In The Hands Of A Gentleman

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Pained groans left your lips as the black haired male laid you down on his bed " You crazy woman." he mumbled and flinced when you yelled in pain, even thought he had treated himself from minor wounds Crocodile was in no way a doctor, what he did know was that he should pour cold water on those burned arms of yours.

He got rid of his coat and vest, folding his sleeves up and went to the bathroom to grab some towels and cold water. Once he got back he took a moment to look at you, from your wrists up to your shoulders your skin was burned, bruised or bloodied, the fabric of your shirt had gotten stuck on it and the man knew that he would need to cut it first. Taking off his tie, he folded it " Hey. Can you hear me?" he asked you and you nodded " This is going to hurt. Bite down on this and keep quiet. If anybody hears you theyll take you back to that bird bastard." he said and you nodded " Good." he said placing the tie in between your teeth, his fingers brushing your lips as he pulled them back.

A muffled scream was ripped from your throat when Crocodile grabbed your hand and ripped the fabric off, you panted trying to keep yourself awake and quiet as he did the same with the other sleeve. He got rid of your shirt completely and just as he dipped a towel in the cold water he froze, his eyes had landed on the tattoo on your side " You. You're with Whitebeard?" he asked, basically spitting the name of the Yonko out of his mouth, you gave him a weak nodd " Then why....why did he not come for you?" he questioned. The rage that had been building up in him vanished when he saw your tearfilled eyes, he simply shook his head and placed the wet towel on your arm.

Crocodile stared at you sleeping, at some point as he cleaned and bandaged your wounds you had passes out. He had covered your exposed torso with one of his shirts before drapping over you a clean blanket " Ill get you a doctor in one of the islands that I control. Once you get better you can decide what you'll do." he said and sighed " The only issue get you out of here unnoticed." he mumbled.
Deep in the ocean waters Law was in panic, the plan had went up in flames and he did not have any clue about your well being other than that you were alive, he had tried calling you but the den-den Mushi would not connect. Even though his crew tried to persuade him to leave the scene completely, in fear that they might get spotted, the male still decided to lurk near by.

Donflamingo was in complete rage,  marines had been sent into the water but non of them managed to find anything " Sir. I know holding a funeral withou-" the marine let out a cry of pain as strings wrapped around his limbs and bend them " Young Master! Please calm down!" called Baby5 trying to snap the man out of his rage " She's alive. So watch your mouth." he spat veins appearing on his forehead.

Crocodile frowned taking his hand away from your forehead, he had left you alone in the room to tell the captain of the ship where he wanted to be left now that they had departed with Donflamingo, only to find out once he returned that you had a high fever " Such a troublesome girl." he huffed. For some reason he couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed that you were a member of the Whitebeard pirates but he never asked you about what you did before Donflamingo took you. In fact he knew almost nothing about you " Crocodile." you called looking up at him with half lidded eyes, sweat running downyour face " The bird is gone. Sleep at ease." he said and with those words you closed your eyes again, letting out relieved sigh.

Trebol groaned under Whitebeards foot " Stop squirming you brat." said the Yonko " She's not in the castle." said Izo returning to the main hall " Nor in the island-yoi. Donflamingo is nowhere to be found as well." said Marco flying in from the window " We already told you that Doffy and the girl went to meet that Matías Brat." spat Diamante glaring at the Whitebeard pirates.

A den-den Mushi started ringing and Vista motioned for Diamante to pick it up " Yes Doffy." answered the man " Its me Baby5. We're heading back." said the woman from the other side of the line " Why? What happened?" asked Diamante as Vista's sword pressed against his neck " ( Y/n)-san has escaped. We thought she got eaten by a Seaking but the Young Master said that he could still feel her near. She had outside help. " she said and Diamante hang up " Why You!" spat Vista.

Whitebeard raised his hand " If she's not here we have no reason to stay. Let's head back." he said " Maybe we should wait for Donflamingo to get back. Question him about what he knows?" said Izo but Whitebeard shook his head " We need to return to Mobby. I have a bad feeling." said the old man and even though his sons didn't want to they obliged.

" So this is the serious matter that you wished my help for? I thought that you might have been injured since you asked me to provide you with a doctor." said a black haired woman with a hint of amusement in her voice. Crocodile's sharp eyes gave her a slight glare as multiple pairs of arms carried you out of the ship's window " If I remember corectly from the recent news-" " Spare me the chit chat Miss All Sunday." said the man taking you in his embrace " Lets head to the doctor before this becomes more troublesome. The hour to put the final stage into motion is about to begin" he said.

The doctor examined you with a frown " Her wounds have been infected from the poor and rough treatment. I dont know who took care of her but he did a poor job. Such incompetence..." he said making the Shichibukai frown " How long will it take for her to recover?" he asked " About 3 weeks? Maybe more. Shell need someone to be on her side all the time. Im of course willing. For the right prize." said the doctor with a smirk and Crocodile huffed.
After paying the doctor he sat to your side, he softly brushed your palm " I have bussiness to attend to, things that cannot wait. Once you get better you can come find me in Rainbase." he said placing an eternal pose next to your nightstand. He was about to get up and leave when you called his name " Thank you." you huffed and the man gave you a small smirk " Thank me after you've made a full recovery." he said softly taking your hand and placing a kiss upon your palm.

The doctor had come back that night with two men of Baeaqueworks men picking him up from his house, he did a small check up and the men gave him the rest of the money even though Crocodile had told them to pay him bit by bit. The doctor laughed inside his home as he backed his things " Idiots~ Idiots~ That girl is a gonner no way I'm waisting money on medicine for a deadman~ " he laughed throwing the bags over his shoulders and exiting threw the back door.

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