For Her Wish

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Finally you had all managed to regroup “ ( Y/n), showing that wouldn’t it be troublesome for you?” asked Nami pointing at the tattooed Jolly Roger “ This is a symbol of bride, since I joined you I have no reason to hide that I’m a pirate.” you said and the woman nodded. On the rooftop across from you Spadam was having a break down “ So many pirates have gathered here and…that woman is also….part of the White Beard Pirates!” he cried but then smirked “ Did you know about this?” whispered Kaku to Lucci but the man remained silent.

Spadam went on about how it would be impossible for you to win since he had the Buster Call “ If you ask for the Buster Call now you will be blown up too…..Along with Ennies Lobby!” tried to reason Robin but the man just wouldn’t listen “ 20 years ago, just one attack took everything from me and ruined the lives of many people. That is the Buster Call.” confessed the archaeologist.

“ That attack is now aimed at the dear nakama I have found. The more I wish to be with you, the more my fate will bare it’s fangs at you! No matter what sea I go to, I have this great foe that I can’t shake off! BECAUSE MY ENEMY IS THE WORLD AND ITS DARKNESS! FIRST THE INCIDENT WITH AOKIJI AND NOW THIS…. IA HAVE GOTTEN YOU INVOLVED TWICE. IF THIS GOES ON FOREVER EVENTUALLY YOU WILL BETRAY ME! IF IT’S A LIFE THAT I’LL EVENTUALLY LOSE YOU, I JUST WANT TO DIE RIGHT HERE AND NOW!” she yelled.


Luffy looked at the lag “ If you do this there is no turning back.” you said and your captain nodded “ I understand that and I understand Robin’s enemy very well.” he said gaze unphased “ Sogeking, shoot that flag.” he commanded “ Roger” answered the sniper aiming his weapon up, a fiery bird launched straight for the flag burning it to ashes. 

Screams of disbelief and panic could be heard all around you as you chuckled “ ARE YOU BASTARDS INSANE!? DO YOU EVEN DREAM THAT YOU CAN SURVIVE WITH THE WORLD GOVERMENT AS YOUR ENEMY!” shrieked Spadam “ I’D BE HAPPY TO LIVE WITH THAT!” screamed Luffy shutting the man up “ ROBIIIIIINNN! I HAVEN’T HEARD IT FROM YOU YET! SAY YOU WANNA LIVE!” he yelled as the woman broke down in tears “ I WANNA LIVE! TAKE ME WITH YOU TO THE SEA!” she cried.

The bridge started lowering and then it stoped “ Are he guys down there in trouble?” you wondered, your attention shifted to Franky who was holding a stack of papers ‘ Probably the blueprints they were asking for.’ you thought but you couldn’t care less, unlike Spadam who just lost 10 years of his life when the cyborg turned them up and set them ablaze. The Franky Family called out to him and they were having their own little moment “ SHUT UP YOU BASTARDS!” yelled Luffy “ DON’T BE SO COLD HEARTED!” you, Nami and Zoro scolded him “ HURRY UP AND OPEN THE GATE ROBIN IS WAITING FOR US!” yelled your captain and the rest of the crew quickly took his side.

” STRAWHAT!” yelled Franky “ I see you hav taken good care of my men, so the master-dismantler Franky will be your ally in this war!” announced the blue haired man “ SHUT UP! I DON’T CARE! AND I STILL HAVEN’T FORGIVEN YOU ABOUT USOPP!” barked back Luffy. Still angry about the destroyed blueprints Spadam shoved Franky off the balcony. At the same time Kokoro started talking from the Den-den Mushi “ Was that Granny Kokoro? What did she say?” asked Luffy “ She asked us to jump into the fall!” said Nami and you shook your head “ No chance I’m jumping down there.” you said but it was already too late.

Your captain extended his arms around the crew and pulled you down with him. As you screamed in terror the Sea Train emerged from the gate and crushed on the other side. You peered one eye open happy the you hadn’t crush “ You good?” asked Franky and that’s when you realised that he had one of his hands on your back holding you against him “ UNHAND ME YOU PERV!” you yelled shoving him away “ A thank you would have been fine but I’ll take the praise!” he said all bushfully. Looking around you show that your crewmates hadn’t come out yet “ When they come out tell them I went ahead.” you told Franky running forward “ Hey! Don’t just rush…She’s gone.” he mumbled. 

