Arrivals And Departures

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Once he reached the  shore Ace spotted Shanks and his crew a little further drinking. He was greeted rather warmly from the red haired " It's  been a while Ace. What brings you here? Ah come on grab a drink." said Shanks handing him a glass " I would love too but I'm  in a bit of a hurry. " said the freckled male taking out the fruit " OH! The fruit! Thank you for bringing it but I would have preferred it if my new buddy would have showed up. Where is she?" asked Shanks taking a sip from his drink. Ace frowned " I don't  like that look." said the red haired " Actually....I came here to ask for your help." said Ace and started explaining everything that had happened. It was silent for a few seconds.

" Shanks, even if you disagree I would like to go and get the girl back." said Ahote looking at his captain " I see. What would made you think that I wouldn't  agree? She's my buddy after all and I haven't  had the chance to have a drink with her yet." he said getting " You'll  do it!?" asked Ace hopefully and the Yonko nodded.

' How is that possible? How did I not die? WHY DID I EVEN DO THAT!?' you thought laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling while King got dressed " You should take a bath as well. I have already prepared it. If you can't do it on your own I can help you." he said leaning over you and brushing some of your hair aside " T-thanks but I think I can manage on my own." you said a heavy blush on your cheeks " I have to go and discuss somethings with Kaido-sama." he said placing a kiss on your forehead and  heading towards the door. He opened it to get out and stopped for a second " Don't think of going out." he said his tone dropping as he sent you a warning glare and you nodded you head. Once he closed the door and you were sure he wasn't outside you grabbed a pillow, covered your face and let out a loud scream of frustration.

King wouldn't  let you out of the room except to go to Queen for your arm and leg.You had no idea what Queen had been putting in your system the past couple of days but your leg was healing rather quickly, you could not run and you were still limping but you didn't have the urge to scream in pain with every step you took " I'm not going to heal your arm." he said and you raised an eyebrow " Why?" you asked him and the man smirked " Cause you're an shitty brat and you deserve to stay in pain." he said and laughed " HEAL ME YOU FATSO!" you yelled pulling his braid " SUFFER!" he yelled back pulling your cheeks. Who'swho entered the room and cleared his throat " Kaido-sama told me to come and get her." he said and Queen huffed and pushed you to the door " TAKE HER! TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" he yelled. The Dobiropo gave you a look " How you always manage to get him this mad is beyond me." he said.

The two of your walked together until the man suddenly stopped, you turned to look at him and you made a face finding him a little to close for comfort ' What's  his deal?' you thought as he leaned down " So you and King had a good time?" he asked moving the collar of your shirt aside with one of his fingers and exposing an area where your skin had turned a deep shade of red. You stared at him in a mix of horror, surprise and embarrassment " Look I know I have made some choices that would make my mother beat the crap out of me but...BUT I don't need anyone to judge me for it, I'm doing enough of it myself." you said and the man chuckled " Just didn't thought he would make a move. " he said and started walking again, this time a little faster making it hard for you to catch up with your injured leg" What did Kaido want?" you asked trying to catch up " His visitor is here and he asked you to meet him." he said and you stopped ' Crap. The chicken!' you thought silently turning the other way while the man kept talking " Seems like the Shichibukai is quiet fond of you. Do you kno- COME BACK HERE!" he yelled seeing you at the end of the hallway.

You did your best to run away from him but the man, unlike you, had a pair of well functional legs so he  managed to catch up to you rather quickly " LET ME GO DAMNIT! CALL IN SICK I'M NOT GOING NEAR THAT FEATHERED CREEP!" you yelled as you trashed around. Who's who threw you in a room, as you tried to protest and get out the door he closed it harshly  and locked it.

" Mufufufu lively as always~" came a voice that made you grit your teeth ' This Guy...' you thought turning to face the Shichibukai. Donflamingo was sitting close to Kaido his head resting on his fist, you noticed that the room was messy and that King was behind Kaido glaring at the blond man ' Did they fight?' you thought feeling intensity in the air. You threw a glare at Donflamingo " That's not a very warm welcome." he said with a chuckle " So just like we agreed." he said turning to look at the Yonko " In exchange for the Smiles I will be taking her back to Dressrosa with me." he said and Kaido nodded " But once I call for her you will bring her back. I believe I can trust you Jokèr." he said and the blond nodded " I can reassure  you about that." he said and you sweatdropped ' That is not a reassuring face.' you thought.

Their words suddenly sank in " Wait who is going with him?" you asked " You." said Kaido and you nodded " Ah me.  I see- LIKE  HE'LL-" you stopped a smirk making it's  way to your face ' No no. This is great. Once away from Wano I can escape and return to Oyaji.' you thought as the Yonko waited for you to protest more. Your cheerful mood was ruined by Doflamingo's chuckles " You probably thought that you can escape once we're  out of here." he said walking up to you " But we're  prepared for that." he said and you felt something around your wrists, raising your hands you found two golden cuffs "If you move a few meters away from me  those will explode. It won't kill you but it will cost you an arm." he said shaking your arm by your finger, you snatched the limp away.

You could feel Kings rage, thankful it wasn't directed to you but to the blond an standing in front of you, Doflamingo casted a glance towards the All-star and wrapped his over your shoulders " Your swords are already  on their way to Dressrosa. We should head out as well." he said " Wait." called King and the Shichibukai raised an eyebrow " Shouldn't  we check if the product actually works before you receive your ' payment'?" spat King and the blond nodded " I don't see why not." he said sitting back down and patting the spot next to him, King glared at the man and you found a place to sit.

One of the lower ranking  members was called " Eat it." commanded Kaido and the member looked at the fruit hesitantly " Didn't you hear me?" said the Yonko and the crewmember shoved the whole fruit in his mouth. He let out a groans as a pair of hairy legs started growing at the base of his waist, his legs just dangled there as a pair or large fangs grew at the side of his mouth and a couple of eyes appeared at random spots on his face ' Sp-spSPIDER!' you thought in disgust letting out a small yelp and jumping on the back of the nearest person when the new Smiley user took a dizy step towards your direstion " See it works." said Doflamingo wrapping  an arm around you to keep you in place and Kaido let out a satisfied laugh " He looks ridiculous. " you mumbled taking a peak over the tall man's back .

" Now then. We'll  be on our way." said the blond getting up and you felt your legs stick to his back ' Strings.' you thought trying to move your legs but failed to do so " Wait. Wait a minute!" you said as the man walked to the window " I'll  contact you once the neck bunch is ready." he said before jumping out with you holding on to him for dear life. You hesitantly opened your eyes when you noticed that you weren't  falling " You seem surprised." said the man as you looked around " I guess a bit. Where is your ship?" you asked and the man chuckled " There." he said motioning to a pink ship ' Flamingo....seriously?' you thought as he landed.

" Doffy you're  back. So this is the woman you mentioned?" asked a black haired man with snot running down his nose " Ne  ne  Doffy  what did you even find in her?" he asked ' Look who's  talking.' you thought as the man started leaning extremely close to you " Too close." you and the blond man said as you leaned back and he pushed the mucus  man away " Well then let me show you to our room." said the blond and you raised an eyebrow " Our?" you asked " Exactly. Walk up to the side of the ship." he said and you did just that but stopped when you heard the bracelets letting out a small ticking sound, your eyes widen as realisation  kicked in. Your body suddenly flew back and you found your back against Doflamingo " If you stray too far away from me, your lovely hands will be blown to bits." he said running his hands down your arms and leaning down " So we should keep you close." he whispered in your ear.

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