Spooky Scary Skeltons

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You let a relaxed hum as you sank into the bath “ This is perfect. I can almost swim in here.” you hummed dipping your head back, even though both Robin and Nami had just taken a bath there was plenty of warm water. As you were enjoying yourself a red light flashed outside “ I don’t wanna know. I do not want to know!” you said diving completely into the bath. You just said there enjoying the bath as the ship rocked back and forth. 

Getting out you dried yourself and changed ( pin.it/5zneU8SEn ) you tied your sash around your waist and went to put on the red bead bracelet Ace had given you, the cord holding the beads together snapped and you quickly caught them tying it back together “ Don’t make me worry.” you mumbled looking at the bracelet and putting it on.

Going back outside you were met with Nami’s glaring eyes “ And were exactly have you been?” she asked and you tried not to shiver “ Bath…What is up with this fog?” you asked looking all over “ We reached the Florian Triangle.” he said and you paled remembering Granny Kokoro’s tales “ Turn back! Turn back!” you called going to the helm only for the swordsman to wrap an arm around you preventing you from turning the ship away “ Turn back were? The fog is so thick that we don’t really know where we entered from.” he said.

” Yohohohohho~ Yohohohhoho~” you all heard and slowly turned “ IT CAME OUT! A GHOST SHIP!” you all yeld except for Robin who carefully examined the situation. That’s when you started hearing someone sing“ AAAAHHH A SAILOR’S DEITY OF THE DAMNED! DON’T LISTEN COVER YOUR EARS!” screamed Usopp in fright “ That ship…Is someone riding on it?” mumbled Robin feeling uneasy  “ My legs are giving out.” you mumbled feeling light headed, Zoro tighten his grip to keep you up “ If it’s an enemy I’ll cut him down.” he said as the melody continued and the ghost ship came next to yours “ Go on and deliver Binks brew~” sang the man or more like the skeleton drinking a cup of tea while peaking down at your crew.

You were out, the moment the skeleton finished his song your eyes turned white and your whole body shut down “OI! DID YOU SERIOU-UGH!” groaned Zoro keeping you up as the doctor started freaking out. You woke up in the infirmary legs still feeling wobbly, you moved towards the door and opened it. Your crew mates were surrounding the skeleton, Usopp and Chopper were trying to exorcise it. The skeleton turned your way making you shriek “ Well hello there young lady. May I see your panties?” he asked and you blanked out “ What?” you asked “ May I see your panties?” he asked again “ GO ROT COMPLETELY AND TURN TO DUST!” you yelled kicking him on the skull sending him crushing on the mast of the ship.

Turning to the captain you pointed to the skeleton “ What the hell is that thing doing here!?” you yelled face red “ His funny so I made him our nakama.” chuckled the captain “ NO!” you yelled “ Why did you two even go with him? You were supposed to stop Luffy from running wild!” scolded Zoro the cook and navigator “ We’re ashamed.” they both said bowing their heads. The skeleton laughed “ Yohohhoho, it’s not getting any warmer out here. Let’s go inside, let’s have dinner.” he said “ DON’T GO DECIDING BY YOURSELF!” you yelled.

Inside the kitchen everyone sat around the table except Sanji who was cooking, Franky who sat at the bar and you hiding behind the cyborg since you wanted to be as far away from the skeleton as possible. Dinner was served and almost immediately it was gone, it had been devoured by the skeleton and your captain, the undead man then proceeded to explain how he became an undead man “ What about that crazy afro? Is it a wig? Cause usually when you die and start roasting your hair falls off.” you point out still hidding behind Franky and  making the skeleton chuckle “ The roots of my hair are strong.” he satiated as a matter of fact.

” SO ARE YOU A GHOST OR NOT!?” yelled Usopp “ But I strongly dislike ghosts, if I happen to see one I would scream.” Brook defended himself “ Have you seen yourself in the mirror?” asked Nami pointing a hand mirror towards the skeletons direction. Brook screamed in fright “ GYYYAAA TAKE AWAY THE MIRROR!” and then Usopp and Chopper screamed that he had no reflection. As everyone started freaking out ( you and the cowardly trio ) the skeleton sat back down and took a sip from his tea “ I’ll tell you everything now. It has been a long time since I began drifting on the sea. Being a skeleton and not having a shadow are completely different things. To be continued on the next chapter.” he said “ TELL US EVERYTHING NOW!” barked Sanji.

Brook gave another simple explanation but you were sure he was hidding something, still you felt bad for him “ Shit!” you cursed your bracelet breaking once again “ If it keeps breaking just throw it away.” grumbled Zoro helping you pick up the marbles “ No! Ace gave it to me!” you said glaring at him making him frown like a child “ Do whatever you want.” he spat shoving the marbles in your hands. You went to pick the last one, a small cartoony like ghost popped from the wall in front of you “ KKYKYYYYYAAAAAAAA!” you screamed jumping on Zoro as the ship rocked.

You all headed outside “ Did you pick a floating barrel on the sea?” asked Brook panicking “ Yea.” said Luffy “ THAT WAS A TRAP! THIS SHIP HAS BEEN TARGETED EVER SINCE THEN!” explained the skeleton “ WHY IS THERE AN ISALND HERE!?” asked Nami shocked and you paled “ Is this some halloween episode shit?” you mumbled seeing the creepy island “ This is the ghost island that roams around the sea! Thriller Bark!” announced Brook “ That sounds kinda familiar.” you mumbled trying to remember where you heard that name before.

” Today was a lucky day, not only did I meet other people but my heart’s desire has also been fulfilled!” he cheered and jumped at the front of Sunny “ Huh!? His body is so light!” noted Sanji as the skeleton turned ack to your group and took off his hat “ YOHOHOHOHO! THAT’S RIGHT, AS LIGHT AS BONES! PLEASE TRY TO BREAK THREW THE GATE AND GET OUT OF HERE! I’M GLAD THAT I MET YOU AND OT TO EAT YOUR DELICIOUS FOOD!” he said waving you goodbye and jumping at the sea before running on the water’s surface “ Ok! Let’s go back now!” you said turning your back on the ominous island but the boy turned you back around and gave you a big smile “ Please don’t.” you said crying comedic tears.

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