Try To Stay Out Of Trouble

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Arriving at Sabaody Archipelago Hacchin had you ( ) promising that no mater what you see happening even if it’s a person being murdered you won’t react “ The world nobles are also called Tenryubito.” he explained and you felt your eyes flash “ Can you please not use that word?” you asked as he continued to explain ‘ Are they some trigger? Back with Tesoro as well….no matter, I’ll just have to keep myself under control.’ you though “ ( Y/n)? are you going to rent one?” asked Nami and you gave her a questionable look “ What?” you asked her confused “ Don’t tell me you paid attention to nothing.” she said and Luffy tagged you towards the bubble motorcycle he was ridding on “ Hop on with me!” he said pulling you in th bubble.

” It’s pretty cramped.” you mumbled as you sat behind the boy, Luffy laid his head on your chest “ Here.” he said placing his hat on your head and laying back “ Oh! Let’s go try these!” he said going to a small stand that sold treats “ ( Y/n) come on have some too!” he said ahnding you some Grasen and Granchoco “ They are pretty tasty!” you said and the boy handed you a box “ If you don’t want to hold it let’s put it in the Bonbag. Carrying stuff on this island doesn’t seem to be a problem “ ( Y/n), Camie let’s go to that shopping mall!” said Nami pulling you out of the bubble as you put the straw hat back on Luffy's head “ I’m fine Nami-chin, I’ll rather stick close to Hachin.” said the mermaid with a small smile “ Oh, ok. Hey you guys go and take care of the coating! Come on let’s go.” said the navigator pulling you along.

The three of you walked towards the mall “ What was up with Caime?” you asked “ She does seem more reserved since we set foot on the island. Maybe she has some bad experiences here?” wondered Robin “ For someone who has been kidnapped 30 times it will hard not to.” you said and stopped on your tracks a smile creeping on your lips “ Is something wrong?” asked Nami “ Can I catch up with you later? I think I saw someone I know.” you said smiling ear to ear “ Y-yea sure, just don’t get lost.” she said and you run off. Robin turned to look from you to Nami “ You and our captain need to give her some space.” she said and the navigator lowered her head “ I just wanted to help cheer her up. After what happened in Thriller Bark she seems, a little out of it.” she mumbled looking at the directions you had run off too.

Looking around you frowned " I swear I just saw him!" you mumbled to yourself " Crap now I'm too far from the mall." you grumbled and your eyes shined noticing a small casino " Maybe it's not such a bad thing." you said grinning. You scanned the place ‘ Yep, this is gonna be so easy.’ you thought seeing the people in the casino, only one person caught your attention but you decided not to pay too much attention to him.

The men groaned as you pulled the money towards you “ Sorry gentlemen but your luck seems to have run out.” you said lighting a cigarette and shuffling the cards “ I can’t accept this!” said one of the men sitting across from you “ Oh come on know, nobody likes a shore loser.” you said as he got up and loomed over you “ And nobody likes a cheater.” he said as the rest of the players backed away from the tabled “ Just admit that you suck and walk it off.” you said blowing the smoke in his face.

With a snarl the man got ready to attack you only for him to be flung away by a metal bench, you blinked “ Aaaaand time to go.” you said running off. Just as you stepped foot out of the casino you felt that someone tagged you back from your belt. You huffed when your back collided with someone “ That’s pretty rude of you, running off without a thank you.” said the red haired male holding you from your belt with two fingers “ Thank you? Well then I should really go-“ “ How about we grab a drink? I really wanna get to know the woman that has a higher bounty than me.” he said.

Clicking your tongue you leaned forward sending a backwards heel kick towards the male which he avoided “ Sorry, emo boy but I don’t drink.” you said jumping away only to be pulled forward again this time facing the red haired “ Name’s Kid, now that we know each-“ you smashed your head against his “ I TOLD YOU NO! IF YOU CAN’T TAKE THAT ANSWER RUN OFF TO HOT TOPIC AND CRY IN A CHANGING ROOM!” you yelled as his eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground.

Your smile grew wider, you had been following him for a while to make sure it was him, finally you managed to confirm that the man sitting on a crate and talking with someone was “ LAW!” you yelled jumping on the man and wrapping your arms around him tightly “ ( Y/N)-YA!?” questioned the man face starting to look red “ I’m so happy to see you! Wait. Is Doffy here?” you asked looking around alerted as the male looked at you bewildered “ No, he’s no. ( Y/n)-ya please get off me.” he said and you realised that you were positioned rather awkwardly “ Ah sorry.” you said getting up and pulling him along.

Noticing the other man you offered him a smile “ Is he a friend of yours?” you asked Law who scoffed “ No, this is-“ “ My name is X-Drake.” he said taking your hand “ ( Y/n). Nice to meet you.” you said “ Charmed.” he replied kissing your hand, you could feel the man shaking as he tried to avoid contact “ So may I ask what the X stands for or is it an obvious question?” you touching his scared face with one finger. Law pulled you back as the man in front of you tried to compose himself “ I have seen your wanted poster. What is going on?” asked the doctor.

“ I was kidnapped and forced to almost marry…I have been getting kidnapped quiet a lot.” you mumbled as the two men looked at you weirdly “ Your arms…” mumbled Law “ They’re healed, I know they look quiet nasty. I though of covering them up by wearing gloves-“ “ There is nothing nasty about them.” he said not looking at you “ I missed you.” you said and the man looked completely the other way“ If you’re here that means StrawHat is as well.” said Drake with a rather serious tone “ Are you looking to cause as trouble?” you asked him your own tone threatening and Drake shook his head “ No! From what I’ve heard I fear that he might be the one causing all of us trouble.” he said making you raise an eyebrow “ The Supernovas.” he said and even though you had no idea what that cool fancy title was referring too, you were sure that Luffy might cause problems. Without a second though you started running to the dock number that Hachi had told you “ LAW I’M SORRY BUT- WE WILL MEET UP AGAIN!” you said giving him a wave “ That means he will cause trouble.” mumbled Drake “ Straw Hat Luffy, he must be fun.” smirked the doctor.

As you run you felt your feet leave the ground “ Huh!? WHAT!” you yelled and screamed when you were pulled upwards “ ( Y/N) GET ON!” yelled Luffy from atop a Flying Fish, Zoro sitting right behind him “ HUH? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” you asked holding on his arm for dear life as he pulled you up “ Camie has been kidnapped, they’re planning on selling her off!” he explained and your eyes widen “ THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR STEP ON IT!” you yelled at the flying fish rider.

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