The Warden

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You waved over at your captain who was running away from a bunch of lions “ Hey! Look, I found a new friend. He’s name is Fluf.” you said “ WHY HAVE YOU NAMED IT?!” yelled Buggy and the other man with them, your smile dropped “ FLUF ATTACK!” you yelled pointing at Mister 3 “ I’M SORRY!” apologised the man not really knowing what he had done. A growl was heard and you looked up seeing another amalgamation “ Soumen.” it growled, it started running towards you as it screamed ramen names, Luffy jumped up and hit the animal on the head making it angrier  “ Leave that to me!” you yelled, Fluf run towards the other animal, you rose up to your seat taking out one of your blades you swung it around tying the chain around it and using the force of Fluf running you span it around and slammed it to the ground.

The floor broke and you had to shield your eyes from how bright it was “ Ugh it’s so hot.” you groaned opening up your jacket a bit “ KEEP THE EXPLANATION SHORT DAMNIT!” you yelled at Mister 3 “ YES YOUR HIGHNESS! THIS IS LEVEL 3 THE STARVATION HELL!” he yelled and you sighed “ If we stay here we will end up like that.” said Buggy pointing at a crucified skeleton “ Then lets head to Level 4 already.” said Luffy as a matter of fact “ NO WAY!” yelled the two men “ Fine, let’s just go! We’re losing time!” you huffed.

A scream ripped from your throat as a net appeared under your feet and captured all of you “ IT’S A STEEL NET!” yelled Luffy trying to bite threw it “ IT’S SEA STONE AS WELL!” cried Buggy as you tried to wiggle away, a bunch of guards appeared beneath you “ I’m Saldeath, accept your fate,  resistance is futile!” said a dead eyed white dressed man. The giant animal woke up and started struggling in the net managing to break it “ Now this is our chance to escape.” said Luffy and you followed after him “ Where did those two go?” you wondered only to find them handing over a wooden pole “ Goodbye Strawhat if you meet Ace tell him that we can grab some drinks if he survives.” said Buggy.

” Luffy we’re going up! We have to go the other way.” you said as you and the black haired boy found yourselves going up some stairs. You avoided the attack of some guards waiting for you but your captain got pinned down by the Sphinx “ I came to help!” called over a familiar voice “ ZORO!?” you and your captain yelled but you quickly realised that it wasn’t him. The mysterious person revealed themselves to be Bon Clay receiving a big hug from your captain before the two took care of the enemies, Saldeath pointed at your direction “ Blugori! Get them!” he commanded the animals but they made no effort to move “ Blugori?” he asked turning to the animals “ Get him!” you commanded and they jumped at him.

You clenched your teeth as Bonclay along with Luffy got smashed by the club of an idiotic looking Minator, it was hard to get his attention since he had prioritised the other two. He turned to you raising his club “ ( Y/n) watch out!” called Luffy as you raised your hand up it froze up “ Now hand it over.” you said as it handed you the club. Eyes turning gold you threw the club away “ FETCH !” you yelled and it run after it’s weapon “ Ok we can go.” you sighed eyes turning back to normal “ You can really tame even the most savage hearts.” said Bon and you covered your face “ Ah hush you.” you said helping him climb up a window.

A thick amount of smoke was coming from bellow making it kinda hard to breath “ You can jump down from here but if you miss one step, you won’t just get burnt, you will be putting your life on the line. This is Level 4 The Blazing Hell.” said Bon “ You said there was someone you wanted to meet. What kind of guy will you risk your life for?” asked Luffy and Bon explained. You heard screaming coming closer and closer, turning your head to the side you saw Buggy and Mister 3 being chased by the Minator you had just sent away “ WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BRING HIM BACK!” you yelled as you all took care of the animal “ YOU EITHER COME WITH US OR NOT! YOU JUST KEEP POPING UP AND CAUSING TROUBLE! I ALREADY HAVE ONE TROUBLEMAKER I DON’T NEED ANOHTER ONE!” you scolded the men and they bowed their heads “ We’re sorry miss.” they mumbled and just after that the group started arguing.

