Finally Out

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Beating the shit out of guards, getting prisoners out of their cages your group advanced upwards “ HEY CRAB GUY WHERE ARE THE STAIRS TO LEVEL 3?” asked Luffy being pointed at the direction, the Bulgori showed up as the tiny head jailer played his staff/flute. You stepped in front of the crowd the animals pausing in their tracks as you raised your hand forward “ WHAT ARE YOU DOING BULGORI!? ATTACK!?” yelled Saldeath as you patted the animals “ Now my cuties.” you said pointing at the shocked guards “ HELP US GET OUT OF HERE!” you yelled and the animals turned around, charging at the head jailer and the guards.

You cried out in sin as a whip wrapped around your arm “ Ah! What a wonderful cry was this!” moaned the woman and you looked at her with disgust “ What kind of lunatic are you ?” you spat ripping your arm away blood running down your hand “ Call me Sadi-chan, how can you steal away my cute servants?” she asked snapping her whip towards you “ MAKE WAY ECCENTRIC GIRL!” yelled Ivan jumping in front of you as Crocodile pulled you away “ What are you doing? I had this under control!” you yelled at the older man as he pulled you along “ Just leave it to Ivan.” he said.

Vice Warden Hanyabal was worth of some respect, you have taken him from a fool at first but now as he desperately tried to fight Luffy “ MY BROTHER’S LIFE IS PRECIOUS TO ME SO MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!” yelled your captain. The guards behind Hanyabal screamed as they were swallowed by a black hole, your eyes widen “ Give it a rest, don’t talk about justice and evil. In this world, no matter where you look. THERE’S NO ANSWER YOU IDIOT!” yelled Blackbeard slamming Hanyabal to the ground, gritting your teeth your eyes turned gold and the skin around them started to crack “ TEACH YOU TREACHEROUS PIECE OF SHIIIIIT!” you screamed getting your blades out and launching at him.

Blades crushing you glared back at golden orbs “ It’s been a while.” said Luda raising her other fist and aiming it to your stomach, you deflected it with your other blade and turned the handled towards her head and fired. Your head shook as she slummed her forehead against your own, sand covered your body  as Luda went to land another punch, Crocodile pulled you back hardening the sand to keep you in place “ LET ME AT HIM! I’M GONNA RIP YOU BOTH TO SHREDS!’ you screamed trying to pry yourself out of your sandy binds “ For one time in your life just stay in place.” grumbled the ex Shichibukai staring at the woman that was smirking down at you.

Luffy started fighting Teach but Jinbe stopped him explaining that what was important right now was to get to Ace. Crocodile kept you in his grip through everything and you screamed at him to let you go “ I won’t be letting go of you until you cool your head!” he said as your group entered the 3rd floor and Ivan stayed back to fight Magellan. The animal guards were there sending the inmates that Buggy had freed into a frenzy but where quickly taken care off by Jinbe, Luffy and Crocodile who was still refusing to let go of you.

Magellan was back on your trail and you realised that the two Okama where probably beat “ I’m calm now.” you said to the Shichibukai and with some hesitation he let you go as Magellan’s hydra came straight for your group. A wall of wax emerged stopping it “ GET GOING! I REFUSE TO BE IN YOUR DEPT!” yelled Mister 3 “ Hmph you never know how powers will interact.” said the man as Mr.3 received everyone’s praise as your captain talked with Jinbe “ ( Y/n) go with Jimbe to steal one of the Marine ships!” he said and you frowned “ No! I’m not leaving you behind with Magellan!” you protested and the boy smiled at you “ I got him this time.” he said.

So you trusted him and followed the Shichibukai and the rest of the escapees, the gates opened and you gritted your teeth “ Of course it wouldn’t be that easy.” you grumbled seeing no ships and no guards, just the Calm Belt unfolding in front of you “ There is no time for your complaining! Magellan told them to set sail just now.” said Jimbe as the prisoners despaired. The fish man pointed forward “ Look, you can still see the outline in the mist. So rest assured, I can get that ship.” he said taking one of the broken doors and putting it on his back as he dove in the water.

Buggy offered you his hand to get you on the makeshift raft only to hear someone clear his throat and found Crocodile looming over him, glaring. With a sigh you just jumped down and with the 4 you on the raft Jinbe took off, soon a cannon ball passed you landing close to the raft, Buggy screamed in fright “ I’ll fire you on a ships deck! Hold tight!” said Jinbe as the fleet became visible “EH! What are you saying you Fish Bastard?” asked Buggy and flinched when you shot him a glare.

