Going To Fix The Mary

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You may have taken that little defeat from Aokiji a bit more seriously than the others, your senses were back to normal and you had began activating ‘ Holly Drive” on your own “ Move aside Marino.” spat Sanji to Zoro who was blocking his way “ I wanna take this cold dessert to ( Y/n)!~swan.” he sang only for the swordsman to click his tongue “ She’s doing more important things….but sweets might cheer her up.” he thought as your eyes turned gold again “ Yea so MOVE!” grumbled the blond pushing the swordsman to the side “ ( Y/n)~swan I made you something sweet~” he sang presenting you the small bawl “ Ah thank you. It’s so good!” you said taking a bite and feeling more fresh “ Only the best for you!” gushed the cook. 

The ship rocked at you managed just in time to save your treat from spilling “ What are you doing?” you asked going to the front “ (Y/N) QUICK CALL OVER THAT FROG SO WE CAN BBQ HIM!” said Luffy “ I’M NOT LETTING YOU EAT HIM!” you barked, the ship followed the frog and stopped in front of it, the crew turning to talk to it while you turned the opposite direction feeling something approaching “ Nami I think that we should move out of the way.” you said tagging her hand “ Huh why- BACK BACK TURN 180 DEGREES!” she called and once the crew spotted what was coming your way they moved Merry back.

Shielding your eyes from the salty air and water the train threw you turned to the frog “ WAIT FROG GET OUT OF THE WAY!” yelled Luffy “ What is that a ship? Impossible with it’s shape it shouldn’t be able to sail.” wondered the navigator “ It’s a train and normally they don’t!” you pointed out as it sent the poor frog flying ‘ But normal doesn’t apply here.’ you thought. 

A blond girl with gravity defying braids came out of the lighthouse “ GRANNY THIS IS BAD! PIRATES ARE HERE!” she called, an old lady stumbled out “ Someone came out! She’s calling for reinforcements.” said Zoro ready to jump but you placed a hand on his chest “ What were you screaming about? I forgot.” said the old lady “ YOU’RE TOO DRUNK!” yelled the swordsman and sniper. Sanji gave the little girl and the drunk Lady some crackers and after you tried to take the little girls cat ( which you were sure it was a bunny ) Nami placed you under ship arrest “ That’s what you get.” teased Zoro and you stuck your tongue out. Kokoro handed Nami a map “ Here, it’s a simple map of the island and a letter of recommendation. Let these guys restore your ship to full shape. Also Water 7 is big so be careful not to get lost.” warned to old Lady “ We plan on going back to Water 7 soon.” said Chimney and looked at you “ Next time try not to steal my cat Big sis.” she said and you nodded feeling a little embarrassed.

“ Luffy leave the carpenter search to me, I’ll find us a real babe.” said Sanji and the captain shook his head “ Stupid. We need a super big man to be our mechanic!” he whined like a little kid “ That’s too much Luffy he won’t be able to fit into our small ship. ( Y/n) tell him!” protested Usopp and you looked the other way “ It’s no business to me, I’ll most probably be leaving you there.” you said “ NO!” yelled Luffy wrapping his limbs around you “ NO NO NO! YOU’RE MY NAKAMA! I’M NOT LETTING THE ICE DUDE TAKE YOU!” he whined “ I have to go home!” you argued back trying to push him away “ NO!” he yelled again “ STOP BEING SUCH A BRAT!” you spat.

The only way to get Luffy off you was to get into the shower ( pin.it/7F0SkeC ) changing your clothes you headed outside “ VENICE!?” you called out in surprise as Luffy wrapped an arm around your waist like a rope “ Are you for real?” you asked him and he nodded frowning. The people of the town were pretty nice telling you were to dock and one asked if you wanted to rob him. Duo to his hold on you, you ended up following Luffy, Usopp and Nami to town, at the entrance to the city you came across a shop “ Bull rental?” you read “ What’s that for?” asked Nami “ Maybe a bulldog? No that’s unlikely.” mumbled Usopp.

Luffy marched forward “ EXCUSE ME WE WANT TO RENT A BULL.” he announced “ WAIT! FIND OUT WHAT IT IS FIRST!” the three of you yelled at him “ You want to rent a bull? How many people?” asks the owner “ Four.” said the captain and the man nodded “ What type do you want? There are 3, since there are four of you how about 2 Yagara?” proposed the owner “ Okay please make it extra crispy.” said Luffy “ YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT IT!” you yelled at him.

