A Dive Into Hell

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“ Thank you! thank you so much!” you yelled hugging Boa who let out a shriek and then turned completely stiff in your arms “ I am, if this is what you want to do I will do anything to make it happen.” she said softly “ But how are you  going to sneak on the ship?” wondered Sonia and you all sat down to think about it “ Luffy is rubber so he can turn his body to a convenient shape as for me….I can pretend to be your bodyguard? No the clothing you’re wearing are going to give me away.” you sighed “ You can wear this.” said the black haired woman pulling out an outfit and a pair of sunglasses ( pin.it/50XJioJoR ) “ This way nor your tattoo or burns will show.” she said beaming “ Good thinking Snake lady!” said Luffy.

So it was decided, you were going to set off sail immediately, you would pose as Boa’s bodyguard and Luffy would hide under her coat “ The conditions are as stated over the Den-den mushi.” said the woman as a marine ate some Sea King meat “ Only you that pet snake and your bodyguard can come. As for visiting the prison Impel Down I managed to get permission from my superiors.” said the Marine and requested to have his men turned back to normal.

Your nerves were a reck, you couldn’t put a single bite in your mouth unlike Luffy who was stuffing his face “ ( Y/n) come try this  out! It’s really good.” said Luffy and you shook your head “ Please just take a bite.” said Hancock offering you a bite her hand shaking a bit “ I….fine.” you said letting her feed you. The woman squealed in delight and held up another bite, Luffy let out a loud burp “ Damn I’m stuffed!” he cheered and you sushed him “ Keep quiet damnit! If we’re discovered we’re done for!” you scolded him pulling his cheeks. The marines started suspecting until Hancock came out and burped repeating your captain’s phrase and sending the men in shock, you laughed “ Sorry, we’re too much trouble.” you said and the woman shook her head “ Not at all.” she mumbled.

And finally you arrived, being surrounded by marines and prison guards made you tense up, at the door of the prison you were greeted by an overly ambitious man named Hannyabal and a blond woman named Domino that would be your guides “ If you were a prisoner, you would head past those bars. You would be stripped off your clothes and dumped into ‘ the bath of hell’ an iron kettle filled with boiling water. After you are sterilised and disinfected, you are ‘baptised’ and taken into the prison.” explained Domino taking you to get checked “ Each prisoner has it’s own character as well. We have recently taken in Fire Fist Ace and former Shichibukais Jinbe and Sir Crocodile. Non of them even flinched during their baptism, truly splendid!” said the blond and you tried to fight the urge to lash out by gritting your teeth and clenching your fists.

Domino led you into a room “ The visitors are checked in this room. “ she said and told Boa and you to remove your clothing and how there are surveillance Den-den Mushi around “ Now please put this cuffs on.” she said and there were a few moments of intense silence before you began unzipping your jacket “ Please don’t be too rough with us.” you said pulling Boa closer and sending a wink to the guard whose face turned red along with the Shichibukai’s. Finding her composure Hancock used her powers turning both Domino and the Den-den mushi to stone.

Zippign your jacket back up you shook your head “ This was fucking embarrassing. Sorry about it.” you apologised to Hancock but she shook her head “ No! You can pin me against you anytime you want!” she said as Luffy jumped out “ You go on ahead I will pretend to not feel well and ask to be returned to the ship. Then I’ll come find you. Try to not get into any trouble until then.” you said and the boy nodded.

With that out of the way you left to meet up with the other two guards “ Hebihime, I…I’m not feeling so well.” you grumbled as you entered an elevator “ Maybe it’s the dirt of this place?” she fake wondered “ I assure you we keep everything squeaky clean.” said Hanyabal. You fell to your knees “ My stomach. I…I feel like I’m gonna throw up.” you said “ NOT IN HERE!” yelled the man “ Are you seriously a bodyguard?” asked the Marine that had brought you here. You threw up, or more like pretended too, this was just a mix of the food you were given on the ship and mixed into a small bottle that you were hiding in your sleeve “ STOP THE LIFT! TAKE HER BACK TO THE SHIP!” screeched Hanyabal.

The guard was down and you were free to go and find your captain, you tossed the shades aside and hid behind a corner and that’s when you heard a familiar yell “ And I told him to not get into trouble.” you huffed seeing Luffy running away from some weird looking gorillas. You jumped down from where you were and playing two fingers in your mouth you whistled making them stop “ Now what are you causing all this ruckus for?” you asked the animals and motioned for them to leave “ There is nothing for you to do here so go. GO!” you said and after some contemplation they did as they were told.

Buggy was blessed by god is what he would like to think, just as he was about to get punched to a plump you jumped in front of him, saving his life “ Are you ok?” you asked “ Never been better.” he mumbled cheeks pink and eyes wide “ Luffy do you know him?” you asked your captain and he nodded. Before he could say another word the blue haired man pushed him aside “ I’m the genius jester Buggy.” he introduced himself, you gave him a smile and you extended your hand forward, Buggy expecting a handshake tried to give you his hand but you pinched his nose.

” Hahahahah so it actually honks! How cute!” you laughed “ Why you!” he grumbled but couldn’t manage to find any other words “ Can I do it again?” you asked “ NO!” he yelled “ ( Y/n) we don’t have time. We got to get to Ace!” said Luffy making the clown scream in surprise “ You’re planning on saving Ace?” he asked and Luffy nodded “ You know about Ace?” asked your captain “ Yea, unlike you your brother has manners, we were even drinking buddies for a while.” he said and you grasped his hand “ Since you’re Ace’s friend you’ll help us right?” you asked and the man tried to look anywhere but you as he planned to refuse “ It’s alright let’s go. Good luck on escaping.” said your captain taking your hand and walking away.

The clown screamed grabbing on Luffy, his scream alerted two guards that were patrolling and your little group started running, Buggy agreed to help you reach Ace if you gave him that little accessory Luffy had on his arm. Bursting threw a wall you found yourself falling “ Throw my feet to the ground. I cannot be cut.” said the blue haired man and squealed when you wrapped your arms around him “ E-everything, here is sharp…t-the prisoners are hun-ted by guards an-d emmm.” he continued explaining the level you were currently in.

Reaching a dark pit you were told that this was the entrance to the next level “ Ok, see you down there.” said Luffy jumping down “ Don’t be late.” you said honking Buggy’s nose sending the clown into a fit before following after Luffy. You used your swords to slid down, landing you looked around “ We got separated again….” you mumbled, a shadow loomed over you and you found a weird amalgamation of a tiger and a teddy bear “ OH! Aren’t you adorable! Come here, turn on your belly and let me pet you!” you gushed and the animal rolled on it’s stomach “ Who is the cutest little monster, you are.” you said petting it.

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