do.” you said caressing his face “ Let’s meet again after everything is done.” you said and the man kissed your hand. Hearing a couple of things drop your turned around to see Paulie at the door of the dedroom, red faced and trembling “ Don’t.” warned Iceburg, what you have learned the past 2 days is that Paulie was extremely fun and easy to tease “ Wanna join us?” you asked the blond and he dropped back.

” And where have you been?” asked Zoro when you entered “ Out.” you said like it was the most obvious thing and you held up two bags “ I bought  things to cook and booze.” you said. Sanji zoomed in from the kitchen “ Thank you ( Y/n)-swan! You’re always so considerate!” he swooned, Zoro huffed before taking the bag and walking out “ What’s with him?” you asked “ Don’t mind him, he’s butthurt because one of his swords broke. Would you like me to make you something sweet?” he asked and you nodded.

That’s when you noticed your captain and the navigator, one was eating with his eyes closed and snoring and the other laying on the table a mopping around ‘ I won’t even ask.’ you thought. The door opened Granny Kokoro coming in “ I’m coming in!” she called and the giant frog tried to follow after her “ YOKOZUNA STAY OUT!” she scolded “ I see everyone is up, the Pirate King sure is energetic.” she said seeing the boy eating “ Ah, that’s different. He hates missing meals so he found a way to eat while sleeping.” explained the cook putting another serving on the table. The old lady asked what you were going to do since the log pose was almost ready, the navigator answered that you can’t do anything since your things are gone ‘ I didn’t have anything in there in the first place.’ you thought.

The door opened again two men entering and bringing in a bunch of things along with trees “ MIKAN TREES! I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE THEM AGAIN! I’M SO HAPPY~” cheered Nami “ We’re sorry, we took all your things because we thought you were the ones that attacked Iceburg-san.” they apologised. Robin and Chopper also returned “ I went to check on the Franky Family’s wounds and I didn’t let Robin out of my sight!” said the doctor happily “ I’m not planing on going anywhere.fufufu.” chuckled the archaeologist.

You sweat dropped when Franky bursted in ‘ So many people.’ you thought as the cyborg started explaining something about a tree, you couldn’t really pay attention a strong presence taking your attention. The group cheered as Franky offered you a ship to continue your travels “ Guys, we might e in trouble.” you said on your guard, just when you got their attention the front door was broken down.

A man wearing a dog mask entered “ You are the Straw Hat’s crew. I brought someone I want Monkey D Luffy to meet.” he said, even with all commotion your captain was still snoozing again, you and Sanji stood in front of him ready to attack. You didn’t even get to blink before the Marine passed you and smashed his fist on Luffy’s  head, your captain screamed in pain “ THAT HURTS!” he cried out “ What do you mean? That was a punch!” yelled Sanji “ It’s Haki.” you spat eyes narrowed.

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