A Yonko? This Guy?

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You were glad to be back at sea again ( pin.it/6FofM4o ), once Whitebeard's condition got better you bid goodbye to the small island, Rosetta was sad to see you go but you promised her that you will meet again. Sitting at the front of Moby you stared at the vast blue " We're approaching a Winter island, so what are you doing out in the cold?" said someone and you jumbed up " Oyaji?! Shouldn't you be laying in bed?" you asked and the man pulled your cheek " Look who's talking. You're a hundred years to early to be scolding me!" he said as you tried to free yourself " Alright! Alright! I'm sorry!" you whined as tears gathered in your eyes " You still thinking about the other nutjob that you met?" he asked and you looked at him in surprise " Huh! How did you know?" you asked and he laughed " You can't hide anything from a parent." he said and you made a face " It was Thatch wasn't it." you said and the Yonko laughed again sitting down. He patted the spot next to him and you sat back down as well " You are not someone that would betray a friend." he said and you frowned " But what if I was forced too? Maybe that's why my memories fade, so I can hurt that person. But the other two seemed to remember just fine, maybe that's why they turned like this." you mumbled " Idiot. Are you doubting your old man? Even at the worst situation possible you wouldn't hurt your friend." he said patting your head " SO GO GET SOME SLEEP!" he yelled smacking it. Your pained groan turned into a laugh " Thanks Oyaji." you said getting up and patting his arm " You rest up too. There is no need to make Marco worry more." you said leaving him, Whitebeard stared at your back " A child shouldn't thank their parent for something like that." he said.

" ENEMY SHIP AHEAD!" yelled someone from the top of the mast " Seriously these guys never learn." sighted Vista and you rose an eyebrow " Being the strongest man in the sea brings you a lot more challengers than you would expect." he said and you hummed in understanding " SHIROHIGE! YOUR TIME IS OVER! " yelled the captain of the rival pirated threw a megaphone " Dumass." you mumbled as the others got ready to take them down. You raised your hand " Can I do it?" you asked and Marco folded his arms hesitation all over his face " I'm completely healed up and they are not even that many." you said but then another ship appeared right behind you " Talked to soon." said Thatch ruffling your hair and getting his swords out " ALL OF YOU SPLIT UP! GIVE THEM HELL!" was the command.  

The fight dragged out as you would expect with your crew overpowering the enemies, as you slashed down someone you caught one sneaking away in an escape boat with a little boxe  in hand ' Now that is interesting.' you thought following them. You jumped on the escape boat that they had dropped in the water, the enemy gasped seeing you and pulled out a gun which you flicked away with the tip of your blade " What you got there? Seems awfully important to carry at the bottom of the sea." you said with a smirk and they clenched the box closer to them as you took a step forward. Seeing no other way out they opened the box and pulled out a weird looking fruit " Dumass." you mumbled activating your Haki and knocking them out, you grabbed the fruit by the leaf and put it back in the box, leaving the enemy behind you climbed back up " Where were you?" asked Jiru and you raised up the box " Found something interesting." you said and the man titled his head to the side  " I don't really know what it is, we'll figure it out later." you said going back to your own ship.

Everyone was sorting out their treasure while Marco wrote it down " And what did you get?" he asked not seeing anything except the box " This!" you say presenting the box and your crewmates gave you a look " Doesn't seem like there's anything interesting in it." said Ace and you smirked pulling out the fruit " A DEVIL FRUIT!" they all yelled in surprise ' So from that reaction I guess it was important.' you thought and Thatch laughed throwing an arm around you " WAY TO GO! IT'S THE YUME YUME NO MI!" he said showing you a drawing in a book ' These all look weird. Why would anyone eat any of these?' you thought flipping threw the book. You felt everyone staring at you " What?" you asked sweatdroping " Well...aren't you going to eat it?" asked Deuce and you made a face " Hmmm it's tempting but I am not sure. I would rather keep my ability to swim and I don't even know what it does." you said twisting it around " Does anyone else wanna eat it?" you asked but didn't receive a positive response.

