A Doll For The Master

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“ I hate this!” you cried at the back of the small boat Franky had crafted “ Mini Merry” but your group did not seem to hear you so you slucked watching Sunny grow further and further away. The boat crashed on something and you were shot forward, unlike your crew mates you were shot further away. You managed to land on your feet and looked around. A large flower garden with dead flowers weeds and thorns everywhere “ HOW DID I END UP ALONE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!?” you cried out and a shiver run down your spine “ You’re not alone miss. We’re here with you.” said an awfully sweet voice.

You turned around “ Ugh, it’s just one little doll.” you sighed seeing a small porcelain doll, you picked her up “ Do you have a cord? A button?” you asked twirling her around your hands “ Unhand me you stupid bitch!” said the doll bitting your hand “ Ouch!” you cried letting her go “ You think you’re so charming but you’re just a stupid bimbo.” spat the doll and you stared at her in more shock than fright which quickly changed when more and more dolls started crawling their way out of the gardens mud

With a cry you started running, the plants stared blocking your way and you cut them down but that gave time to the dolls to start catching up to you, they jumped up on you, cursing at you and throwing vile insults your way “ Children, children this is not a nice way to play.” came an elderly voice. Immediately the dolls dropped and you lifted your gaze up, in front of you was an elderly lady, wearing a victorian gown and fancy jewels “ Child did you cut my precious plants?” she asked but you could not answer, you were completely focused on her stitched up face and golden eyes “ Child!” she yelled making you jump “ I apologise miss, I was in a panic looking for my way out.” you said and she approached you.

’ I’m scared.’ you thought flinching when she grabbed your hands “ What a honest girl you are.” she said smiling softly at you making you relax “ I can make you into the perfect doll for Master Moria.” she said cupping your face “ Master Moria?” you mumbled recognising the name “ Yes, we must hurry. Before he awakes. Oh how happy he will be!” she cheered clapping her hands together.

You pushed her away, hands going to grab your blades but you didn’t manage too. Thorny vines were holding your hands “ No! No! What are you doing!? I have to teach you, yes , yes. I have to teach you better.” she said turning her back to you and you struggled to free yourself as plants circled your body and more and more dolls started climbing on you.

Fainting from fight was not on your check list, you found yourself tied in a fancy chair, your clothes had been changed ( pin.it/4l17q1oI0 ) ‘ I’m feeling dizzy.’ you thought trying to adjust your blurry vision “ Oh there is my sweet girl” you heard the woman “ Here sweety drink this.” she said placing a teacup near your lips. You took a sip and immediately turned to the side and spat it out looking in horror at the still alive worm crawling away “ YOU CRAZY HAG DID YOU JUST TRY-“ your head snapped to the side. Your cheek ached and you could feel blood in the inside of your mouth “ YOU NEVER DO THAT! WHAT KINDA MANNERS DO YOU HAVE!?” she screamed at you and you glared at her as she raised her hand again.

The plants holding you had turned from normal vines to throned ones, the woman had been trying to teach you “ manners”, trying to feed you rotten or bug filled food and when you refused to eat it or your answers to her questions were not satisfactory you would get hit. At first she just slapped you but once she felt like it wouldn’t do anything she started hitting your arms and legs with a pointing stick. The fabric of the dress had already stared to get stained from the blood running from the cuts  “ Now, when Master Moria comes to greet you what will you do?” she asked “ Bow my head and greet him with the outmost respect.” you breathed out, blood running out of your mouth “ Such a good girl. Here, your mother is gonna give you these back.” she said placing the red bead bracelet on your hand “ Thank you mam.” you breathed out feeling small relief wash over you.

A sharp cry ripped from your throat as she slammed the pointing stick on your thighs “ Mother! It’s mother! Why did you stop calling me that!” she asked hitting you again “ WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BRAKE MY HEART LIKE THAT!?” she screamed. The chair rocked from the impact and your cheek was now bleeding “ I’m going to bring another set of pastries. I also have to make the preparations for the ceremony.”  she said leaving you alone once  again “ Fuck, that crazy bitch. I hope the others are fine….They are quick on their feet.” you mumbled feeling drowsy.

You quickly snapped out of it ‘ She’ll be gone for a while.’ you thought, clenching your teeth you started pulling your hands from your restrains ‘ Don’t stop! No matter how much it hurts don’t stop!’ you thought and gasped freeing your hands. You quickly grabbed a knife from the table and cut the restrains from your legs, but actually walking was a challenge but even if you had to crawl out of there you would.

Opening the door you froze and eyes widen “ Kishishishishi my sweetness I have been waiting to meet you for so long and here you are now coming to me.” said the terrifying looking man grabbing your arm “ Let’s go, you have to meet the others! And then we have to get our preparations done.” he said “ W-what preparations?” you mumbled “ For our engagement of course!” he said blushing at down at you “ I’M ALREADY MARRIED!” you cried out pulling your hand away ‘ I never thought I would say that.’ you thought backing away.


At the same time the Mc is getting tortured in Thriller Bark, Ace is getting tortured in Impel Down. 

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