Unfinished Business

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The apartment was spotless, you could faintly smell the cleaning products under the scent of flowers and honey ' Smells like my shampoo in here.' you thought.

Hattori flew away from Lucci's shoulder to a small room " Oh you've given him his own room!" you gushed " Much like me he also needs his privacy." explained Lucci. You felt a bit awkward not really knowing what to do " There is warm water, you can take a bath. I'll get dinner started." said the man while washing his hands on the kitchen sink " Oh thank you." you mumbled. 

Lucci watched you from the corner of his eye and waited to hear the water start running, he went to his room picked a shirt and a pair of elastic short, they were large enough to cover you but still let him have a pick of your skin. He quietly opened the bathroom door took the clothes you had been wearing and the bandages and threw them out leaving only the sash since you had mentioned that it was important to you, he fought the erge to sneak a pick at you.

You got dressed and looked around for anything to cover your scared hands with " Excuse me, do you have any bandages?" you asked the man as he set the table " You don't need them. Don't take to long, food is ready."he said and you felt slightly taken aback from the demanding tone. You looked at your hands, the red marks of the burnt flesh, the door behind you opened " Food is getting cold." he said taking your hand and leading you to the table.

" Wasn't expecting it to be this good." you teased him as you ate " Don't underestimate a bachelor. You're very lucky, Paulie usually tries to sneak threw the window to get a bite. " he said and you chuckled. You didn't expect him to be so talkative, Lucci has been telling you stories about his time in Galley La " What about you? " he asked and you raised an eyebrow " How did you end up with those pirates?" he asked and you caught the slight tone of disgust as he said the last word " I was travelling trying to find Matias and then I.... I got captured, then given to Donflamingo. I escaped, ended up with this beauties. " you said raising up your hands.

The man raised an eyebrow as you stopped, you run a hand across your forehead " Sorry I.... I just had a bit of a-"" It'll be fine. " he said getting up and pulling you with him " Non of that filth will touch you again. I'll make sure of it. "he said kissing your scared palm and holding it against his cheek.

He pulled you against him, from the force he pulled you you lost your balance your only support was the hold he had on your arm and his hand on your lower back pushing you against him. His lips were soft unlike his calloused hands " Let me erase every trace of him off of you." he mumbled and leaned down again.

You woke up at some point in the night feeling the sudden cold from the man's absence. Lucci was at the door of the room " It's really early. Go back to sleep.” said Lucci from the door “ Come warm up the bed.” you whined eyes shutting on their own “ Hattori was making a fuss, I’m just gonna go and see what’s going on.” he said returning to tuck you back in. Being too tired you shut down immediately failing to hear the front door open and close.

The Den-Den Mushi was ringing non stop, you opened your eyes as Lucci turned and picked up, one arm still around your body, he threw you a glance before his eyes widen and he closed the line before swiftly getting up and grabbing his clothes “ What happened?” you asked sleepiness completely gone “ Iceburg-san has been attacked. Last night he was shot in his room.” he said and you jumped up “ I’m coming with you!” you said looking left and right for your clothes “ The previous once stunk.” said Lucci placing a fresh pair on the bed ( pin.it/4LXapXg ) along with a pair of black gloves “ Thank you?” you asked not sure how to take his phrase.

Entering the room you spotted a teary eyed Kalifa and a doctor tending to the wounded man, you had received quiet a few curious glances when entering with Lucci “ Do you have any idea who might have done this?” you asked the secretary and she shook her head “ It’s being looked upon currently.” she said and you looked at the man, you tensed up a bit when he opened his eyes “ Can you hear me?” you asked him to make sure that he would stay up “ Yes.” he breathed out and you poured him some water, helping him raise his head up and drink while Kalifa went ahead to call the shipwrights.

