First Stop Nanohana

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" FOOD!" yelled the captain " OUR FIRST REAL MEAL IN FOUR DAYS!" yelled the swords man while the cook ordered them to not let it get away, the giant Sea Cat backed away slowly as fear started settling in it's eyes " NO! YOU CAN'T EAT IT!" you and the princess yelled hitting the trio " What!? Why not?" asked Luffy pouting " It's too cute." you replied " In Alabasta, Sea Cats are sacred animals." said Vivi as you stood on the railing and waved at it " Kitty come here kitty kitty pspspspsps." you called and Vivi sighed " ( Y/n)-san Sea Cats tend to avoid humans and keep to themselves." she said and her eyes widen as the creature came to your direction and lowered it's head.

" Look at this good kitty. Did those dinguses scare you?" you asked petting it " GOOD JOB ( Y/N) BROUGHT IT BACK!" yelled only to receive one more smack from you " YOU'RE NOT EATING IT!" you barked and went back to petting it " Can you bring us some fish? Please?" you asked it and the Sea Cat dove back in the water. Luffy grabbed your shoulders and shook you " Why did you let it get away again!?" he whined shaking you " Ain't no way it's coming back now." grumbled the swordsman. The shadow of the creature loomed over the ship once again and it laid a couple of fish on the deck ' IT LISTENED!" the crew yelled in surprise " Thank Whiskers. Bye bye now." you said giving the creature a few pats " SHE NAMED IT!" they all yelled again.

Luffy gobbled down the fish once Sanji cooked them " Slow down will ya?" sighed the chef " Don't worry, you'll be able to eat all you want soon." said Vivi gaining the captain's attention " Vivi the the wind and temperature seem to have stabilized." said Nami and Vivi nodded " Yes, we have entered Alabastan climate zone. The Sea Cat is more proof of that." said the princess " I bet those things behind us are more proof that we're entering Alabasta." said Zoro and you looked behind you " Shouldn't a country invasion be more subtle?" you wondered sweatdropping at the amount of ships " I mean 200 sure but bring them in more...secretive?" you said making the crew sweatdrop ' Whose side are you on?' they thought.

" There is only 9 of us. So tie them on tight. Our enemies have plenty of mysteries." said Zoro as Chopper helped you tie the bandage " You sure the wound doesn't hurt or itch or-" " I'm fine don't worry." you reassured him with a smile and a pat on the head " Now that we know he's among the enemy, we can't allow for any careless individual actions." said the swordman " That goes especially for you." you said to the captain who just chuckled " We're reaching the harbor. Let's stop to the intel in the west. We have to hide the ship." said Nami. The captain extended his bandaged arm forward " Ok! Whatever happens from now on." he said as you all extended your arms around his " This left arm is proof of our friendship!" he cheered " Now let's get to dry land. TO A RESTAURANT!" he ordered.

You didn't have time to set foot on dry land and the boy was already on the run " RESTAURANT!" he yelled running towards the town " Go find him." said Nami and you were about to decline but you saw Usopp and Chopper raising their hands to an X sing " S-sure." you said jumping down and following after the strawhat wearing boy. A string of curses left your mouth " I lost him." you grumbled looking left and right for any sing of the boy ' It's too hot here. Need to get some clothes.' you thought and were happy to spot a clothing shop not to far away.

As you paid for your outfit ( ) you felt a small tug on your robes " Oh you're not my mommy." said the little girl looking up at " Nope. Did you get lost?" you asked and she nodded " Did you lose your mommy inside the store?" you asked and the girl shook her head " No outside, but we were supposed to shop." said the little girl " Other than you and the miss here no-one else has entered the shop. " said the lady behind the desk. The girl girl took your hand " Can you please help me find her?" she asked and you grimmanced " I'm supposed to be looking for a moron but... I can't just leave the kid. ' you thought and sighed " Sure. We can ask around the place you got separated first. " you said and the little girl smiled " Thank you." she said.

You went from stall to stall asking describing the mother of the kid but only received negative answers " This isn't getting us anywhere. Do you remember what you were supposed to bu....y." you asked turning around only to find the little girl gone. A little further ahead in the crowd you noticed a man dragging her away " Fuck!" you cursed speeding threw the crowd after them, you run threw streets and alleys final cornering the man to a dead end " Let the kid go and I won't beat your ass too hard." you spat glaring at him.

Clicking his tongue the man pulled out a knife and pointed at the girl making the child cry " Changed my mind. I'll beat the living shit out of you." you spat ready to fight. A white cloud of smoke passed you, a fist connecting to each end punching the kidnapper straight on the liver making his eyes roll back and fall to the ground, the little girl run up to you with tears in her eyes " Are you alright?" asked the man that had just saved the kid " Yes, thank yo-" you cut yourself off ' Oh shit....he's hot.' you thought seeing the man. He had white hair and a muscular built, he had brown eyes, wore a jacket which was open with no shirt on the inside and smoked two cigarettes " You weren't hurt, were you?" he asked the little girl in your arms while he patted her head " I'm ok. Thank you." said the little girl " Captain Smoker!" yelled a Marine coming in the alley ' Oh shit...he's a Marine.' you thought going pale.

The two were about to leave " Excuse me!" you called cursing at yourself ' I'm so going to regret this.' you thought " The girl actually has lost her mother. I've been trying to help her find her for a while now but no luck. Is there a chance you could help us?" you asked and Smoker nodded " Ask the others if there has been any children missing the past couple hours." he ordered the Marine who with a nod and a salute run off, dragging the kidnapper with him. You tried to seem as relaxed as possible when Smoker walked back to you " You can hand her over to me. The weight isn't good for your injuries." he said and you raised an eyebrow " How-" " Your arms are bandaged, shaking and rick of medicine." he explained making you let out an " Oh." you looked at the little girl " Do you want to let the mister carry you?" you asked her but she shook her head and you gave a shrug to the man who shook his head and lowered himself to the level you were holding the girl " Listen here kiddo, the miss is hurt and a bit tired. Don't you think we should let her rest?" he asked her and the girl looked from him to you then back at the man before extending her small arms to him.

She had quickly fallen asleep " You're pretty good with kids." you said giving Smoker a smile " SANA!" yelled a woman before the man could say anything, the woman run up to the girl, the Marine from before running behind her " Thank you! Thank you so much for finding and looking after my daughter!" she thanked the Marine as she took the girl in her own arms " No problem madam, you should also thank the miss here. She was the one that found your daughter and helped her look for you." he said and you gave the woman a smile as she thanked you " I couldn't exactly leave the girl alone." you said and the woman hugged you tightly.

" Would you like to join me for something to drink?" asked the man sounding a bit hesitant ' Crap...I need to leave and find Luffy and get away from the Marines but...IT WOULD BE SO RUDE TO SAY NO!' you thought feeling guilty " I'm sorry but I have to go. Maybe if we see each other again I'll join you." you said and Smoker nodded " Understandable. Be careful and do not push yourself." he said eyes going to your arms " CAPTAIN SMOKER!" yelled another Marine making the man give him a slight annoyed look " What is it? What are you yelling about?" he asked the out of breath soldier " It''s urgent...he...he was spotted in this town!" said the Marine trying to catch his breath " He? Who?" asked the white haired male " FIRE FIST ACE HAS BEEN SPOTTED HERE IN NANOHANA!" he yelled.

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