Not All People Have A Wanted Poster

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A packet of papers was thrown in your head " Thanks-yoi." said Marco and the news bird handing it a coin " THE HELL'S YOUR DEAL?! YOU STUPID BIRD!" you barked and the animal gave you puppy eyes " You're forgiven." you said " THAT'S ALL IT TOOK?!" yelled the crew while Marco took the papers from you " Oh my bounty went up again~" said Thatch taking his wanted poster " Ace yours too!" he said waving it at the male who gave a cocky smirk. Izo flinched seeing you pouting " What's the matter?" he asked as you kept looking threw the newspaper " I'd didn't get one." you mumbled  " What?" he asked " I still don't have a wanted poster! I've been on this ship for almost half a year and done a bunch of things! I'm strong enough to have my own bounty so where is it?" you asked and the man laughed " Oh my what is this? Still have no bounty?" asked Thatch sticking to your side " Poor you, a pirate without a bounty. Even Ace's little brother who recently got out to the sea has one. " he said pulling your cheek " The only reason you have one is for your crimes in the kitchen." you spat annoyed, Marco dragged Thatch by the ear " And you have more crimes to commit in there-yoi." he said dragging him towards the kitchen " His just teasing you, I'm sure you'll get your own soon." said Izo giving your arm a soft squeeze.

It was something that you had noticed since the party a week ago, Ace started avoiding you after the attempt and you to were too embarrassed to talk to him, Izo and Marco had become more touchy with you, skin brushing against skin, fingers touching whenever you or they handed something, more pinches of cheeks or side hugs ' Maybe I'm just overthinking.' you thought staring at the blue horizon. Spotting something up ahead you narrowed your eyes a bit, you went at the edge and looked at your crewmates below " LAND AHEAD!" you yelled catching their attention. Marco raised an eyebrow " That's weird. We were supposed to reach land in a few days." he said looking at the map and Ace looked at his log pose " It hasn't changed. It still points at the direction of our turf." he said narrowing his eyes.

With a bit of hesitation and excitement ten of you were dispatched to the land, you, Izo, Ace, Jozu and  Deuce along with a few of the lower ranked members of the crew. You got out of the boat and looked around " Nothing out of the ordinary." said Ace in the den-den mushi  " Can you feel anything-yoi?" asked Thatch and Ace motioned to you and you nodded. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath you opened them again images of the whole island passing threw " Nothing, no people, a few animals. Seems safe. " you said but you quickly regretted your words when a could of smoke rushed to your direction. Jozu quickly got infront of the group and activated his abilitie, blood flew, staining the golden sand while the man collapsed " JOZU!" you all yelled while Deuce rushed to his side, he turned the man around while you and the others pulled out your weapons, Ace activated his abilitie.

Everyone was tense and noone was moving until someone dropped to the ground and then someone else, Izo fired but whatever was attacking you avoided every bullet, Ace activated his ability aimin straight ahead while you charged with your weapon to the right and Izo fired a rain of bullets from the left. Your eyes narrowed finally having a look at the enemy, a tall muscular woman wearing a pair of brush knuckles that had a blade at the end, your (e/c) eyes met her honey colored ones and she charged. Your blades collided and you let one of your swords loose, holding it from the chain you swang it to her direction, she kicked you in the stomach throwing you back and clicked her tounge when she noticed that your blade had cut her.

You rolled a couple meters away and used your blade to slow down and come to a stop, the woman seemed to have forgotten about your crewmates and stared directly at you " Oh man! That's like such a surprise! We're in the same fan base! To think that someone else got sent here! " she said and pointed at your shirt and the logo on it, she suddenly grabbed you and pulled you in a tight hug " What country are you from? How did you die? Did you like make the sacrifice?" she asked swinging you around" HEY! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? LET HER GO! " barked Ace hands on fire" Please do. I'm getting dizzy. " you said and the woman did just that letting you drop to the sand with an apology.

The two of you sat in silence as she stared at you with a happy smile, your crewmates tending to their injured but still keeping an eye on you" So my name's Luda and I got murdered and transported here on the year 2019." she introduced herself pulling her hair to the side to show you a scar, you felt a bit uneasy " You sound.... pretty happy." you said and she let out a laugh " Well it is one of the greatest things that has happened to me. Since I came here I had so much freedom! Don't you agree? " she asked taking your hands in hers and you slowly took them back " I was actually hoping of going back. I have been here for almost half a year I have things to do back home" you said and Luda kept her smile while patting your head " Silly, we can't go back." she said and her smile stretched more seeing your confused and slightly terrified look " For someone to come here they must die back in our world, slowly the memories of our previous lives fade away and get replaced by the ones we built here. " she says giving you the look of a mentor guiding its student.

" That ain't funny." you spat taking a step back eyes narrowed " No matter how much I love hearing them I don't do jokes. Did I hit a nerve? That means you have began forgetting. Do you know why we forget? Because we're not connected to that life anymore. Your family and friends have already mourne-" she was cut off by one of your bullets grazing her cheek. The woman huffed seeing stands of red hair in the sand “ Shut up! I don't know what nonsense you're spouting but I remember just fine." you said glaring at her " What's your last name?" she asked and you opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out, her smile stretched and she was suddenly in front of you, fist pulled back " What school did you go to? " she asked landing a blow straight into your face, gritting your teeth you threw one of your blades upwards and swang it down by the chain " What was the name of the street you lived on? What about your favorite shop? What do your friends look like? Did you have any pets? What did your parents look like?" she asked stepping to the side and grabbing the chain, she gave it a tag and pulled you close to her " The you from there is gone. " she said aiming the blade of the brush knuckles towards you " And this is a reminder. " she said stabbing you with it " Don't worry I'm not mad at you, you're only six months old in this life, children can be rebellious." she said as her blade cut deeper into your flesh, dark red staining the golden sand "Next time we meet I hope you'll have matured." she said throwing you on your crewmates who rushed towards you when they heard the commotion " Unti then bye bye~" she said with a smile before dissappearing in the forest.

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