It's Yours? No It's Not

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A month had went by like a flash and you had now recovered fully " Shouldn't you be asleep? What are you thinking about-yoi?" asked Marco as you sat outside smoking " Ace said we will be reaching shore soon." you mumbled staring at the sea water " Ah Yea, can't wait to stretch my feet on the ground-yoi." he said laying his back on the railing and you gave a small smile " What's with the face-yoi?" he asked pulling your cheek a bit " It's just that I recovered and now we're reaching shore so that means that I'll have to....leave." you said and the man turned too look at you. He let out a hum " You know when you're part of a crew you can't just leave. Didn't we teach you anything all this time-yoi?" he asked and your head shot towards him " Part?" you asked eyes watering " Well it was supposed to be a surprise and we would make it official tomorrow. But I guess knowing a few hours earlier won't be any harm-yoi." he said pulling out a shahs " MARCO!" you cried wrapping your arms around the man.

He laughed patting your back " Quiet,quiet you're gonna wake up the other's-yoi." said the blond while you held yourself on him with your arms and legs wrapped around him " Gurararara. Marco, you really can't keep a secret when it comes to these things." said the captain of the crew and you both turned to look at him " Oyaji, did we wake you up-yoi?" asked Marco and the older man shook his head " No. I just wanted to take some fresh air. I always wanted a daughter." he said looking down at you " Whitebeard." you sobbed happy tears running down your face " Call me Oyaji from now on." he said and you jumped from Marco to him " OYAJI!" you yelled and the man laughed again.

" YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WAIT FOR US DAMNIT!" yelled Ace irritated " I had to cheer her up somehow. Look at her now." said the vlond and Ace turned to give you a look. A smile was on your face and sparklers in your eyes as Izo helped you tie the shas around your waist, with the simplified version of the jolly roger hanging from the side of your hip " Yea she looks pretty happy." replied the boy and Thatch placed his arm over his shoulder " My my what is that I see in your eyes Ace boy?" he asked with a teasing smirk " There's something in my eyes?" asked the black haired male confused making the cook sweatdrop " Not literally." he sighted.

Once you set on the port you got ready to run off " Not so fast." said Izo holding you by the shas " You need to be careful alright, of marines and the like. Try not to get yourself into trouble since you can't fight." he said " But I can fight and you taught me how to shoot too." you said and the older man crossed his arms " Do you have a gun?" he asked " No." you replied rubbing the back of your head " Then be careful!" he huffed " She's gone." said Vista pointing at cloud of smoke you had left behind.

In the end you found yourself in a small tavern along with a few other Whitebeard members, someone that got your attention was a really long legs man that had even longer arms " His from the long legged and long armed tribe. That's hella weird cause these two tribes have been in conflict for years." said one of your companions while you took note of it in a small journal " I'm the best sword man and the best shooter around here~ My charm and my accomplishments pass from ear to ear~" he said in a sing song voice while pulling out to blades connected with a long chain. Someone threw a bunch of fruit at him and with a flick of his wrist he cut them all in half, someone else threw a couple of plates at him, with a flick of his finger the lid at the handle of one of the swords opened and shots were fired. The man caught the plates who had a hole in the middle of them and presented them at the crowd " As you can see~ There is no better man than me in shore or sea~" he said as some people clapped.

" I want those swords." you said with shining eyes " Yea good luck with that, they look like a rare fi- And she's gone." said you crewmate seeing you approaching the man " Hey, you're good in sword play and sniping but what about something else?" you asked him and the man crouched down to your level " Something else? Of course I can do more than anyone else. What would the young lass want to request?" he asked and you pointed at his swords " Let's bet your swords in a game." you replied and the man laughed throwing his head back " Little girl wants to challenge me? Watch it because you may bleed." he said in a warning tone and you shook your head " No, no I don't want to fight so how about we gamble instead?" you asked the man.

He looked at you up and down before noticing the symbol on your clothing " A gamble you say?" he asked and you nodded " And what will I gain when I win? After all my victory can be foreseen." he said and you gave him a shrug " Whatever you want." you replied and hearing that your crewmates panicked a bit " Oi (Y/n) you can't just make an offer like that. Someone might take advantage of that!"  said one but the long limed man had already decided " I would never do such a thing. How about if you lose you spend the night with me?" he said with a smirk " YOU JUST DID!" yelled your crewmates while pointing an accusing finger at the man. You smirked " Sure. But that ain't gonna happen cause you're gonna lose and I'll be taking those cool swords." you said " I'm gonna go call one of the others." said a crewmate and another one nodded.

Ace burst threw the entrance of the bar in worry only to find you sitting on the long limed man who was crouching on the ground like a stool with only his underwear, while you smoked and counted some bills " After she won the first time he tried to fight her.....Izo was wrong she knows how to fight just fine." said the crewmate that had stayed behind, spotting Ace you jumped off the man who fell to the ground " Yo, Ace. What brings you here?" you asked and the boy straighten up " I just came to see how were you doing....but it seems like I didn't really have to worry." he mumbled the last part.

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