Clocks Ticking

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“ Go rest.” said Crocodile as he saw you nodding off before you could refuse Jinbe agreed “ I will have to agree ( Y/n)-san. You need rest, so please go and lay down.” said the fish man and you sighed and got up “ Just for a few minutes.” you said and the fishman gave you a nod and a smile. You were out cold, you went down to the soldier chambers and laid on one of the bottom bunkbeds, you believed that sleep will not come to you but once you got comfortable you passed out.

The ex Shichibukai knocked on the door and quietly opened it when there was no answer. He sighed seeing you sleeping, by no means was it an easy sleep, you were mumbling and clenching on the seats, he kneeled down and pulled you closer, his good arm holding your hands and his hook wrapped around your back. He glared at the scars Donflamingo had left on you and he found himself wondering how many times this had happened to you, rage started filling him and he quickly calmed himself. He pulled you even closer burying his face to your neck, you grumbled and he immediately backed away feeling frustrated “ What have you done to me?” he mumbled running his hand threw his hair and exiting.

You woke up from the ship shaking and quickly grabbed your blades before running up the deck “ WHAT HAPPENED!” you asked panting “ Oh! ( Y/n) a giant wave rose up but then froze and now we’re stuck here!” said Luffy and hearing the screams and yells you looked down ‘ Oyaji and everyone is down there.’ you thought as the rest talked ‘ I wonder if Matias is down there. He probably is….’ you thought bitterly and then you found yourself falling.

Holding back your screams you pulled out your blades and wrapped your chain around Luffy using the other blade to slide down the ice “ I thought I was going to die.” you breathed out holding your chest “ ACE! I FINALLY OUND YOU!” yelled your captain smiling at his brother. You helped Crocodile up and Buggy puffed out his chest out as he stood next to you “ WE’RE HERE TO SAVE YOU!” yelled Luffy and everyone pretty much lost it.

Eyes narrowing you jumped away your blade clashing against Crocodile’s hook behind Whitebeard “ I TOLD YOU TO NOT EVEN THINK OF TOUCHING OYAJI!” you yelled pushing him back, the ex Shichibukai tried to attack again and Luffy kicked him, his foot covered in salt water “ You’re not touching this guy. This is the guy ( Y/n) and Ace care about!” he said as you sucked your lips ‘ Don’t cry. Don’t cry!’ you thought tears filling your eyes “ Aren’t you going to greet your old man?” asked Whitebeard and you jumped on the older man “ OYAAAJIIIII!” you cried crocodile tears bursting threw your eyes and the Yonko laughed as he patted your back.

“ Thank you for bringing my dear daughter back, I don’t want you involved in this so you stay in Mobby.” said Whitebeard turning from Luffy to you “ HUH! NO! ( Y/N) IS NOT LISTENING TO YOU SHE’S MINE!” yelled your captain wrapping himself around you “ You need to put crew mate in the middle Luffy. I’m your crew mate.” you said and the boy pouted “ Whatever! I’M COMING FOR YOU ACE!” said Luffy jumping off Mobby and into the battled. You blinked several times  “ Of course he would go head first.” you mumbled shaking your head “ Oyaji! Your my family but Luffy is my captain, he is the one that I want to help become the King of pirates. So if you can’t ….” “ You will always be my dear daughter no matter the ship you sail in.” he said and you nodded bitting back your tears.

Seeing the shining light you jumped forward wrapping your chain around Luffy you pulled him to the side “ My my, now that’s a look. Is it possible you’re still mad at me?” asked Borsalino titling his head to the side as your golden orbs glared at him, you had thrown Luffy next to Ivan so he was safe “ AH MY DARLING YOU HAVE COME BACK TO ME!” yelled Moria and you grimaced “ Of course you’re here.” you spat “ I SWEAR I’M SO HAPPY THAT I COULD DIE!” yelled the Shichibukai “ THEN DIE YOU ONION SHAPED PERV!” you yelled heal landing on his face sending him flying back. Even though Moria was blown to the far back his zombies remained a problem, a wave of water crashed on them, the shadows escaping through their agape mouths “ Thank you Jinbe!” you smiled at the fishman “ Do not try about Moria and the Zombies go to Luffy’s side!” he said and you nodded.

And you did that just in time, your blade clashed with Mihawk’s, pushing his blade down you jumped up, your blade coming down at the man, he blocked it with ease as you wrapped the chain around your leg and kicked your other blade forward. Mihawk titled his head to the side and you smirked as you passed the heal of your boot threw one of the chain loops flicking it to the side.

The man's eyes widen as your blade grazed his cheek and you jumped back with a satisfied smirk. His eyes studied you as the corners of his lips tagged upwards for a split second as he whipped the blood from his cheek " Quiet exceptional." he said and you gave a small bow " Why thank you." you said and got ready as the man raised his blade.

" BUGGY SHIELD!" screamed the clown jumping in front of you  " Y-you should head to Straw Hat! I can handle this guy no problem!" said the blue haired male giving you a shaky thumbs up. You smiled at him and his face turned as red as his nose " Thank you Buggy, maybe you're not such a shitty guy." you said and the man turned his back at you " G-go! Don-tt waste p-p-precious time now." he said as you run off. Buggy let out a squeal as he bit his gloved fingers ' I managed to fix my image with her! She smiled at me! But now I'm in such a bad spot. BUT IT'S WORTH IT FOR HER!' he thought tears streaming down his face.

He saw you and truly he couldn't believe his eyes, you had both grown and changed quiet a bit ' It must have been hard for her. ' he thought watching you fight threw the Marine soldiers, not a single one of them dead, heavily injured but not dead. Matias continued to watch you, your movements, you expressions, it was obvious that you hated this as much as he did " CAPTAIN WATCH OUT!" screamed one of his soldiers and Matias just sang his gautlent backwards knocking down the pirate that had tried to attack him.

This isn't how he wanted your reunion to be, he backed away, it didn't look like you were looking for him, he understood but it still heart ' Maybe it's for the best. If we don't meet up like this. This.... is war and for the first time in our lives, we're on opposing sides.' he thought bitterly. 

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