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Moria frowned at your claim “ Yea I know that. But I am a far better option and far stronger. I’ll show you right now.” he said grabbing you like you were a doll, you struggled in his hold “ LET ME GO YOU GOTH CHICKEN NUGGET!” you yelled as the man walked threw the hallways, haunted portraits mocking you. He entered a huge room with some coffins in it, a huge light, a sofa for a man his size and next to it a table of the same size and on top of it a cage decorated like a room.

” ( Y/N) HEY LET HER GO!” yelled Luffy from a cage on the floor “ LUFFY!” you called, Moria put you inside the cage and sat on the sofa. In front of the Shichibukai stood four people one being the woman that has been torturing you “ I gathered you all here to see the birth of an exceptionally strong zombie. Let’s celebrate this brilliant moment together!” said the man and gave you a supposedly charming smile making you grimace.

Luffy broke out of his cage or more like ate his way out “ Leave it to me, he’s inside a room. I’ll stop him. Negative Hallow!” she called sending a bunch of cartoony ghosts towards your captain, they phased threw him “ I’f I were to be reborn I want it to be as a sea cucumber. I’m gonna die.” he mopped making your eyes widen “ HEY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!? GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!” you yelled gritting your teeth.

” Let him go!” you yelled as they tied the black haired boy in front of the huge light. Your eyes flashed red and you cried out in pain covering them “ I wouldn’t do that dear, as a precaution I added seeds controlled by my power in your eyes while you were sleeping.” she explained and you gave her a bloodied glare. The light shown on Luffy, Moria grabbed your captains shadow and cut it off with a huge pair of scissors “ I’VE GOT IT! A FIGHTING STRENGTH WORHT 300 MILLION BERI! WITH THIS THE STRONGEST SPECIAL ZOMBIE IN HISTORY WILL BE BORN!” cheered the Shichibukai.

After a report Moria grabbed your cage in one hand while holding Luffy’s shadow on the other. You were taking into a freezing room “ Little Oars?” you mumbled seeing the creature in front of you, as much as you could see “ I’m afraid my honey that you’re wrong. This is Oars! Now let us begin.” said the Shichibukai placing your cage down and raising the shadow in front of the corpse “ Be still Strawhat Luffy’s shadow. I’m your new master! Forget about everyone in your past, you will live as a zombie from now on. I will give you new voice and flesh. Abide my will and become my soldier.” commanded Moria before chuckling as the shadow stoped its struggle “ Contract complete! NOW AWAKEN FROM YOUR 500 YEAR OLD SLUMBER!” he screeched slamming the shadow on the giant’s body.

Tension rised as you all waited, the giant corpse started moving it’s fingers before letting out a yell. But your attention was on the cowardly trio, that had just fallen out of the ghost girl’s zombie bear but Moria’s crew paid them no mind, focused on the giant “ What are you doing?! Run, I’ll find a way to get out of this!” you said as Usopp tried to pick the lock of your cage “ Go!” you said shoving him away. With little hesitation the trio run off “ Now! It’s time to get you ready!” said Moria poking his finger in your cage and making a sad attempt to boop your nose. You bit his finger as hard as you could making him shriek in pain.

“ Ah! You nasty girl!” shriek the woman “ No worries Victoria, I’m sure my darling is just nervous.” cooed the man making you snarl “ LIKE HELL! LAST THING I WANT IS TO MARRY A GIGANTIC CHICKEN THIGH! GO AND FALL ON A DITCH!” you yelled “ For you I would do anything! But not just yet. First I’m gonna crush those rookies.” he said and motioned to Victoria. The cage opened and thorny vines wrapped around your hands, you stumbled being pulled forward “ Come on let’s go. You have to get ready.” said Victoria pulling you along “ I’m gonna beat the shit out of you even if I have to rip my eyes out.” you spat.

You were changed once again ( pin.it/7ur7MUDYj ) “ Stay still!” said a zombie holding a Den-Den Mushi “ Master wants a picture of you.” he said as you struggled, throwing the dolls that were trying to keep you still away from your body. Victoria yelled and cried as you smashed the objects “ STAY PUT YOU FILTHY GIRL!? WHY ARE YOU BEING SO DIFFICULT EVEN ON A DAY LIKE THIS?!” she yelled. Vines wrapped around your  hands and waist posing you for the photo “ I’VE HAD ENOUGH! YOUR BEHAVIOUR AND THOSE WORMS TRYIGN TO CRAWL THEIR WAY INTO MASTER MORIA’S PLANS!” she yelled slapping you “ Why? Why are you doing this? Well at least the picture must have turned out fine.” she said walking to the zombie and taking the photo.

Her eyes widen and she looked mortified “ Who is that? That is not my daughter. IS THIS SOME SICK JOKE TO YOU?” she yelled at the zombie who was backing away “ Madam Victoria you’re having an episode please calm yourself!” it begged “ Ah? Who are you? What an awful creature you are!” she cried covering her face. The vines disappeared and you looked at the woman who was crying on the ground, gritting your teeth you decided to leave her and go find  your weapons “ Have you seen my child? My beautiful daughter, she’s around your age. You see we were going to buy her wedding dress.” she said and you stopped. You could feel the place shaking.

She started wailing, hitting her head on the stone floor and then she stopped “ Ah, yes I remember. Master Moria, he said he’ll help me find her.” she said getting up and dusting herself “ He lied.” you said turning to face her “ What? No! He wouldn’t lie. He promised me that as long as I do as he says. He even fixed my body!” she said voice trembling.

Your eyes started bleeding, red and gold mixing together “ He lied. He used you. For as long as he could. But for us to find our purpose and fulfill it we must be free from the other world.” you said as she cowered “ No. Don’t show me those eyes.” she said backing away “ I’m wondering though. Did you kill your misbehaving daughter or was she the one that killed you?” you asked finally being able to see “ NO! NO! YOU! HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?” she yelled.

Vines were shot at you, dodging to the best of your abilities you ripped apart of your dress “ What would you know? Purpose? What purpose? The only thing I had was my little girl!” she yelled. You were thrown out the window “ ( Y/N)!” called Franky from above and you looked up. Vines came at you from the broken window, using part of your ripped dress you grabbed them and pulled them forward. As Victoria came to your direction you grabbed her head “ You’re a zombie so a good hit in the head should do it.” you said slamming her head down to the roof sending her a few stories down “ ( Y/N)-SAN YOU NEED TO MAKE HER EAT SALT!” yelled Brook throwing you a little bag “ My swords! Have you found them?” you asked and Franky raised them up before throwing them at you.

The duo called out your name a second too late to alert you, vines wrapped around around your waist and you were pulled down. You dropped to the floor with a thud, body aching, dress torn “ You don’t listen, no you can’t listen. You’re not suited for master Moria. He will be heartbroken at first but he’ll understand. So now I’m gonna get rid off you like I did to the awful girl.” she said and your eyes narrowed “ What little remorse I felt for you is gone. I’m gonna send you a hell so deep that not even reincarnation will be able to save you.” you spat 

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