Sickness Is The Worst Enemy

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" BY THIS TIME YOU GOT TO BE CHEATING!" yelled Blamenco as he threw his cards down " You got any proof?" you asked with a smirk and the man frowned " Well no....BUT THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE GOOD AT IT!" he yelled whiled Mihar tried to calm him down. Izo called you and you laid your cards down revealing a perfect hand " Later losers." you teased going to see what the male wanted you. Izo gave you a smile " Hey it seems like two crew members caught a cold and Marco wanted me to ask you if you could cover the lookout shift for them." he said " Sure I don't mind." you said and he thanked you

You glared at nothing as your teeth clattered " I'm gonna freeze to death. How cold is a Winter Island?" you mumbled " Very cold. That's why I told you to wear warmer clothes." said Marco holding an extra blanket and two steaming mugs " Deuce is looking over the them while I take a small break, figured we could keep each other company." he said and you made room from him as well " HOLLY SHIT YOU'RE WARM!" you said and the male let out a yelp " And you're freezing!" he said turning one of his arms to a fire wing and swinging it around you " Here, last thing we want is you getting sick." he said " Cause you care so much about me?" you teased with a smile " No you're the most troublesome to deal with." he said turning his head the other way  " EEEHHH?!" you whined and he nodded " You refuse to take your medicine. You smoke even when I tell you that you have to heal first. And you run off to do your own thing." he said and kept listing while counting with his fingers.

Pouting you said nothing and the blond laughed " And because I care for you." he said smiling down at you " I care...too much for you." he said and you stared at him. Marco let out sight, a relaxed yet uneasy smile on his lips " I know about you and Ace." he said taking hold of your hand  and your face flushed " He told me about it because....I also have feelings for you." he said still looking at you while rubbing your wrist with his thumb " I also wanted to let you know. I thought about waiting for a little while more because I didn't want to overwhelm you...." he said and you tried to avoid his gaze. The man suddenly felt shy " I know that I may not be as attractive as hi-" " YOU'RE PLENTY ATTRACTIVE!" you said and then smacked your cheeks trying to get yourself back together " It's not that you're not handsome I just...." you mumbled " Trying to figure some things out," he said and ruffled your hair " I know. So I don't mind waiting, though I will start reminding you how much I love you more." he said with a chuckled while your face turned and smoke started coming out of your head.

" you told her as well." mumbled someone and you both turned around to see Izo standing at the edge of the mast, your brows fround in concerns, his skin looked pale and his cheeks were red with sweat gathering on his forehead " Then I should let her know as well how I feel-" his eyes closed and he lost his balance falling backwards " IZO!" you both yelled as you dashed forward and grabbed him, using the chain connecting your swords to slide down the mast you took a look at the male in your arms. He was panting heavily and he clenched his eyes shut " You're burning up." you said placing your hand on his forehead " I love you." he panted " Yea if someone saved me from turning one with the deck I would love them too." you said as Marco landed next to you " No! I love you! I really...really love you." he said panting and you shushed him " He has a fever." you said as Marco placed his hand on Izo's forehead, his eyes widen and he lowered the man's kimono revealing patches of blue. That moment Deuce ran out of the infirmary " MARCO I GOT BAD NEWS! YOU GOT TO HURRY INSIDE!" he yelled and the blond nodded taking his friend in his arms and running inside. 

Almost everyone in the crew had gotten some type of disease that was unknown to you, the only people that hadn't gotten sick were you, the two doctors, Thatch, Whitebeard and his nurses and Kotatsu " So as you understand the situation is dire." said Marco " We need to find this flower." said the blond showing you a drawing of the flower " This flower is found only and in large amounts in winter islands. So Deuce, Thatch, ( Y/n) and Kotatsu. You will be going at the island up ahead to get it. There is no time for joking around. Please hurry and be careful." he said and you all nodded.

Your boots dug in the snow " If anyone doesn't feel well let me know. We should find the flowers at the inside of the mountains " said Deuce pulling his kit out of the boat and pointing at a volcano like shaped mountain, your little group started advancing towards the mountains of the island, you started climbing and then it started snowing " Keep climbing a little further and we will find refuge in one of the caves!" said Deuce and you nodded following the path. Hiding inside the cave Thatch started pouring some warm soup and after serving he sat a little further from the rest of you " Thatch?" you asked approaching the man and he raised his hand up " S-sorry but it seems like I got it too." he said removing his gloves.

" Come close to the fire!" said Deuce and you helped the brown haired male stand up " Your fever is not to high. But I don't think that you should move much." said the doctor and Thatch let out a weak chuckle " I'm sorry. I wasn't feeling well for a while now but I didn't want us to stop because of me." he said while you took off your coat and covered him with it. Minutes turned into hours and it looked like the snow wouldn't stop " This is bad." grumbled Deuce seeing the weather outside " I'm going." you said and the male looked at you like you were crazy " ARE YOU NUTS! YOU CAN'T GO OUT IN A SNOWSTORM!" he yelled but you were already getting ready " Don't worry I'll be fine. Kotatsu will be with me as well. Right buddy?" you asked the animal patting it's head. Deuce was ready to protest but Thatch cut him off " There is no way you can change her mind. She'll pull it off and then get scolded." said the cook and you kneeled next to him extending your fist to him " I'll be back before you know it. So hang in there." you said and Thatch smiled giving your fist a little bump " Be careful and come back safe." he said and you nodded.

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