Letting out a groan you turned to yell at them again but you found yourself falling “ OH CRAP MY MUGGY BALL WAS TOO STRONG!” cried out Buggy “ NO IT BECAUSE ME PUNCH WAS TOO STRONG!” yelled Luffy “ IT WAS BECAUSE OF MY KICK!” argued Bon Clay “ I’M BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF ALL OF YOU!” you screamed. Miraculously you had managed to survive, you tied your hair up as you tried to not lose it because of the heat “ Over there! Let’s go!” said Luffy grabbing your hand and pulling you along “ I smelled something good!” he said and you pulled him back as you cut down the guards blocking your way “ If I eat something I will be even stronger!” yelled Luffy kicking the rest away.

A purple drop fell and Luffy managed to avoid it “ What is that? Jello? Poop?” he wondered “ You two watch out!” yelled Bon. A giant man jumped down glaring down at your little group “ MAGELLAN!” screamed Bon in fright “ YOU RATS!” screamed the giant man glaring down at you “ STRAWHAT-CHAN YOU CAN’T FIGHT HIM! HE’S IMPEL DOWN’S CHIEF WARDEN MAGELLAN! HE’S GOT THE POWER OF THE DOKU DOKU FRUIT!” yelled Bon Clay. As the chief warden explain that scape was inevitable he transformed getting covered in poison and bunch of serpent like poison coming out of his back.

Eyes turning gold you wrapped a chain around Luffy saving him from getting submerged in poison while cutting down one of the heads. Magellan turned to face you “ You appear to be most troublesome your highness. You will be contained here for now.” he said and you smirked “ Sorry but your establishment doesn’t have the best reviews. If you’ll excuse me I’ll be taking my friends and we’ll be on our way.” you said “ I’m afraid I can’t allow you to do that.” he said. 

He stayed still as you fired your needles at him and let out a cry of pain “ You? Hake?” he spat ripping the metal out of his body, two of the serpents on his back were focused of Luffy “ Chrolo bubble!” called the man blowing out a bubble from his mouth, coming in contact with the fire it exploded and you managed to pull your captain away before he got burned to badly. Tears and snot was coming out of his mouth as he coughed “ Crap cough I can’t fight like this.” he said and you tore a piece of your trousers to cover his mouth and nose “ You?” he asked and you both jumped away as another group of hydras rushed to your direction “ As long as my eyes are active I should be fine.” you said.

Magellan came straight at you, ready to stab you with what appeared to be a stinger, you blocked the attack with your blade, the poison rolling down to the floor, melting it. You dropped your other blade to the ground, having to use both hand to block the stinger, wrapping the chain around your leg you kicked it up slashing the man. As he cried out in pain you wrapped your chains around him, binding him “ Gomu Gomu No Jet Bazzoka!” cried out Luffy smashing his palms against the man’s cut sending him down to his knees.

You both panted and you turned your attention to the boy who cried out in pain “ LUFFY!” you yelled rushing to his side “ It’s ok…” he groaned “ It must be painful, how pitiful.” said Magellan. He sent another poison bubble at you which was conquered by Luffy’s punches. Another Hydra was called and you quickly cut it down, a blotch of poison splashed against your eyes and you screamed in pain falling to your knees. Luffy screamed your name as you tried to wipe it away “ FUCK IT BURNS!” you cried out vision blurred “ You are not the only one with those powers that I have fought.” said Magellan looking down at you.

The smell was horrendous and you could hardly breath, from a little further away you could hear Luffy’s strangled yells, threw blurred vision you tried to get on your feet and send a wave of bullets towards the Warden who this time easily avoided them. Your body gave up on and you fell to the ground “ This is your sentence intruder, you will suffer for 24 hours and then you will truly fall into hell.” he spat looking down at Luffy “ As for you, I hope to get you out of my hands as soon as possible.” he said to you.

The next thing you felt was a cool liquid being poured over your eyes “ We have given her the antidote.” you heard a soldier say as your hands were pulled behind your back and cuffs were put on them “ We’re taking her at the bottom floor, put her with those two guys until they come to take her.” said another guard. You were pulled up and even though you struggled it didn’t do much “ Hey! Stay still! Orders or not I won’t hesitate to beat you if need be!” said the guard shaking you.

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