“ Iceburg-san!” called Paullie happily “ I made you worry.” mumbled the purple haired man “ I’m just glad you’re not dead! Better rest well now.” said the blond “ We’ll take care of the shipyard so don’t worry about it.” he added smiling ear to ear  ‘ Unlike a few others.’ you thought noticing a few faces in the room “ Alright. By the way…last night the guys that attacked me.” mumbled the mayor “ Oh we’re still looking into that.” answered the blond “ No I remember. They were two, one was a big man wearing a mask and the the other a tall woman with black hair…those sharp eyes.” he mumbled and you felt your heart drop to your stomach, Aokiji’s words echoing at the back of your head “ It was probably Nico Robin.” said Iceburg and you closed your eyes tightly as to get rid of a headache.

Blame was quickly put on the pirate crew “ They surely are behind this. But why? Is it because we told them their ship can’t be fixed?” wonder Kanu “ I’m sorry but it’s impossible that Luffy could be behind something like this. From what I have seen he only has animosity towards people threatening his crew and even then there is no killing intention.” you tried to defend them “ Just because they acted nice to you doesn’t mean that they are good guys.” reasoned Kaku “ They are pirates and Nico Robin was a member of an organisation trying to destroy a whole country, more specifically the right hand woman of the mastermind. Can you really defend such a person?” he asked and you remembered how many times the woman had snapped your bones in Alabasta ‘ But back in Skypia….and with Kuzan…that was the expression of a frighten girl not a merciless woman.’ you thought lowering your head.

The long nosed man frowned and sighed “ I understand that you might have become close to them on your time on the ship but remember that they are pirates and defending them can make you a suspect as well.” he said and you felt the tension rising in the room “ Kaku that was uncalled for.” scolded Iceburg from his bed “ There is no reason to be suspicious of her.” came Hatori’s “voice “ She spent all day with me and Paulie and the night with me.” he informed and your face turned red as he nuzzled his face against your neck “ WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE NIGHT WITH YOU!?” yelled Paulie angrily.

Before any explanation could be given, Tilestone threw the door open “ HEY SOMETHING BAD IS HAPPENING!” he yelled “ You’re too loud! Mind your manners!” he was scolded “ AH ICEBURG YOU’RE AWAKE THAT’S SO GREAT!” cheered the large man and you sighed in relief that the attention was gone from you “ BE QUIET DAMNIT! ICEBURG-SAN IS STILL SICK!” yelled Paulie smacking the large man out in the hall and still you could hear him clearly “ RIGHT NOW ON DOCK ONE THE STRAW-HAT PIRATE THAT WAS HERE YESTERDAY…IS FIGHTING FRANKY AND THEY ARE BREAKING EVERYTHING.” he said and you clenched your teeth “ That’s my fault….I’ll go clear up the mess.” you said eyes shinning gold. Lucci went to grab your hand but you were already gone.

Seeing Luffy getting thrown to the side you glared at the blue haired….half naked male ‘ Fucking speedos? Is this guy for real?’ you thought “ Just tell me where that little princess or whatever is and we can wrap this up!” he said to Luffy who just glared at him “ NO WAY! I’M NOT LETTING YOU GET TO ( Y/N) NOR LETTING WHAT YOU DID TO USOPP SLIDE!” yelled the StrawHat Captain.

” I knew that the Franky family was a bunch of perverted scum but to this level? Even for their leader I have to say that I’m surprised.” you spat a freshly lit cigarette hanging from your lips, the Straw Hat pirates called out your name while Franky looked at you up and down “ Hooo? So you are the one that beat up my wonderful followers!” he said raising his sunglasses a bit “ Indeed I am.” you said pulling out one of your blades and letting it hang as you softly swang the chain “ Now let’s get this over with.” you spat.


I was supposed to update sooner but things kept happening.

Since quiet a few of you agreed I will be more than happy to write a smut chapter ( looking for an excuse ;P ) Just let me know with whom of the men Mc has of now slept with you want 

Donflamingo ( It’ll be according to the story’s timeline) 

Donflamingo and Tesoro



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