 " Then you wouldn't mind if we took it right? It belonged to us after all." said a voice from behind you catching you off guard, you and your crewmates were quick to pull out your weapons, with you pointing the hilt of your sword in between his head. The two of you stared each other itensly before the man laughed " Hahaha you sure are a feisty one huh?!" he said laughing while Marco let out a groan " What are you doing here Akagami?" asked the blond and the man laughed again ' He's drunk...' you all thought " We're lucky that Pops is sleeping mumbled Vista as the man sat on the railing " You see funny thing is I lost a bet in a tavern at a nearby island and I lost the fruit as well. So I will be really thankful if you could give it back to me." he said smiling at you.

You looked at the man up and down ' His really handso-THAT'S NOT THE POINT!' you thought shaking your head " You said you lost the fruit because of the bet you made right?" you asked and he nodded " Yep." he said with a closed eyed smile " So it stopped being yours since you lost it right?" you asked and he nodded again " Yep" he said and you smirked a bit " So why should I give it to you? It's not yours and it hasn't been for a while right?" you asked and the man blinked in surprise while you heard a few laughs " Hey wait a minute. I mean I was the one who found it first." he said raising a hand up " And then lost it to someone else. Who then lost to me." you said and the man smirked " Still you nor any of your crewmates want it, since non of you plans to eat it." he said and your own smirk stretched " Neither do you." you replied and the man leaned closer  " What makes you say that?" he asked " If you planned on eating it you would already have done. So I guess you were planning to sell it, these are worth quiet a lot. Right?" you mumbled the last part to Thatch who nodded trying to hide his laughter.

The red haired pirate straighten up " So?" he asked as you threw the box up and down " You can buy it from me." you said and the man laughed " Was money that important back in your world?" he asked and you felt your stomach drop, just as the box was in the air he tried to grab it only for you to kick him off, the man had managed to land on his little boat and you landed after him " Oh? Now that's unexpected." he said while you shot him a glare " Speak up." you spat and the man titled his head to the side " Are you sure you should talk like that to a Yonko?" he asked and you rose an eyebrow " Yonko?" you asked and the man pointed to himself " Me." he said and you chuckled before laughing and dropping to your knees " Y-you a Yonko ehhehehhahaha." you laughed holding your stomach " H-hey why are you laughing?" he asked frowning and sweat gathering on his forehead " You look more like a lecher than an Emperor of the Sea." you laughed and the insult pierced threw him. Hearing your laughter your crewmates sweatdroped ' What is even going on?' they thought.

His eyes darken " Oi little lady." he said and you stopped laughing " Sorry sorry. It's just hard to believe that a drunk Don Juan is a Yonko." you said chuckling and the man bent over as another of your insults pierced him. He grabbed your shoulder " You seriously are that worst. You know I am telling the truth, here." he said showing you his wanted poster " Oyaji's is higher." you deadpanned and his eyebrow twiched " Here as well. This is a vive card of another traveller, he has been around since I was a kid. See now are you convinced?" he asked as you took the piece of paper and started climbing back to your ship " Sure, sure mister Casanova." you said as the man kicked his boat back " It's Shanks! Call me that the next time we meet. I'll treat you to a drink as well." he said sending you a wink.

Jumping back to Mobby your crewmates quickly surrounded you " Are you alright? You're not hurt?" asked Deuce inspecting you up and down and you lightly pushed him away " I'm fine, nothing happened." you said " What about the fruit?" asked Vista and you threw the box at him. Marco pulled your ear " YOU SENSLESS BRAT! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO THAT MAN IS? HIS A YONKO! A YONKO! DO YOU KNOW WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED?" he yelled as you tried to let yourself free. The man kept scolding and the commotion woke up Whitebeard who demanded explanations.

" Oh you're back." said Yassop as the red haired man climbed up his ship " Yea. Ahote you won't believe it but I met another one." said Shanks. A man who was playing cards with the rest of the crew looked up from his game " Old or new?" he asked and his captain smirked " New, fresh. She's a beauty too." said the man chuckling but his crewmate didn't share his excitement " Did you tell her about me?" he asked and Shanks shook his head " I gave her Rebin's card. Thought she'll need it." he said and Ahote nodded, without saying another word he returned to his game. The Vice captain stepped out " You're back. What about the fruit?" he asked and only then it downed to Shanks that he had not taken it back " I...didn't get it." he mumbled.

In the end you both got scholded.

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