The clown continued screaming as more cannon balls approached the little raft “ Why did you even come?” huffed Mister1, feeling the water coming up you braced yourself “ Wha-“ you called out as Crocodile wrapped an arm around you. You were shot up, Crocodile, Mister 1 and you landed on your feet while Buggy crashed on the floor “ THEY CAME TO TAKE THE SHIP! DON’T LET THEM HAVE IT! ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS TOSE THEM IN THE WATER!” yelled one of the shoulders as the rest pointed their weapons at you “All my time here I have never seen a Devil Fruit user die from drowning.” you pointed out.

Unseathing your sword you lightly span it from the chain, you swang it around from low to high. Crocodile and Mr.1 quickly took care of their part  “ Good work men!” cheered Buggy while the ex Baraque Works stared blankly at him “ Why did you come?” asked Mr.1 again. From the Den-Den Mushi Luffy informed you that everyone was with him but Magellan was right behind them and Jinbe told him to keep going “ Aren’t we too far to get them? We won’t even be able to turn the ship in time.” you said worry building up “ ( Y/n)-san please just trust me.” said the fish man offering you a toothy smile.

You watched as Iva’s over side head flew out the prison and bounced on the water “ WHA! SOMETHING IS UNDER THE SHIP!” someone yelled “ Ah they made it, I’m sorry for calling you into such dangerous waters.” sighed the ex Shichibukai and you gushed at the school of whale sharks guiding your friends towards the ship “ You really are amazing Jinbe.” you praised him and the man smiled a small blush decorating his cheeks. 

But in a sense you weren’t out yet, cannon balls were fired at your ship and the Gates of Justice stood firmly shut in your way “ THIS IS HORIBLE! WE CAN’T OPEN THAT!” screamed Mr.2 “ WHAT DO WE DO SHARK?” asked Buggy as the man continued sailing forward “ We cut threw it.” he simply answered “ FIRST PROTECT THE SHIP! PROTECT THE SHIP!” ordered Luffy as everyone did their best to defend “ Why are we only deflecting? This is a battle ship can’t you fire the cannons you useless morton’s?” barked Crocodile and Buggy slammed his foot on a crate “ MY PLAN IS THAT WE FIRE RIGHT BACK AT THOSE BASTARDS!” he declared at the crowd of escapes who cheered.

The large doors started opening making everyone freak out “ WHAT HAPPENED IS THIS A TRAP!?” asked Mr.3 while your captain cheered “ It was Bon Clay.” said Jinbe and explained the okama’s plan “ BON-CHAN DID THAT? BUT HE WAS WITH US AT THE FRONT GATE! ARE WE JUST GOING TO LEAVE HIM BEHIND?” asked Luffy “ We can’t do anything for him right now, even if we manage to turn our time to get Ace will run out.” you reasoned “ But-“ “ WE’VE LEFT HUNDREDS OF PRISONERS BEHIND ALREADY! DO YOU WANT TO GO BACK AND FACE MAGELAN AGAIN? WE’LL JUST LOSE MORE MEN AND TIME! IF SOMEONE DIDN’T STAY BEHIND WE WOULDN’T HAVE A WAY OF OPENING THE GATES.” snapped the fish man.

Pondering he offered the small Den-Den Mushi to your captain “ It’s still connected. The small Den-den Mushi’s range is short, so once those gates are closed the line will cut off.” he explained and without hesitation Luffy picked it up “ BON-CHAN! CAN YOU HEAR ME? WHY DID YOU DO THIS AGAIN? IT’S JUST LIKE LAST TIME! WERE’NT WE GOING TO ESCAPE TOGETHER?” he asked tears filling his eyes “ YOU WERE ALWAYS SAVING ME. IF YOU’RE THERE PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!” he yelled as the escapes started calling out to Bon as well “ THE GATES ARE CLOSING! BON-CHAN THANK YOU!” thanked Luffy “ STRAW-CHAN! MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR BROTHER! IF….IT..S YOU….I’M SURE.” the gates closed and the line cut off as everyone cried over their lost friend.


Hello everyone, I will slowly start updating again. The situation is still bad since I haven’t been able to pay everything and I have the reminders breathing down my neck along with struggling to afford basic daily necessities.

On the meantime I have received a couple of messages here and on Quotev telling me to update the story. I write this for fun and it makes me very happy to read your comments or answering your questions but please do not ask me to update. If I don’t feel like it I cannot do it.

Thank you for your patience and I want to especially thank the people who helped boost my post even if it didn’t really lead to much.

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