After small instructions you got on the Yagara, you sat with Luffy on top of the sack of gold “ Is something on your mind?” asked Nami “ It’s just that….this place looks like a city back at where I’m from. Venice, the water, the type of masks the people wear….” you mumbled “ Are you from that place?” asked Usopp and you shrugged “ I…don’t remember where I am from.” you admitted and Luffy tagged your arm “ What does that even matter?! You’re here so I don’t care about anything else.” he grumbled and you clicked your tongue “ You’re such a child.” you huffed.

“ 100 MILLION BELLY!” screamed Usopp hearing the offered price “ KEEP IT DOWN! DO YOU WANT US TO GET ROBBED!” you yelled at him “ YOU’RE REALLY GIVING US THAT MUCH MONEY!?” asked Luffy and you kept scolding the duo to keep quiet, Nami softly tapped your shoulder and you understood from her look what she wanted. You straighten up as she slammed her leg on the table “ I have four things to tell you mr. appraiser. Number one this guy here has a bounty of 100 million on his head.” she said pointing at Luffy “ Two, this right here is her Royal Highness Queen of Dressrosa, wife of one of the Shichibukai.” she said pointing at you and you let out a bit of your Haki just to intimidate the man, who after taking a good look at you started turning pale “ Three, I don’t think the offer you made us is good enough. Four, If you lie again, she’ll cut your head off.” she said and the man turned to look at you, you send him a smile that could be described as sweet if it weren’t for the dark aura you were emitting and your blade peaking out.

You smiled seeing the trio laugh and roll in the pile of cash, you had seen bigger treasure on your time with Whitebeard, “ It’s kinda scary to think that I’m holding 100 million.” mumbled Usopp looking left and right “ Don’t swing it like that.” you said to the captain who was swinging his suitcase back and forth, it slipped from his grasp ready to fall in the water, both sniper and navigator dove after it only for it to be caught by the rubber man. You took a step back not wanting to be caught in the middle of Luffy’s beating as the two came out of the water “ DO IT AGAIN AND I’LL BEAT YOU FOR GOOD!” yelled Nami “ AND I’LL BREAK ALL YOUR TEETH!” screamed Usopp.

Arriving at the shipyard Luffy began to head out “ EXCUSE ME!” he called going over the fence “ GO FROM THE FRONT DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!” you yelled and sighed “ I’m going to lose my voice if he keeps this up.” you mumbled “ Your vocal cords will get used to it.” said Usopp patting your back. A guy with a long nose and a cap popped out of nowhere guiding Luffy outside, Nami handed him the letter “ Oh a letter of recommendation from Mrs.Kokoro.” said the man “ Are you old?” asked the captain referring to his manner of speaking “ I’m 23.” he answered “ 23! But you sound so old!” noted Usopp and the man chuckled “ I get that a lot.” he said and you gave him a smile “ Do you know who Iceburg is?” you asked and the man looked at you, he stayed silent for a few seconds before snapping out of his thoughts “ How can I not? Iceburg is the mayor of Water7. He is also the head of Galley-La.” he explained.

The trio looked in shock as the carpenter dove off a cliff to go and get a look at the Merry “ Do not worry. Do not underestimate our carpenters. In order to repair any ship in the fastest speed and yield the best results we don’t hire just your average person.” said a man with purple hair, next to him a blond woman with the stereotypical appearance of a secretary “ Kalifa.” he addressed her “ Yes the investigation is complete. Straw hat Luffy, Pirate Hunter Roanoa Zoro, Demon Child Nico Robin, combined their bounty is 239 million belly. They started from East Blue and they currently have 7 members. With them the Queen of Dressrosa who was kidnapped by Crocodile a few months ago and later on by the Strawhats.” she announced and you gulped “ Damn….they sure know a lot.” you said.

” I am the head of this city Iceburg and this mouse I adopted a few moments ago is…Tyrannosaurus. Please get him food and a cage.” he said the small white creature popping from his chest pocket, you gushed over it, jumping over the fence to pet the animal with your finger “ AW LOOK HOW CUTE YOU ARE! NUZZLED UP IN YOUR LITTLE POCKET!” you gushed as the man tried to avoid looking at you his face growing redder as Kalifa announced his meetings for the day “ I DON’T WANNA!” he complained and the blond nodded “ I’ll cancel all of that.” she said and you frowned.

the man whined as you pinched his cheek “ Hey! You’re the mayor of this city! Privileged or not you have to be responsible with your job!” you scolded him “ Okay I’ll go.” he mumbled not sounding to happy with the idea “ HE LISTENED! WHAT ARE YOU? HIS WIFE!?” yelled Usopp taken aback.

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