Business Partner

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You glared at the white dress in front of you " Don't you like it your highness?" asked the tailor and you shook your head " No the dress is beautiful and please don't call me that." you said sitting up from the couch you were laying " Then can I ask what upsets you your highness?" asked the tailor and you clicked your tongue ' The whole fucking situation.' you thought gaze going from the dress to the robot you that busied itself around the room. It had been threw days since Donflamingo had announced your engagement to the people of Dressrosa, he made sure no news of this leaked outside of the country " We don't want any of your little admirers showing up to ruin everything." he had said with that shit eating smirk on his face. 

" Did you try it on?" asked Viola entering the room and you shook your head, the woman pulled you up " Put it on. Come on." she said and you groaned " Sometimes I do not understand you at all." You grumbled. You hated this, you hated the stupid preparations, you hated Viola's and Baby5's excitement, you hated the congratulations of the Dressrosa people and Donflamingo's business partners and most of all you hated that you hadn't found a way to escape. Viola knocked softly at the wall before pulling the curtain " It looks wonderful on you." she said placing her hands on your shoulders in an attempt to cheer you up. You looked at yourself in the mirror " My mother would flip." you mumbled and sighed " We saw it, can I take it off now?" you asked wanting to get out of the dress.

" Looks good." said Donflamingo from the doorway and you clenched your fists " You know it's a sing of bad luck for the groom to see the dress before marriage." you said going to change and the man chuckled " I have planned everything perfectly. Nothing will happen." he said and you scrunched your face " Maybe a sandstorm could blow everything away." you grumbled but before you could put on your clothes another pair of clothing was slide in the changing room  ( ) the colors matched the mans usual pink attire " An important business partner and friend is coming for dinner." said Donflamingo as you changed. The man's smirk widen when you came out and he offered you his hand which you ignored " You and Violet are getting along." he said and you shrugged " I guess, it's either pity for my situation or some sort of twisted gratitude that she's not forced to sleep with her family's murderer." you spat and the man chuckled making your stomach twist " Oh but I didn't force her to do anything. She's part of the family now and I greatly value them, the only thing that I would never tolerate is betrayal. " he said and you scoffed " After you." he said opening the door.

 A tall man was already sitting at the table sipping a drink  " Tesoro I hope you weren't waiting too long." said Donflamingo his arm going over your shoulders " Don't worry about it, partner." said the with fake friendliness, his eyes landed on you " Ah this must be the bride that I have heard so much about." he said taking your hand " It's a pleasure to meet you mister Tesoro." you said begging to give him a handshake but the man leaned down and placed a kiss on your hand " Please call me Gild." he said as you snatched your hand back.

The three of you sat on the table, the two men kept talking about something that you were not interested enough to pay attention too " So how is the Casino going?" asked Donflamingo and that peaked your interest " You own a casino?" you asked Tesoro and the man smiled " The biggest in the world, Grand Tesoro. It's basically a city inside a ship, filled with all the luxuries imaginable." he said and you moved your chair closer " I usually perform there as well. Not to brag but I'm a great singer. If you wish we could play a r-" you had pulled out a worn out pack of cards " Do you wanna go to the casino?" asked Donflamingo and your hand snapped to his direction " Can we?" you asked ' This is the first time she asks me for anything.' he said placing a bite of food in his mouth " Sure if you'll have us." he addressed the second part of the sentence to Tesoro who nodded " Of course. We can leave once we're done." he said and the two men turned to you, plate empty ' Too fast.' they thought sweatdroping.

Tesoro had come with a smaller ship " And what were you doing before you two ended up together?" asked Gild " That depends. Before I came here or when I was back home?" you asked, the man had let it slip that he knew about the travelling " Back in that strange world you come from." he answered " I was a collage student, I was also taking care of my mother....the rest is....a haze." you said looking at the sea. You narrowed your eyes a bit seeing something moving, the boat rocked and you would have fallen out of your seat if the two men didn't rush to grab you. A huge shadow loomed over you and you turned around to meet the gaping mouth of a Seaking, Tesoro took out one of his rings while Donflamingo moved his fingers " NO!" you yelled kicking them behind their knees " Are you both nuts? Poor thing is just hungry! You're hungry aren't you?" you asked the creature taking the pastries from the table and throwing them into it's mouth " Look at you. Who is a good murderous sea creature? You are. Yes you." you cooed petting the Seaking " Go back now." you said and the creature nodded diving back in the water " What are you looking at?" you asked the two men.

Eyes shinning you looked all over the place " That's so freaking cool! Matias would flip if he saw this!" you said as you spun around to look at everything, Donflamingo placed his hand on your head to stop you " Our ride is here." he said and you saw a red haired woman coming out of a white car, a bunch of turtles where the engine was  " Welcome back sir and welcome our honorable guests. My name is Baccarat." she said shaking your hands. Getting in the car you sat at the back in between the two men, you flinched slightly when electricity went threw the car and the turtles, you send a concerned look to the animals " It doesn't hurt them." said Tesoro and you gave a hesitant nod. 

You were having the time of your life, you smirked laying your cards on the table while the people of the table cursed and a few woman surrounded you " She seems to be having fun." said Tesoro sipping his drink and Donflamingo nodded " From what you had told me I thought she would have been more serious." continued the green haired male " I guess she can act immature, it's a nice change of pace from her frowning all the time." he said and frowned seeing you flirt with a woman " You're so good at this." she said and you smirked at her " Maybe it's because you're next to me. I should keep you close since you're my lucky charm." you said giving her a wink and the woman blushed. You were suddenly yanked back and thrown on Donflamingo's lap, a string around your waist " What are you doing?" you grumbled " I can ask you the same thing." he said and you huffed " Having fun. Maybe your feathery ass isn't familiar with that word." you spat and Tesoro cleared his throat " Come on now you two, it was just mindless fun. How about we move to the VIP?" he said getting up and motioning forward.

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