Going On A Rescue Mission

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" Come again?" you asked with a weirded out expression the man kneeling in front of you " PLEASE MARRY ME! I KNOW YOU ARE A PIRATE BUT I CAN GIVE YOU MORE THAN THE LIFE AT SEA WILL EVER!" yelled the man and you took a step back " No thanks." you said and the man started crying and tried to get closer to you " Just a chance!" he pleaded. Seeing what was going on your crewmates surrounded you creating a barrier " She said no man. " said Ace  hiding you behind him " So please back off. " said Deuce next to him, the man tried to protest but to hands were places on his shoulders. " We would advise you to let the girl be." said Marco " Or we cannot guarantee for our further actions. " said Izo and the man shivered and slowly walked away whimpering.

Your crewmates stayed close to you until the man was completely gone " Seriously what was that guy's deal you said looking at him over Ace's shoulder " Please forgive the poor man." said an elderly woman and your gazes moved to her " From your tone it seems like this happens often. " said Izo and she nodded  " It happened a couple months ago, the young boy is an ex  marine, his name Arsen . We don't have enough resources here so we send ship to a bigger nearby island when we run out of some supplies he served in that island, in one of those runs a beautiful young woman went along, her name is Rosetta, an adventurous kind hearted woman, he fell for her so bad that he quit his position and came to live here with her. Not even a month after their engagement Rosetta went on another run and never returned. It turned out that the boy's father, also a marine, who was supposed to be dead had come back looking for his son and claiming him a traitor for abonding his duty and to make him come back he's holding poor Rosetta hostage. Arsen went mad with grief because hearing what his father had done and now... " said the woman casting a pitiful look on Arsen. 

Taking a moment to observe the man you noticed that, he was obviously well built but it was becoming apparent that he was losing weight, he had honey color hair that were messy and dirty  and black eyes that were struck with grief, his skin slightly tan but with a greysh hue probably from the lack of food " Is the island too far away?" you asked and the woman shook her head  " No, about 2-3 days trip." she said, Marco sensing what you were planning grabbed you by the back of your collar " Absolutely not. You won't walk straight to a marine base. Oyaji needs rest, we can't have them so up here and now." he said scolding you " The marines don't know I'm a member of the crew. It will be quick, grab the girl then make a run for it." you said and the man pinched your cheek " What exactly makes you think that it will be that easy. I don't disagree with helping the girl but not like this. Stay out of it until we figure something out. " said the blond and you tried to protest but he pinched your cheek again " Fine. I'll stay out of it. " you mumbled.

You were not going to stay out of it, for some reason seeing the man in such desperation and knowing that someone was being held against their will made your blood boil, so when night fell and everyone was asleep you changed your clothes ( pin.it/nm0mfGs), grabbed a bag of supplies, an Eternal Pose and jumped in a boat. You started untying the rope  " They're gonna be so mad." you groaned as you rowed away  " That's for sure." said someone and your boat rocked a bit at the impact of someone landing on it " IZO!" you yelled in shock and slight panic seeing the male standing behind you. 

Before you could say anything he smacked the back of your head  " FORGIVING YOU HAS ITS LIMITS! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" he yelled and was ready to keep yelling out you until he saw the look on your face " You can get mad at me but I'm going. Seeing Arsen... No seeing any man in such a state I cannot just sit still. Especially knowing that someone is being held against their will and used as means of blackmail makes me sick to my stomach. If I was taken away from you I would sacrifice my arms and legs if it meant I would return. And also..... There is this feeling.... SO I'M GOING! YOU CAN DRAG ME BACK BUT I WILL STILL GO! " you yelled detriment. The black haired male sighted and sat down " I cannot argue with you. " he mumbled " Fine but I'm coming with you as well. " he said and you jumped on him " IZO YOU'RE THE FREAKING BEST! " you yelled wrapping your arms around him, taken aback at first he stood there frozen for a moment, face red before quickly wrapping his arms around you as well " But Marco is probably going to kill us."  you said  " Yes...probably. " he mumbled.

Marco's eyebrow twitched as he held the two notes " I went to rescue the girl. Won't be long, please don't get mad. Take care." he read on one " I'm going to bring her back. " he read on the other. Thatch patted his back  " Since Izo is with her it should be fine." said the brown haired man " Yea but... Izo is alone with her. " mumbled the blond " Ah I see how it is. You're jealous again." said the cook with a laugh " I'M NOT! HE JUST BABIES HER TOO MUCH SOMETIMES!" yelled the doctor in his defense " Sure sure. " said Thatch still laughing.

At an unknown island an old man entered a luxurious house, he hanged his cap and jacket and moved on  " You're still haven't eaten my dear? Perhaps you were waiting for me? " he asked with a smile the woman sitting on the kitchen table. The strawberry haired woman didn't acknowledge him " Ah maybe the servants didn't serve you, after all couples should dine together. " he said hand almost touching her short locks, the woman made a face of disgust and the man took his hand away and moved to sit across from her. The room was silent as they ate only the clattering of the forks and knives and the man's pitiful attempt to make light conversation. At some point it seemed that he had enough and threw his utensils on the table, the woman was not phased " You know Rosetta, that good for nothing I have for a son won't be coming for you. And time is ticking." he said getting up and walking towards her  " So I would advise you to make the right choices." he spat caging her between the chair and his arms  " I would never give myself nor the treasure to you. You hoaxer! " she spat and the man let out a laugh. A cold evil laugh that made the woman shiver " We will see about that. " he said walking out and slamming the door shut. Rosetta sunk on the chair and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding " Arsen... why haven't you come you fool." she sobbed.

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