No Way Out

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You fired. The shot echoed threw the back street but the man simply moved his head to the side. The ground bellow you jiggled and you jumped up manoeuvring  your body to avoid the splashes of gold directed to you. Sending multiple shots towards the man you landed a little further back, Tesoro snapped his fingers gold bursting threw the ground and creating a small shield in front of him " You should really stop this foolishness. Do you really think that you can get away from Donflamingo?" he asked as the gold disappeared " Why not?" you spat eyes narrowed and the man shook his head while chuckling " Do you realise the power he holds? Do you ever stop to think why would the World Goverment allow a pirate to rule a kingdom?" he asked and in that moment you felt like a fool.

Gritting your teeth you got ready to fire at the man again, with a snap of his fingers golden vines smacked the gun from your hand and tide your hands together, morphing into a ball and locking you in their grip" I'll give you the answer. " he said walking up to you and leaning down to be face to face with you "Cause Donflamingo is a Tenryubito." he said. At the moment that name left his mouth you felt a burning ache on your chest while multiple voices screamed in your head " Impostors! Liars! Impostors!"

You looked up at Tesoro " What's that?" you asked and the man froze in surprise before grabbing your face with one of his hands squeezing your cheeks " You cant be serious! You really dont know what a Tenryubito is?!" he yelled and you shook your head. The man seemed both surprised and irritated by your lack of knowledge on the matter " Unbelivable" he sighed in frustration. After a brief explanation that made your gut twist and turn the man squeezed your cheeks " That's why theres no escap-AAAAHHHH YOU CRAZY WOMAN! YOU BIT ME!" yelled the man in complete shock taking back his bloody hand. Before he could react any further you activated your Haki, he stumbled back trying to collect himself, after all he had fought Donflamingo in the past this wasn't his first encounter with a Haki user, but in the end he felt his world turn black and he fell to the ground.

You cursed as the gold melted from your hands, you didn't want to use your Haki since it would alert the Shichibukai of your position. You had to move fast before he managed to find you and before Tesoro woke up. As you turned around to leave you dodged a bullet and turned to glare at the girl who had shot you " I really don't have time for this." you said as the girl took a few steps back " I'll shoot!" she said and you scoffed " You already tried that." you said and titled your head to the side avoiding another bullet.

With a frustrated huff you knocked the girl out and took the gun " How cruel. But I kinda like this side of you." said Donflamingo. You span around the metal of the gun touching his forehead " Aren't you going to shoot?" he asked as your hand begun to tremble, a cheeky smirk appeared on his face " Lets talk." he said moving the barrel of the gun away from him with one of his fingers " I can let you leave." he said taking your swords out from behind his back " Go and find your way back to Whitebeard." he said wrapping the belt around your waist and pulling you against him " But once you are out of my sight I will call and have that little friend of yours torn to pieces." he whispered leaning down lips brushing against your ear. Your eyes widen and you turned to look at him " Or." he said hands resting on your shoulders and moving up your neck to hold your face " You could stay with me. Put on that wedding dress and live in comfort by my side and I will arrange for you to meet that Matías." he said and his smirk widen as you lowered your head angry tears gathering in your eyes " Promise." you mumbled voice trying not to crack " Promise me that if I stay Matías will be safe." you said " Of course." he said and you nodded. The man pulled out the handcuffs " Put them on." he said and you frowned " I already said I'll stay." you said and the man just placed them in your palm " Put.them.on." he said and you did just that. As the cold metal wrapped around your wrists and the cuffs clicked shut you but your lip so hard that it started to bleed " I'm glad we could sort this out." he said whipping the blood from your lips and licking it off his finger " Lets head back." he said.

" Instead of cuffs you should put a collar on her." spat Tesoro as you laid in Donflamigo's arms. The blond man laughed " Do not be like that. She apologized. See it as a souvenir." said Donflamingo with a chuckle and Tesoro huffed " You left your own so you can call it even." said Donflamingo tracing his finger over a red mark on your skin making you flinch " We will be leaving tomorrow. Can't leave her leg like that." he said, meanwhile you stayed silent as you plotted for a way to warn Matías and keep him safe before you make a proper escape plan.

Returning to Dressrosa, Donflamingo had one of his subordinates examine your wounds. The man's name was Law, he had started his own pirate crew but the Shichibukai had told you that he had big plans for him, at all that the black haired male made no comment " I need to take care of some final business after all the big day is approaching." said the blond and at that you clenched your fists " Law. Keep a good eye on her." he said before leaving the two of you alone.

You felt slightly irritated as the male would stare in your eyes for long periods of time before returning to steaching the flesh on your leg " What is it? If you have something to say just do so." you said and the man shook his head " Nothing. You just dont seem that happy for a soon to be bride." he said and smirked slightly ' Attractive jerks. This world is filled with attractive jerks.' you thought face flashing pink. Law kept staring in your eyes " (Y/n)-ya I-" he stopped as the door opened and quietly slipped a piece of paper in your hand.

A tall back haired man stood at the door a scar running acroos his face " Where is the birdbrain?" he asked and you shrugged " Obviously not here." you said sending him back the same look of superiority. After holding eye contact for a few seconds the newcomer chuckled " From what Kizaru told me and from the attitude you must be the bride." he said and you made a face " Forgive me. Soon to be bride." he said and send a look at Law and then to your bloody leg " This brat. He tries to play the gentle man but he has the manners of a brute." he said.

" What was that about my manners?" asked the blond from behind the man " Hard of hearing?" spat the scar faced man " You're here early. Crocodile." said Donflamingo and Crocodile shrugged " Didn't wanna miss the show. " he said sending a glance your way " Unless the bride decides to bail last minute and I came here for nothing." he continued with a smirk and Donflamingo chuckled " She wouldn't. Would you?" he said and you clenched your fists " No." you spat and the blond send a smug smirk to the other man " Once you're done come find us to my office." he said gesturing to the man to follow him.

Once they were gone you went to unfold the piece of paper that Law had given you but he grabbed your hand and shook his head " It will take sometime. I will check on you later as well. For now this will be enough." he said wrapping a bandage around your stitches.

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