There Is Hope

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The Baroque Works members stared at the empty house " WE'RE DEEEEAAAADDDD!" they screamed in absolute terror  " Mr.0 is going to skin us alive!" sobbed on of them while the other cried in silence. One of them suddenly snapped his head up " Wait! There is still hope." he said turning to the other " There is an old lady with a kid in town that practices medicine or herbs. We can get her to treat the girl." he said and the other shook his head " We have no money left. We gave everything to the doctor." he said and the other smirked " We're a criminal organization. We can just force her to come here." he said and they both laughed.

At the out risks of the island in a small shack a lady sat on her rocking chair going back and forth while she cleaned herbs and placed in a small pot with boiling water. Hearing shuffling she turned around, a small girl shuffled on her bed " Good morning Leilani. How did you sleep?" she asked as the girl rubbed her face " One of my sisters is here." said the little girl and the lady title her head to the side " A sister? But I though you were an only child." said the old lady and the little girl shook her head " Granny even though you were the one that explaned those things to me you're acting silly." said Leilani and the old woman hummed in understanding " So it's another Diver." she mumbled. 

" YOU ATE IT ALL AGAIN!?" yelled Sanji having Luffy, Usopp and Chopper lined up on their knees " YOU CAN'T KEEP HOGGING THE FOOD LIKE THAT! WE HAVE A LONG TRIP AHEAD OF US!" he yelled as Vivi tried to calm him down " Now now Sanji-san. There is one more island where we can stock before we reach Alabasta." said the blue haired woman and Sanji huffed " Still Vivi-chan we can't allow them to keep doing this." he said " That's right! Do you know how much it coasts to feed this idiot alone?" said Nami pulling the rubber man's cheek " Don't worr-" the princess got cut off by the ship rocking a little.

The crew looked to the side to find a man with rosy cheeks looking up at them " Ah sorry~ Sorry~ My bad." he said laughing a bit, it was obvious that the man was drunk " Please forgive me." he said taking a step back and stumbling falling off his boat " AH! OLD MAN!" yelled the crew while Sanji dove in to get him. Once back on the ship the man rubbed the back of his head " Sorry sorry I just hit the jackpot and got a bit carried away with my drinks." he said chuckling " You hit the jackpot?" asked Nami interested and the man nodded " Hell yea I did! Wanna hear about it little lady?" asked the man with a smirk on his face and Nami nodded.

Letting out another small chuckle the man leaned forward " You see I managed to steal a lot of money from a certain man." he said chuckling and the crew gave him a few questionable stares " He is the boss of a big organization. Baroque Works." he said and laughed at the crew's shocked faces " How could you still money from a man like him?!" asked Vivi as the doctor was getting up " You see young lady even the most fearsome man can melt for a woman. Last night he brought over a girl covered in terrible burns and with a high fever. He was so desperate to save her that his lackies gave me all the money up front!" he said letting out another laugh " you just left without treating her?" asked Chopper voice shaky and the man huffed " Yea. You should have seen her, there is no way that she will survive that is if she isn't already dead." said the doctor and Chopper gritted his teeth " HOW CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF A DOCTOR WHEN YOU LEFT YOU PATIENT TO DIE!" he yelled transforming to his human form and sending the man flying.

Back on the island Granny and Leilani were returning from the market when two men stepped in front of them " So you're the old hag that practices medicine." said one looking at her up and down " Yes that is me? What's the matter? Is one of you injured? If that's the case we have a very capable docto-" " Shut your trat. The doc run away with all our money and we have a seriously injured person with us. If she dies we die, so you're coming with us!" said on of them pointing his gun at her. Leilani stepped forward, her eyes glowing gold but Granny placed her  arm in front of her " You can take me to her. But I'm afraid I might not be able to help you that much." she said leaving the groceries with the little girl " Leilani you go home and eat your lunch." she said patting the girl's head and walking away with the two men.

The Strawhat's had left the doctor on his boat and headed straight for the island " Chopper I know that you want to treat that lady but if Crocodile brought her over it would be hard to find her." said Nami as the reindeer jumped from the ship " And it would be even harder to find her if it's her." said Vivi showing the crew a newspaper " The Queen Of Dressrosa disapears. The main suspect is non other than one of the Shichibukai." the article below explained how you had disappeared on your way to meet your sworn brother, they made sure to highlight the grief of your husband and how Crocodile was the main suspect of your disappearance " A queen?" asked Nami her eyes turning into Bellies " What a lovely presence~" sang Sanji eyes morphed into hearts. Luffy stared at the picture for a bit before smiling " Alright. Let's find her." he said and Usopp raised an eyebrow " You're interested?" asked the sniper " Shishishi she looks like a funny person." said the captain.

" Hey guys do you smell that?" asked Chopper " Smell what?" asked Usopp but then the smell of something burning hit them " There is smoke! There must be a fire!" called Vivi and soon they all heard the panicked yells of a child " Huh!? A kid so far out of town?" wondered Nami and they all jumped when Leilani jumped out of a bush, face covered in dirt " HELP! I SET MY FOOD ON FIRE!" she yelled and a burst of flames popped over the trees " YOU SET THE WHOLE HOUSE ON FIRE!" yelled the crew.

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