The round agent appeared in front of you “ Chapapapa, if you-“ “ I DON’T CARE MOVE OUT MY WAY!” you said kicking him away like a soccer ball. You avoided the rooms until a door was thrown open “ You’re supposed to try and enter a room!” yelled Kaku frustrated and you stopped in your tracks “ Why?” you asked him “ To find the key for Nico Robin’s handcuffs!” he reasoned and you titled your head to the side “ THAT IS SUCH A WASTE OF TIME! MY PRIORITY IS GETTING HER BACK FIRST!” you argued and closed the door to his face. Kaku fell back to his room holding his now bloody nose.

” Big Sis pirate!” called the blond little girl “ Oh Chimey!” you called out and she pointed at a closing giant door “ They went that way!” she said and you pulled out one of your blades throwing in between the closing door to keep it open “ Thank you!” you said and kept running. You saw them right in front of you, Spadam dragging Robin along and Lucci right behind them, eyes shining gold you caked the light haired man on the back of his head sending him forward “ ( Y/n)!” called the woman in surprise “ The one and only.” you said giving him a wink.

Spadam shrieked in fear seeing you “ LUCCI KILL HER!” he ordered and the man shook his head “ We were ordered directly from the World Goverment that we cannot kill her under any circumstances.” answered the agent “ THEN CAPTURE HER! LET’S GO! LAST THING I WANT IS FOR STRAWHAT TO CATCH UP AS WELL!” yelled Spadam grabbing Robin again “ No you don’t.” you spat sending your blade towards him, only for it to be swapped away from a half transformed Lucci “ GREAT, LUCCI! I LEAVE THE REST TO YOU!” he praised and started run away.

You glared at the man in front of you “ Move.” you spat, his reply was a kick aimed at the side of your head, which you easily blocked. The both of you exchanged blows that could be blocked rather easily “ Fight me seriously!” you complained sending a bunch of shots his way “ I should be asking the same thing from you.” he said avoiding the attack. Clicking your tongue you decided to do just that, Pulling out your other blade you run at him and slashed down, Lucci harden his body using “ Tekkai” and put his arms forward to block the attack. He slammed both of your blades together before taking hold of them and throwing you to the side, his tail wrapped around your body and you were thrown behind him into a room.

Lucci swatted away the smoke, a needle grazed his cheek and his body got tied up by your chain, you placed both handles of your blades against his torso “ I got to thank you, that slam from before should have charged it up.” you said with a smirk “ Charged what up?” mumbled the Zoan user “ The Impact.” you said and pressed a part of the handles. Lucci gritted his as his body shook “ Thankfully before I left Usopp made a few upgrades, still incomplete though. See this as revenge for the Rokuagun shit you pulled.” you said as the man fell to his knees.

Turning your back at him you walked towards the door to go and follow after Robin, your eyes widen and your mouth hang open as Lucci dug his teeth in your shoulder blade, claws digging in your torso tearing part of your top off, you gritted our teeth “ It won’t leave a mark.” he said hands throwing you back and slamming you to the ground “ I just wanted to have a taste.” he breathed out. Holding you down he licked up your would “ You are messed up.” you spat as he turned back to normal “ Should you really be the one saying that?” he asked undoing his tie “ Maybe this time I’ll get you to say my name.” he said.

Feelign another presence in the room you turned your head to find a tight lipped Luffy blinking owlishly at you “ Ah sorry for the intrusion.” he said turning his back and walking away “ GET BACK HERE! IT’S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! IT’S A FIGHT! A FIGHT!” you yelled face turning red. A barrage of fist flew towards Lucci and he jumped away “ Alright! You leave this guy to me! Go ahead for Robin.” he said and you shook your head “ No! Leave him to me! I got him!” you said and the boy puffed out his cheeks “ Captains orders.” he said and you looked at him in disbelief “ Are you for real? FINE YOU FIGHT THE FURRY THEN!” you yelled and run forward. Lucci tried to stop you but Luffy prevented him to “ You just have to but in when things get good, don’t you Strawhat?” smirked the agent.

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